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Regions Air????

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10 Early-

I will try to answer your question directly. The origional question that started this thread was seeking info on Regions Air. Input from past employees there establishes the validity of the comments of current employees and raises counterpoints for any prospective applicant to consider.

They further establish in open forum for all to see the continuing downward trend at Regions Air. It was in fact once a much better place to work than it is now. This is a point that can only be established through the input of former corpexers given the relative lack of longevity that exists there (er, something to be considered by any prospective applicant-why aren't there more long time employees?).

Rehire of the Pace furloughees further establishes the thought pattern among professional aviators that staying to upgrade in a Jetstream-regardless of the merits of the time aquired-is not worth the grievious financial compromise...new hires are not staying to upgrade and management needed experienced jetstream pilots. This situation speaks volumes in and of its self!

This is an aviation website intended to inform our brothers and sisters that are seeking interviews information on specific companies. This thread has brought to the forefront some of the many failings of the management at Regions Air, so many of which you without qualms yourself enumerated.

If I guess correctly I sincerly wish you the best at AirTran. If I am wrong, je regrets and wish you bon chance regardless...but so very few would deny a crew the chance to leave ten early for a nine hour overnight!

I am sorry if these things present problems for you but they are large factors in the bottom line for former, current and prospective employees of any company.
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Something was said earlier, that I've been thinking about..

Needing glass...

What constitutes having glass time?

C-182 with G1000 or CRJ or X or Y or Z?

Glass is.. glass.. ain't it?
Something was said earlier, that I've been thinking about..

Needing glass...

What constitutes having glass time?

C-182 with G1000 or CRJ or X or Y or Z?

Glass is.. glass.. ain't it?

I was thinking 16-24oz curls, but what the prince said works too...


I disagree on your point about the Pace rehires. It more accurately portrays management's lack of foresight in hiring more people, given the recent upswing in hiring industry-wide. They were told for months that we were headed for a pilot shortage, but didn't want to spend the money to train new pilots. The Pace guys needed work, but, hey, they could have delivered pizzas for more money. I can't really say what their thought processes were for coming back (and at least one left VERY soon after retraining) but here they are. The PIC hours (even in a jetstream) must count for something in their reckoning.

As for the original question, what kind of place is it to work..... it is what you make of it. At best, it's a stepping stone, and a wobbly one at that. I seem to remember that you stayed here for longer than you wanted to, but still you stayed. GoJet was hiring, as was Chatauqua, and yet you stayed. There must have been some quality of life, even if it was quick PIC hours. I would tell anyone that was thinking of working here to seriously evaluate what they want out of what is probably their first 121 job, and to remember that there are trade-offs to every airline out there. Seen any happy Delta pilots lately? Actually, I question the sanity of ANYONE looking for a career in 121 aviation lately. Still, I've been bit by the bug, so I am still here.
As for Airtran, some very unfortunate personal circumstances prevent my going there at the very last moment. Oh well, they weren't the best airline offer I ever turned down. I'm still waiting for Nashville Air to start up with their A320's.......................
I guess what I am trying to say is, the horse is dead, put the stick down and enjoy whatever/wherever you are now.

Oh well, they weren't the best airline offer I ever turned down. I'm still waiting for Nashville Air to start up with their A320's.......................

You do that and fly those A320's for piss-poor rates like Sky Bus is proposing out of CMH.

As for the original question, what kind of place is it to work..... it is what you make of it. At best, it's a stepping stone, and a wobbly one at that. I seem to remember that you stayed here for longer than you wanted to, but still you stayed. GoJet was hiring, as was Chatauqua, and yet you stayed. There must have been some quality of life, even if it was quick PIC hours. I would tell anyone that was thinking of working here to seriously evaluate what they want out of what is probably their first 121 job, and to remember that there are trade-offs to every airline out there. Seen any happy Delta pilots lately? Actually, I question the sanity of ANYONE looking for a career in 121 aviation lately.... I guess what I am trying to say is, the horse is dead, put the stick down and enjoy whatever/wherever you are now.

Sorry about AirTran...it's a good gig. Maybe not the best, maybe the future of passenger aviation in ATL, but a good gig nevertheless. Their management seems to have a vision for the future and the will to pursue it...you have to respect that!

Yeah, I stayed too long. Cursed by the timing of my upgrade, just barely on second year pay-one of the last that will ever see it-and picky about where I wanted to go. And this is one of the places that I stay in touch with some of my buddies...kind of a group grief counseling session! Hahahahahha!

Go jets? You got to be kidding me! I wanted nothing to do with that mess. HQ has asimilated enough of HK's tactics, I didn't need any prompting to stay away from something he runs. They do however get their raises...

Right at the end I was considering some other regionals though...just being picky. Having been stuck once I didn't want to get stuck again-either with a long training contract or where the CBA is a thing that management views as a thing to bend or break outright.

You're exactly right. I wonder myself what has become of this industry and how far it will go down...or if it will ever come back. You're very correct in pointing out that it is what you make of it...I had some damm fine times and made some lifelong friends there. There are things that management can't take away!

The things they have taken away have not saved them enough money to justify the current situation. In the face of insane turnover they have sought more things to take away-rather than solve the root problems. In fact if you account for everything they have probably cost themselves more.

I think that I explained it earlier but for the sake of clarity I will do so again...

If you are going to go to Regions Air, have an escape plan. You will thank yourself later.

I don't know about that nashville airbus gig...but good luck out there...we all need it. Every one of us!
Sorry about AirTran...it's a good gig. Maybe not the best, maybe the future of passenger aviation in ATL, but a good gig nevertheless. Their management seems to have a vision for the future and the will to pursue it...you have to respect that!

Yeah, I stayed too long. Cursed by the timing of my upgrade, just barely on second year pay-one of the last that will ever see it-and picky about where I wanted to go. And this is one of the places that I stay in touch with some of my buddies...kind of a group grief counseling session! Hahahahahha!

Go jets? You got to be kidding me! I wanted nothing to do with that mess. HQ has asimilated enough of HK's tactics, I didn't need any prompting to stay away from something he runs. They do however get their raises...

Right at the end I was considering some other regionals though...just being picky. Having been stuck once I didn't want to get stuck again-either with a long training contract or where the CBA is a thing that management views as a thing to bend or break outright.

You're exactly right. I wonder myself what has become of this industry and how far it will go down...or if it will ever come back. You're very correct in pointing out that it is what you make of it...I had some damm fine times and made some lifelong friends there. There are things that management can't take away!

The things they have taken away have not saved them enough money to justify the current situation. In the face of insane turnover they have sought more things to take away-rather than solve the root problems. In fact if you account for everything they have probably cost themselves more.

I think that I explained it earlier but for the sake of clarity I will do so again...

If you are going to go to Regions Air, have an escape plan. You will thank yourself later.

I don't know about that nashville airbus gig...but good luck out there...we all need it. Every one of us!

Ehhhh...RegionsAir is what it is and it ain't much.
They're saabs man, "Send Another Aircraft for Baggage" or "Sweeds Ain't Aircraft Builders" or something like that...they're kind of like jetstreams, only faster and not as loud...and they represent the Regions Air philosophy. "Flying Yesteryear's technology and payscales into the next century, because you let us."
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