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Regions Air????

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Regions is what it is. I'm not going to get into a debate about our contribution to the industry or the quality of our pay. I've spoken to the Captains I fly with and each Captain has a different goal. Some people are looking specifically for that Airline 'X' to hire them. 1,000hrs pic only opens up more doors for you (think outside the airlines). I do disagree, however, with notions that glass time will set someone apart. Whether I'm correct or not is another matter. How many of the copilots flying the RJ's today transitioned smoothly from a C172 to the right seat of a JungleBus?
Regions is what it is. I'm not going to get into a debate about our contribution to the industry or the quality of our pay. I've spoken to the Captains I fly with and each Captain has a different goal. Some people are looking specifically for that Airline 'X' to hire them. 1,000hrs pic only opens up more doors for you (think outside the airlines). I do disagree, however, with notions that glass time will set someone apart. Whether I'm correct or not is another matter. How many of the copilots flying the RJ's today transitioned smoothly from a C172 to the right seat of a JungleBus?

Probably not many C172 pilots had a smooth transition into the RJ, but you got to remember 737, 757, 767 etc, are not RJ's. When you go to the MAJORS they expect you to perform as such, they don't have the time or money to be training you in standard stuff, like FMS, autopilot, glass and such.
I don't fly for a major, I can't say how they train. All I know is that FMS and autopilots weren't designed with Rocket Scientists in mind as the primary users. I really don't see it as a distinguishing factor. Again, I don't do the hiring for major airlines yet. Brk, are you based in CLE?
Yeh, you all raise perfectly valid points..

However, if your goal was an airline that "usually" starts you off in an aircraft with no glass in the pointy end -and there were several people in the "know" that kept telling you to stay where the PIC comes the quickest and they also tell you that a "hands on turboprop" is a decent place to get a start, what would you do?

Decisions in this industry are often made by getting the most information you can and going on that... which, this place is not the best place to get that info.. There are 50 different experts in every thread with 51 different opinions..

Who knows, maybe I made a mistake coming here, but one thing is for certain.. i ate some chicken lips.. :)
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42 things I miss from Regions...the chicken lips...the beds in OWB...40 of the funnest pilots to work with.

You probably never did the MKL overnight-they had the best beds after the remak on the hotel, the concierge upstairs where you could grab a late supper of wings, shrimp or whatever they had and since you left before they opened they would give you some cereal and milk to take to your room for breakfast.

And the Chile Colorado at Margaritas...oh so nice and spicy hot!

Guys, God knows that the jball is the best hand flying experience you can get. I can assure you that automation is not the only the only hurdle to overcome and if others (including me) can do it so can all y'all. I think that it is a resume thing. Those of you there need to look at where the current CAs with their PIC time are going and use that as a factor in your choices. We all know that trends in aviation are transitory at best and advice in this business is like bungholes and worth the discharge thereof...
Yeh, the jball is a barrel of fun at about 500agl with the torque going up and down from 15% to 40% and then back to 15% and then back to 40% all by it's self... SRL went night night...
RegionsAires Disease

Yes, the company is sick. Yes, everyone is demoralized. MX is down several mechanics, and the SAABs are running sporadically. They are getting better, though. The major beef I have here is that MGMT either doesn't have a plan, or they think their plan is good enough that they don't need input from the people who must implement their plan on a day to day basis. They won't share whatever plan they may have, to try and perhaps improve it. Many, many people could have told them that contract MX wouldn't work in CLE for the SAABs, or that you can't run an airline without engines for your planes. No, the big problem here is management that thinks it knows all the answers and is so much smarter than the employees that it doesn't have to listen to them. They won't give department heads ANY authority to carry out their jobs, but want to hold them accountable when they can't get stuff done. It's just demoralizing. Still, no one made us get into aviation, and no one is making us stay here. It is what it is, take it or leave it. I'm sure some whiners could make more money instructing in a 152. I for one am tired of hearing it all. Think like the Pace guys who came back..... they are here to fly and get a small check while they stay current and build some hours, and nothing more. If you left here and are working somewhere else, go dog that company, and remember your time here as dues paid and leave it at that. I guess I'm saying mind your own business and leave us to our misery. Go dog GoJet or whoever.
There my two cents are spent and the soapbox is available again.
There my two cents are spent and the soapbox is available again.

Is two cents worth really possible on FlightInfo? I signed up for the debit card option, it's so easy to swipe through and continue the griping. Joking aside, these are good points you raise. By the way, why are there 5 Jetstreams in MQY without engines? And is anything to come of 138SD aside from being a parts plane?
By the way, why are there 5 Jetstreams in MQY without engines?

Well, I mean, even if they had engines, who would fly them? :) We can't fly the 7 that are in STL..

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