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NJ Recalls

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The seniority system at a large company isn't perfect but it's far better than the alternative.
The concept of seniority is a safeguard to ensure the captain with the most writeups doesn't get fired over it. Without it you can guarantee that the guy willing to fly through the thunderstorms rather than wait them out, or even deviate stays in the seat. Same with fatigue calls, sick calls, etc.

I won't say it's a perfect system, but can you name something that couldn't be taken advantage of by a company? I feel pretty confident that several guys would be downgraded due to exercising captain's authority more than a company likes.

I believe my imperfect system beats your imperfect system. So there.
You are not all wrong. I compete with all the other pilots out there. I better do a good job and make the company want me to work here. They can fire me whenever they want, in my preferred world. The job belongs to the company, not to me, because it is their investment money and organizational and administrative energy, not mine. If I want to own my job, I should start my own company, which I am now doing, by the way.
As an employee, I want to make as much as I can, while the company pays me as little as it takes to keep me, as long as they want me to work here. They better treat me right or I will leave. I better do good work or they will replace me. Our association is VOLUNTARY. I enjoy working at NJA. They apparently like having me here, go figure.
Unions brought pilots the Seniority System, which pays, for instance, senior captains more than junior captains for doing the same job. This drives up the costs of a mature company and opens the door to the ValueJets and XOJets of the world who can compete by employing junior pilots in their startup. When the older company gradually loses ground due to this seniority overhead problem, where do the pilots go?
The concept of Seniority amazes me. Why should I make more in 2013 than a more junior captain? Our cost of living is the same. If a rival company with a seniority system wants to hire me away from NJA, they can't because I would have to start as an FO. FlexJet can't compete for my allegedly wonderful flying skills because of the seniority system. Delta can't vie for my services. Bummer.

I believe your imperfect system is an Ayn Rand fantasy land. What it would actually look like is Lord of the Fries.
Indeed. Without the contract forcing their hand, Sokol and his minions would have had us eating out of vending machines and doing recurrent training on our days off by the end of his first year. Count on it.
Lord of the FRIES? As in "y'all want fries with that?"

Talk about a Freudian slip....:laugh:
I believe your imperfect system is an Ayn Rand fantasy land. What it would actually look like is Lord of the Fries.
Is that different than the fantasy land found here?

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