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jetBlue March 8th/9th Interview Session

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My Man SMITH! said:
capt dad, sorry to hear the unfortunate news. I hate to read downers on these threads but I guess we're all subject to that reality. Stay positive and optimistic and good things will happen. Keep your head up.

The good news is that if you don't get a letter within the next few days...YOU ARE ALL IN and it is only a matter of time.

I wish you all the best and am sad I won't get to meet you in MCO.

I also want to thank you for your support and kind words. I don't think there is another industry that a fellow "stick puller" can rely and trust on others in such a way.

I look forward to reading when you all get the big call. You guys are the best and I am proud to be associated with you.

Sincerely and Respectfully,

Sorry to hear it. Best to you, man.

Out of curiosity, did you do an interview prep, and if you did who did you use. PM me if you want. Thanks.
Does anyone know if the rejection letters all go out at the same time...or is it an ongoing process? I remember reading something to the effect that your info is sent to the PHC as your background check is done.

I'm sorry for the bad news, Capt. Dad.

My understanding is the files are processed in progression based on completion of backround info collection so I would assume that not getting a letter at this time doesn't mean you still can't. Not wanting to sound discouraging but rumor has it there were guys in the Jan. group that waited 8+ weeks only to receive the same letter. The reality is we're all fortunate to have made it to phase II and the odds are with us, but you can't sell the farm until the deal is closed.

I would also assume that since Captain Dad made it to phase II, he did good on the initial interview in case there was question about how he prepped.

My guess, and thats all it is, is that if the problem were with backround, it would have been presented as such and an opportunity given to clear it up. Everything, once it is collected, goes before the PHC for final approval. The PHC is encouraged to be discriminate in their selectivity in an attempt to maintain the high quality workforce that has become synonymous with Blue. I don't suppose it would take much of a concern with a candidate to cause them to err on the side of conservitism and issue a pass.

But what do I know......I didn't stay at a holiday inn express last night.
Hey Capt. Dad,
I am really sorry to hear your news. As you know from getting as far as you've come, the name of this game is persistance. Reapply. (and flood the others with apps too) Good Luck.
captain dad said:
I just received a FEDEX letter from jetBlue. Does anyone want to know what it says? It is a form letter that basically says too bad try again.

Yes, some people do get turned down in phase two. I just increased all of your chances.

I looked into my background and I know I don't have any skeletons. I am a good guy, a far pilot, and I have no idea why I was turned down.

I am not mad but I am sad. I'll get over it and I will try again. God knows I love abuse...I'm a Pilot!

Next time use bleach for cleaning the lavs - not the bleach alternative!!

You had to kick a guy when he is down?

Maybe you don't want to work for jetBlue but he does. Show a little restraint or at least wait until you meet the guy to deliver your message.

The PM message function is working!!! Set something up.

Capt. Dad,

My most sincere condolences, but as one door closes, another may open (in 6 months!). Keep the shiny side up and the autocoarsen armed.....

Seahorse.......YOU ARE AN A88HOLE!
Some encouragement

CaptainDad, just to let you know, there are quite a few at JetBlue that made it in on the second try. Reapply!!

If you can, find out the reason for the rejection. Since you made it through the interviews, then the rejection is probably based on something in the background check. Find out what it was!! You may have some skeleton in your closet that you are not aware of !!! Or an error was made by a previous employer. Errors can be fixed, and skeletons can be acknowledged.

Check with your references and LOR authors and see what was written.

Best of luck. B6Guy

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