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jetBlue March 8th/9th Interview Session

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Couple of questions

For what it's worth,

Has anyone heard of a March interview being called for a class date yet?

Does anyone know the next available class date with seats still open?

Does anyone know when Health benifit eligibility begins? Travel benefits?

Is it true that there are no E-190 slots available till June?

Does anyone know what JBLU will be trading at Jan 19, 2009?
Health benefits start at the beginning of the first full month after you are hired. For example, if you start on the 15th of March then your benefits start on the 1st of April.

Sorry, I don't have answers to the other questions.
LaGarbage Man said:
The List
Welcome to the waiting room CalBuff. Now we are up to 14.

1) smoky22

2) Snoopy Mendoza

3) skypine69

4) LaGarbage Man

5) Vastly Underemp

6) My Man Smith

7) CheeseheadinTX

8) PDXcheezhead

9) captain dad

10) pilotgolfer

11) Dave's kid

12) Propblast

13) Flyiguy

14) CalBuff
Fellow Happy Campers,

I received my FAA, Company PRIA and Alcohol/Drug and Credit Reports about 2 weeks ago. I know that the jetBlue Pilot Recruitment Team is working very hard and is happily overloaded. Waiting is never easy but this time it's worth it.

Good luck and I’m sure that we will all meet in training.

Snoopy Mendoza
Count me in as 15.

Got my PRIA and credit check four weeks ago but no Drug/Alcohol confirmation. In fact previous employer hasn't even gotten it yet. Probably means a l -o --n ---g ----e -----r _________w -------a -----------i -------------t .

Still camping happily.
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Kayman, I'm sure this thread will light up like a switch board as the calls start coming. Be patient my friend, I'm sure everything will work out. We're only going on week 4. 4 down, 4 to go! Anyone know when the NFL football draft is?

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