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jetBlue March 8th/9th Interview Session

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Where'd everyody go?

Have this paranoia that everyones been called, hired, and in class and left me behind?
I figure that some people will get called starting on the 23rd - 26th. Here is my theory. There are still slots open for the May 10th class. To give employers two weeks notice (which jetBlue has tried to do in the past) they need to call people on or before the 26th. The next class would be the 24th which would all coincide loosely with the 8-12 week plan.

If nothing else I have given everyone something to read.

Hey, it's Good Friday! Maybe it will be real GOOD! Maybe the Easter bunny comes early! Hope everyone has a great weekend. Keeping the faith.:)
I should have said I believe there are still slots in the May 10th class.

There has been a class ever two weeks for a long time and no one from the January interview cession got a May date (except for one that had to refuse his April date for some reason). They have been giving people right at two weeks notice for class so 2+2+2+2+2=11.

I am not a betting man but I would guess there are going to be calls made on the week of 20th - 26th.

If I am wrong, who cares! It won't change anything. I am just trying to plan a good nights sleep, cause I haven't had one in months.
Your probably right. I'm figuring they'll need March interview guys to fill the May and June classes as most of the January guys are all used up on board. I have heard of a couple guys being called with less than two weeks notice. Always the option to postpone and take a later date for the two weeks. One I know of got a call on a Friday to start the next Wednessday.
Come on guys, we can't have this thread fall 5 deep. I take it things have been pretty quiet for everyone. Maybe there has been some rehashing of the upcoming classes due to all the doom and gloom being painted on the company. Regardless, all it takes is a phone call and I would gladly put my two week notice in! 5 weeks and counting! Keeping the faith.:)
Guam360 said:
Fins up,
when does your class start? How many in class, Bus/190??


welcome onboard!

Sorry for so long a delay. I started class on April 12th. There are 24 folks sitting in my class. Three are 190 guys and the rest are Bus. I chose the Bus. This state-of-the-art jet thing is definitely new to me, but I can't wait to fly one around - or even a sim. We'll get to those in a couple weeks.

Life is good here so far. "Damn" glad to be here. Long days, but it'll be worth it.

Class started again. Guess I should pay attention.
Sorry I took so long to update the list, I was out of town for the Easter break. So now we are up to 16. I had to go single space as it is starting to get pretty long. Break out the reading glasses. Now that the break is over I can get back to some serious phone bending. You know those folks who bend spoons by staring at them? Well thats me, only I choose to stare at the phone. All together now. RING DAMM YOU !!!

1) smoky22
2) Snoopy Mendoza
3) skypine69
4) LaGarbage Man
5) Vastly Underemp
6) My Man Smith
7) CheeseheadinTX
8) PDXcheezhead
9) captain dad
10) pilotgolfer
11) Dave's kid
12) Propblast
13) Flyiguy
14) CalBuff
15) Kayman
16) Got2GO

P.S. I saw you logged on Fins. Get back to studying.

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