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Organization Of Black Airline Pilots

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You are correct, OBAP is fundamentally a racist organization, but they are not harming anyone and you and I do not have to pay for it, or participate, if we do not want to.

I understand your point, however, whenever we as a society tolerate racism (in whatever form) then we are lesser for it, IMO.

I understand your point, however, whenever we as a society tolerate racism (in whatever form) then we are lesser for it, IMO.


Please explain how OBAP, specifically, this posters desire to visit inner city kids in DTW aligns with the following definition of racism from answers.com?

  1. The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others.
  2. Discrimination or prejudice based on race.
What's the problem here? If an OBAP pilot is willing to do the job, respond. If not, fine. Drop the B.S.
I think peoples' problem with OBAP isn't it's work, but its principle. Kind of like the United Negro College Fund. Why is one race given special programs and scholarships when others aren't?

Like I said before, most folks here make up what they think OBAP is about. OBAP is somewhat about networking and helping prepare folks to get jobs in the aviation industry, not just pilot jobs, but you don't have to be black to be a member.
It's very simple to see what OBAP is about. Look up the mission statement. The main mission of OBAP is to basically introduce and get kids interested in aviation who most likely had no exposure whatsoever to the industry before. Now, if you have a problem with that, then you have a bigger issue than just OBAP.
Some folks here need to just quite believing the BS they read on this board all of the time. Seriously.
OBAP's Mission Statement

"The goals of OBAP are to motivate our youth to ... increase minority participation in aviation through exposure, training, mentoring, and scholarships; to encourage networking among black pilots; to increase the number of black pilots hired by airlines; and to assist the black airline pilot with special needs and concerns."

Yeah, it speaks for itself. It clearly is discriminatory. Again, I think it does no harm, but it's discriminatory nature detracts from what would be a good intent.
Fins: you do not understand what discrimination is. Promoting one agenda or one group is not discrimination. Discrimination is maliciously harming a specific group. OBAP isn't harming anybody. But your erroneous definition of discrimination certainly may.
Geez you guys. Next time you go to your respective crew lounge, look around and see what the makeup is of your pilot group. Mostly white males I am sure.

Psycho is looking for what is no more than a "role-model" for some inner city kids. It's easier for them to imagine that a job as an airline pilot is attainable, if they see somebody that looks just like themselves has already done it.

I believe there are probably more women pilots now than black pilots, atleast from my observations around airports.

Good luck Psycho.

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