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Organization Of Black Airline Pilots

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OPAP has a political agenda: helping blacks advance in aviation. Nothing wrong with that. Is there?

No there isn't. However if I founded an organization that had a political agenda of helping whites to advance in aviation I would be labeled a racist and my posts would be deleted.
psycho's goals are worthy, and I commend him for a positive community initiative. However...

OBAP is corrupt. If you've had dealings with the organization it becomes readily apparent (and I'm part black.)
No there isn't. However if I founded an organization that had a political agenda of helping whites to advance in aviation I would be labeled a racist and my posts would be deleted.

So what is your point? do you feel the need to create a white pilot organization when an overwhelming majority of whites do not have obstacles getting hired as pilots?

The reason why there is BET and no W.E.T. is becasue there already is W.E.T. Its called NBC, ABC, CBS etc..

OBAP is corrupt. If you've had dealings with the organization it becomes readily apparent (and I'm part black.)

eloboration of the proclamation of your accusation
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So what is your point? do you feel the need to create a white pilot organization when an overwhelming majority of whites do not have obstacles getting hired as pilots?

What does getting hired have to do with it? The point is that if we were to make a white only organization it would derided as racist. A black only organization well that's ok.

As Big Beer Belly has said until we begin to make organizations based upon who we are, not what we are racism will be propagated.
Like the other poster said, I think the threads author has his heart in the right place, but any ogranization that makes skin color the deciding factor in detirmining who gets help is racist.

When I joined the military, I had a black buddy apply at the same time. I never recieved a call from the recruiter, and had to constantly drive to the office to get anything done. My friend on the other hand was pounced on like a pit bull on a t bone. When I asked the recruiters why that was the case, he said "man I don't know, we're busy".

Then I told him he was black and he said, "oh well that changes everything!" They get bigger bonuses for the number of minorities and women they enlist.

Now, that is wrong on so many levels. Should I start the NAAWG (Nation Association for the Advnacement of White Guys)? Because your analogy of 'the status quo' already functioning in that capacity is obviously not the case here.

Now I'm not advocating the banning of race-centric organizations as I think the Constitution supports it. However, I also think that organizations fitting that profile should not be exalted by the public as they are by creed, racist.

I hope this post doesn't earn me any "racist a$$hole" comments, I just think racism shouldn't operate through a check-valve.
What does getting hired have to do with it? The point is that if we were to make a white only organization it would derided as racist. A black only organization well that's ok.

So are you saying that OBAP is a racist organization?

  1. The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others.
  2. Discrimination or prejudice based on race.

1. How is OBAP saying they are superior to other races?
2. How does OBAP dicriminate or have prejudice?

Now, if a group or organization had an advantage, say cookie cutter white boys from upper middle class suburbia started White Future Pilot Organization... that just might be considered racist because these economically sound Whites always had the advantage in the first place...

As Big Beer Belly has said until we begin to make organizations based upon who we are, not what we are racism will be propagated.

Who are 'we'? Are you helping people of all color to become pilots? Maybe if you hit the inner city OBAP wouldn't have to....

Your thoughts...
eloboration of the proclamation of your accusation

I wish I could, but that would require naming individuals and their unseemly role in otherwise upstanding corporations, upon whom my future livelihood could very well rest. Further, it would require the divulging of a memorable yet private conversation. I'm afraid I ain't gonna kick over a real world hornet's nest for the sake of flightinfo.
2. How does OBAP dicriminate or have prejudice?

How does the KKK discriminate or have prejudice?

Now, if a group or organization had an advantage, say cookie cutter white boys from upper middle class suburbia started White Future Pilot Organization... that just might be considered racist because these economically sound Whites always had the advantage in the first place...

Advantage has nothing to do with racism. You can be advantaged and racist or you can be disadvantaged and racist.

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