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Regions Air????

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4 Saabs + 2 Plane Schedule = ?????

It either begins with an "F" and ends in "urloughs" or STL will be gaining a couple Saabs over the next few months would be my guess. Oh...and lines for October are getting reduced from 85hr to the standard "PDK" lines
In retrospect, I take it back. I don't think the company will furlough, but I think it's going to be a while before the schedules (at least on the Saab side) get hashed out
You poor SAAB kids and your schedules.. :)

Tell me how you go from 4 - 3 day lines in one base... 5 - 3 day lines in another base... Join the two bases together and wind up with 2 - 3 day lines in the entire company? :)
For someone who was at the company for a whopping 2 months, you know alot about this place..

Seems like that is all that post negative posts about Regions, guys/girls who were here for all of 3 months then left...

That's sorta like watching the first 10 minutes of a movie and walking out and then telling everyone how crappy it was...
You poor SAAB kids and your schedules.. :)

Tell me how you go from 4 - 3 day lines in one base... 5 - 3 day lines in another base... Join the two bases together and wind up with 2 - 3 day lines in the entire company? :)

It's your typical pilot "sob" story :D

As for the movie comment, Tram, I only did that once (Saving Private Ryan)
What a waste! I wasn't going to sit for two hours watching an old guy shuffle around a cemetery! NEXT!

Contract, don't you and "whateverUwant" have a play date today or something? Run along now and let the grownups continue their discussion.
Dougie and Tram

I have been in the airline industry since before you two were born. So, if you would like to speak of play dates.....perhaps the two of you should get together.

As far as RegionsAir, I like some of the folks there, and some, to me are in over their heads. This is not about pilots or flight attendants. I know the pilots who were part of the proving runs, I was there during the proving runs. I was there for the first flight. And maybe, just maybe, I am still there! I know of what I speak, I know there are bumps in the road for RegionsAir. I don't want any of the employees to lose out, get laid off or have the airline go down the tubes. But, there are things that could be done better. Tell Carrie I said hi!
You are correct..

There are tons of things that could be done better, this place COULD be turned into something...

So, you were here for 2 months, but you could also still be here? You also told me you weren't a pilot.. but then told me you were not a pilot for regions, but that you were here in a management capacity and that your a female and were here from like May and June, buttt just maaybe your still here?

You've been in the aviation industry since before we were born and your still working/might still be working/etc/etc in a management capacity at a joint like Regions? Ehh.. maybe you needa change careers.. seems as though your managerial skillz are subpar..

Sounds like you need to figure out who it is that you are.. It would only make your bashing of Regions that more creditible..

Sounds to me like your the Stations Manager who went off talking to some of the pilots about "how much bank" you were making and then quit... but.. then again, I could be wrong.. :)

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