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NO JS to anti-ALPA types

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As soon as the Captain signs for that airplane, then the jumpseat is his to do with as he pleases. The airline has zero right to force the Captain to allow anyone on the jumpseat, and the FAA has backed ALPA on that interpretation.

This doesn't seem to give any leeway to the PIC to deny an FAA inspector - which is why in my original statement I said the PIC has the authority to deny some people. If there is LEGAL precedent (something on record) for a PIC denying the jumpseat to an FAA inspector on official business (ie. not just trying to catch a free ride as they are known to do at times), then I stand corrected. And the FARs DO place limits on who can occupy the jumpseat. So therefore it is not the PICs "to with as he pleases".

FAR 121.548 : Whenever, in performing the duties of conducting an inspection, an inspector of the Federal Aviation Administration presents form FAA 110A, “Aviation Safety Inspector's Credential,” to the pilot in command of an aircraft operated by a certificate holder, the inspector must be given free and uninterrupted access to the pilot's compartment of that aircraft.
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This is where you and I differ....I will call a guy out on the carpet when I feel he is hiding behind "safety" or "Captains Authority"....even fatigue. Of course, I don't yell it out loud to those who don't need to know, but if asked will give my opinion.

I've seen it time and time again where a CA uses the above buzzwords in the name of doing something to effect a certain result. The result usually has little to do with safety but has everything to do with abuse of the authority given to him/her. This, if it even happened, is one of them.

I uphold the CA's right to have anything he needs to safely conduct their flights. Whining about "who is sitting in the jumpseat" being a safety of flight issue is no different than flying the jet with someone you don't like or have an issue with. It is called sucking it up, being a professional, and keeping your petty BS to yourself.


This is where you and I differ....I will call a guy out on the carpet when I feel he is hiding behind "safety" or "Captains Authority"....even fatigue. Of course, I don't yell it out loud to those who don't need to know, but if asked will give my opinion.

I'll do the same thing with the guy behind closed doors, but I will never publicly question his authority, and when defending him in front of the company I will certainly back him up 110%, even if I think it's complete BS.

Whining about "who is sitting in the jumpseat" being a safety of flight issue is no different than flying the jet with someone you don't like or have an issue with. It is called sucking it up, being a professional, and keeping your petty BS to yourself.

I guess we disagree again. :) I'm a big proponent of "no fly lists" that allow pilots to specify certain other pilots that they don't feel comfortable flying with due to personality conflicts. This is one of the biggest arguments I've had with the former CP at Pinnacle who absolutely refused to separate pilots that didn't want to fly with each other, even if they were at each other's throats.
hey Pookie,

I'm sure the Skywest newhire just loves ALPA now. Tell us, will you share this experience at the ALPA info sessions for Skywest pilots? Do you really think that FO walked away thinking "I really should vote ALPA." As a new hire, do you expect him to have the same in depth understanding or appreciation of unions as an experienced pilot?

Captain's authority to deny the jumpseat: absolutely:
Furthering the professionalism of pilots: absolutely not.

Why not do what the rest of us do, and lead by example.
Are you guys really still buying into this? Pookie is a SKW CA, he is just starting flame bait, he is actully anti ALPA if you read some of his previous postings.
I think that the Captain in question should have not asked the question in the first place. It's just flat out impolite to put someone on the spot that you don't even know, especially an ACM just trying to get a ride. Remember the old saying? "Never ask a question, if you think that you won't like the answer". Obviously, this "gentleman" hadn't heard that before. Using the jumpseat for anything other than it's intended purpose is not keeping in spirit in which this rule was written in the first place.
Now, if it comes out in conversation. The crew and ACM would be wise to avoid any and all controversial topics. Unless, of course you are all in agreement!!!


ex-Navy Rotorhead
You ask an opinion, got an answer you didn't like and acted like a 10 year old. You couldn't just let it go, what a Richard.

Based on the action you took, maybe Skywest guys should deny the jump seat to all ALPA crew members. They certainly would be justified.
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Hey Pookie, thanks for all of your pro-ALPA support with the SkyWester's. Your JS denial really helped the cause in the fight to get ALPA on property there....you tool.

1.Can I see your FAA licence, medical, and Company ID.

2. Are you an FFDO

Unless of course you don't apply because you sir after flying your 172 for 300 hours deserve this guys jumpseat and he should respect the fact that you took the time out of your day to grace him with your presence...

I like the idea of no ALPA no Jumpseat...I'll apply it to the RED tail that I fly...

After all ALPA is a brotherhood and we take care of each other

Now there is pure grape flavoring.

I would have confined him to the jumpseat for the flight and schooled him.

However, it seemed that he didn't have the social grace to NOT offend someone in thier own house...

Should he have just made one opinion comment and keep the rest of his opinions nuetral? What is the topic was politics or religion? Looks like he wanted a ride and wanted to be offensive.

what do you do when someone offends you in your own house?
Perfect response. It is better to be nice and educate someone.

We see how the screw turns as the 50 seaters get parked in 2008.

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