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jetBlue March 8th/9th Interview Session

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I will admit that when I first read the post of SeaJackA88, I amost went to the dark side that 95% of these threads have become. So far we are pretty lucky that only one shmuck has shown up. Lets all just throw him/her on ignore and move on. As this thread gets more activity I think we can expect more of the this type of mindless flame bait. Other than the one who we will call IGNORED, we have a good thread for information and conversation going.
I think that was the original intent of the creator of this site. I don't think much of that original concept is left. This site has taken on the look of a out of control Jerry Springer show. Lets all keep the good stuff going and when we have all received our GO / NO GO decision's we will pass this site on to the next group of poolies.
A final thought for the moderators of this site. I don't envy your duties of trying to keep a bunch of pilot's from acting like (Insert your favorite expletive here). That said, we members can only control the tone of a thread by thinking out our post's intelligently and using the ignore function liberally.It would be a much more pleasant experience if more members would do the first action. You as moderators can help out with the second action by coming down on the chronic trouble makers that are taking over your site.
OK I am now stepping off of my soap box and going back to spending some quality time with my telephone.
"Next time use bleach for cleaning the lavs - not the bleach alternative!!"

That has to be the single most immature, insensitive, asinine comment ever posted on this board. I don't mind B6 taking some ribbing, but that comment is WAY over the line. If I were you I would be very afraid because Karma is hunting your sorry ass.

I'm with LaGarbage Man, if the moderators won't take any action the rest of us can impose our own. Everybody add this scumbag to your ignore list.
I'm waiting to read the apology that he should be posting. Joking around is one thing. Posting crap like that is another.
WOW!! I missed the call at 5pm from Verna! She said it was really good news and to call back. I did and only got voice mail. I was out mowing the grass! Can't wait to talk to JetBlue on Monday! Where is that darn resignation letter?!


Thats awesome man! Good for you. I hope this is the start of a long string of GREAT news! Let us know as soon as you hear. By the way, I carry my phone with me everywhere. There is no way I'm going to miss this call IF it comes!:D Congrats again.
I had the pleasure of talking with Ms. Verna Kay today as well. It was good news and best of all the local FED EX driver does not need to roll up on my house in his armored Humvee any more. The primary purpose of the call today was the welcome aboard and also served to let us know that they are working on our group. She said that she had six of us who had finished the process so far. Seems like she makes the calls as the finished pack's (backgound checks, and PHC) are sent to her. I was going to wait to post as they are presently finalizing equipment/class dates for us to work from. So at this time I can not report date/equipment. As soon as I receive the rest of the puzzle I will begin to update our "waiting list". How else can we plan on drinks in MCO? Any suggestions?
Snoop and LGA-Man.....THAT'S AWESOME BABY!!!!!
Congrats to you both....I seem to be getting closer to having to buy the first round in MCO, but I'll be happy to do it if it means I get in....getting nervous, RING, PHONE, RING!
Hang in there CA Dad,
I had two guys in my class that had interveiwed twice, easy enough to say, but only passing along positive info!
Hey GarbageMan,

Thats great news. When Verna called, what showed up on the caller ID?? (it wasn't "unknown caller", was it?? ) Also, did she say if the classes were May 10 and 24th or are they going to delay them?


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