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NWA DC-9's

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Thanks for the quick reply. I interviewed at Delta and wasn't offered a job. (Can't apply again) Now sitting in the pool at NW so I am concerned that if the pool expires or they don't honor it, I won't be able to interview again. Things got complicated in a hurry:)
Ain't that the truth... I suppose it will all depend on the speed of the integration, which likely go at the standard snails pace.

I can't imagine them not honoring the pool for either side. The chances of this stuff getting sorted out by the end of the year are pretty low. There I go again...uneducated guesses.

Complicated? Yes! :)

I jumpseated on an NW DC-9 today- the guys were super nice, and the Captain was wearing a Delta lapel. It was pretty funny to say the least- also a bit ironic that I also have an NW sticker on my flight kit. The general consensus from everyone I've talked to (away from the zoo that is flightinfo) is no one wants our team or their team to get screwed. The trick is going to be how to pull that off.
I think a fair SLI should favor the DAL side. Look at how the NWA group will benefit from this... much improved pay, improved work rules, better bases, better equipment (access to more widebody pay).

What does the DAL side gain... as far as PILOTS are concerned? Don't say the "Asia routes".

I don't buy in to all this "hiring by the end of the year". We will be lucky if there are no furloughs on either side, before or after the SLI is complete.
I think a fair SLI should favor the DAL side. Look at how the NWA group will benefit from this... ....better bases...


I for one, think your bases suck. But, that is just this Northerners perspective.

We also brought more cash on hand than Delta.
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Yes, however the 9's can be parked without having to make lease payments, while a parked RJ - which NWA owns and leases to PCL, CPZ, and XJ all have payments monthly. The DC9 acts as shock absorber, and unfortunately so do the pilots flying them.

I have heard rumored that RA wants to reallocate the DC9's and run them on routes against AAI and other mid-continent flying. As he said in the merger conference calls there is nothing in the inventory between 76 and 152 seats other than DC9.

Despite GL's leanings that somehow your dick size is tied to the newness of your aircraft, or the ability to go direct, the DC9 is still a work horse, and is built like the proverbial brick @hit house - keep maintained and they will go for ever. Let's not forget that it was RA who originally refurbed and renewed the DC9.

I hope the rumors correct, because it represents more jobs for all of us, and I wouldn't be surprised to see even a few Widgets bidding -9 Captain. It's still more fun for some to be Captain of the tug boat as opposed to the second first mate on the Queen Mary

So, you must fly a piper cub, right? I hope the DC9s stick around, let's hope for the best.....

Bye Bye--General Lee
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I for one, think your bases suck. But, that is just this Northerners perspective.
That's because where you're from, nothing spells a lovin like marrying your cousin! But that's just an east coast perspective, where, not everyone's "relative!"

We also brought more cash on hand than Delta.

What do you have a mouse in your pocket??
The only thing you bring junior, is more furlough fodder!

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Heard that you're dad used to force you to bend over and "submit to him" at concourse C.

Ok, big shot. What part of that statement made you assume that I was saying that it would be flown by regional pilots? Why then, the incredibly stupid reply?

Doesn't Delta operate all the gates at ATL? Couldn't a Delta plane park at any gate?
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