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Organization Of Black Airline Pilots

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Who are 'we'? Are you helping people of all color to become pilots? Maybe if you hit the inner city OBAP wouldn't have to....

Your thoughts...

Sorry I missed this. I help people become pilots through AOPA mentor program, instructing, and other options. Who or what a person is doesn't figure into my personal equation, their desire figures in.

Are you helping people of color get upgraded to Captain ahead of white people with more seniority? If not why not?
OBAP's Mission Statement

Yeah, it speaks for itself. It clearly is discriminatory. Again, I think it does no harm, but it's discriminatory nature detracts from what would be a good intent.

Well, Im not black and yet, an OBAP capt from UPS helped me out a lot when looking for my current position. He didn't require me to join either.
I doubt his motivation at the time, was to help me out so I would talk about it on FightInfo...

What is your personal experience with anyone from OBAP?

That's what I thought, time to grow up!
One specific Demographic is being requested you Moron. Please reread my original post.
Every time I visit this website I am embarrassed to be an Airline Pilot.

So don't visit.
So what is your point? do you feel the need to create a white pilot organization when an overwhelming majority of whites do not have obstacles getting hired as pilots?

Except they need more hours and better grades than any minority to get hired.

Being black or some other minority ya can fail a course, then come back and do it over again.
A white male would get fired for being lazy or stupid if he busted the same ride.

A black female pilot would be really fire-proof.
(Most airlines are afraid of a discrimination lawsuit..They would rather send the candidate back to school and hope for a passing grade next time. Then ignore the reality of future upgrade to left seat)

Not breaking any new ground here guys, just calling a spade a spade. :rolleyes:
with the industry the way it is now, do you really want to encourage ANY kids to become pilots?? Tell the to work hard, get a MBA and try to get one of the management jobs. You know the ones that no matter how bad you screw things up, you still walk away witha few million bucks in your pocket, guaranteed retirement, positive space travel for life etc. (Like Leo and his gang at DAL).
I wish I could, but that would require naming individuals and their unseemly role in otherwise upstanding corporations, upon whom my future livelihood could very well rest. Further, it would require the divulging of a memorable yet private conversation. I'm afraid I ain't gonna kick over a real world hornet's nest for the sake of flightinfo.

Then perhaps, respectfully, nothing should be said...??

How does the KKK discriminate or have prejudice?

money, power, majority in numbers, corrupt judicial system...etc... oppression of the already oppressed

Are you saying the KKK is a respectable and bonifide organization that advances society and makes it better?

Advantage has nothing to do with racism. You can be advantaged and racist or you can be disadvantaged and racist.

perhaps, however the ability through advantage and power to act on the racism is certianly significant. Hateful thoughts are different than hateful actions...

A 250 lb black man beating up a 150lb white guy cause he is white is racist.

Indifference to disadvantaged inner city black kids who would love the opportunity to be a pilot could be considered racist. If not...why? You got 'yours', they don't have 'thiers' and you don't care....

There is a problem when The Haves do not care about The Have Nots.

The Haves can pretend they are insulated but sooner or later, right or wrong, The Have Nots are going to insist on being recognized. Wouldn't you?

Indifference of poverty is the greatest form of violence. Or as Ghandi stated "Poverty is the worst form of violence"

Sorry I missed this. I help people become pilots through AOPA mentor program, instructing, and other options. Who or what a person is doesn't figure into my personal equation, their desire figures in.

How do you know that inner city DTW kids do not want to become pilots, if you do not go there and find out. And if you do not want to go there then why not support OBAP so they can go there....

That is like a doctor saying... well poor kids with a cleft from third world countries don't visit my USA office...so I guess they don't have the desire to be healed.

Are you helping people of color get upgraded to Captain ahead of white people with more seniority? If not why not?

Why would I? Once a pilot is hired on a seniority list all are considered equal. Any pilot has and will upgrade when thier seniority allows.

Poor example....

Except they need more hours and better grades than any minority to get hired.

Being black or some other minority ya can fail a course, then come back and do it over again.
A white male would get fired for being lazy or stupid if he busted the same ride.

Do you have a specific example?

I am not saying there are not problems in the black community. One is leadership. Jesse Jackson and Sharpton are not the guys to lead... but that is another thread...

What do you think of Gen. Powell? He was given "help".

If you were born into poverty and stuck in a cycle would that be acceptable? It seems we forget that our position in life is due to circumstance.

When you were born what determined that YOU were born into middle class opportunity in America and not inner city poverty? Or rural poverty? Or a third world country.

Are you a pilot becuase in your infant years you made conscious choices to position yourself to be a career professional?

A black female pilot would be really fire-proof.
(Most airlines are afraid of a discrimination lawsuit..They would rather send the candidate back to school and hope for a passing grade next time. Then ignore the reality of future upgrade to left seat)

Not breaking any new ground here guys, just calling a spade a spade. :rolleyes:

Well then, could you be called a racist if you are indeed one?

with the industry the way it is now, do you really want to encourage ANY kids to become pilots?? Tell the to work hard, get a MBA and try to get one of the management jobs. You know the ones that no matter how bad you screw things up, you still walk away witha few million bucks in your pocket, guaranteed retirement, positive space travel for life etc. (Like Leo and his gang at DAL).

Not many kids say I want to be a MBA corporate tool. Besides try saying that to inner city kids... Show up in a suit and say "hey kids, get an MBA like me and you can sit in a cubical all day!"

Whereas the dream that we all have of being a pilot might just be the right motivation to get an inner city kid to work a little harder and reject the local culture that pushes him to join a gang, be a "celeberty" or sports star. (all doomed to fail....)

The chances of pilot career success are better than gangs, drugs, or stardom. Inner city kids becomming pilots and not gang members is better for everyone. Why would anyone hinder that?

I suggest a ride on a inner city public bus. It is a real eye opener for us Wonder Bread people...
What do you think of Gen. Powell? He was given "help".

That is an absolute fabrication. He received no affirmative action to enroll in the City College of New York and ROTC there (he attended several years prior to such "help") and you can be sure he didn't receive any in the army.

He attained his high position in the Army and government solely due to his talent and hard work, and not due to his race. Don't use him to further your leftist agenda.

Post some facts (not propaganda) to back up your assertion.

Your posts are nothing but hot air. You have no idea what you are talking about, on this or any other issue.
Maybe when his dream is realized organizations like OBAP wont be needed.

It goes much deeper than just aviation. :(

The field of candidates for the next president of the United States has been narrowed to three: a white male, a white female, and a black male. I'd say we as a nation have come a lot farther than many think.


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