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Jetblue hiring... how and why?

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You are such an incredible tool. You don't see us seeking out posts about your regional airline and making comments. Unreal. How small is your hotdog.

Hehehe... I wouldn't get too worked up over J-rod. The story I got from one of his buddy's at Xpresjet (did I get that right?) is that he tried working there a couple yrs. ago and they turned him down or he couldn't get the interview. This was before JB decimated health care and I don't blame people for seriously reconsidering working at JB. You just have to see his flames for what they really are. Actually, it just confirms what those j-rod coworker guys told me.
ASA Thought you might like this story..

Especially considering your wife is banking 6 figures and you can ride her coattails while concluding that pilots should " Just Leave " while your deluded reality is devoid of rational thought.

Another new hire " Maybe right from your class " he probably makes 50k right now as well. His wife has been sick apparently she has some sort of cerebral degeneration that specialists are trying to solve. On top of that his child is autistic and oh yeah his wife miscarried 4 weeks ago. ( One way to save money on the JB healthcare plan )

Quiet guy but a great pilot and really does a great job.. Day two says he does not know how he is going to get home because he was trying to get to the airport and blew a tire. Went to drop spare and the chain was rusted to the crank and tire wouldnt budge. All his pto is gone becuase of his wife, and child. He couldnt miss his flight and go oop so he drives the final 5 miles on the flat tire and rim thrashing the wheel.

He tells me the story and all of a sudden it makes sense why this grown man, father, husband, professional pilot is essentially eating scraps to nourish himself. He cant afford it. I asked him and he explained that he normally stops at the walmart and spends $20 on food to last him a trip but didnt have a chance with the tire. His cards are maxed, he doesnt have a debit card, no cash in pocket ( okay he had a $20 but that only lasted day 1 ) broke...

I asked him what was happening ?

Health Care !! His wifes treatments or specialists visits were by a majority NOT COVERED.. Thousands in costs

Autism treatments? NOT COVERED how can that be JB sends out all kinds of press releases about how we sponser wings of autism and give pretend flights to autistic kids etc.. Yet crewmembers get no coverage ???

This poor guy is broke through no fault of his own. Does he deserve it? Does he deserve $18,000 in medical bills in the last 45 days with more to come on top of his outlandish premiums for such poor coverage?

Let me ask you a question ASA Should he JUST LEAVE ???

The moral of the story is there is nothing that makes me want to puke more that people like you that come here with a " different " deal or some security that others may not have and then throw out comments like " Why dont you just leave "

Lets face it not everyone has a spouse making 160k good for you but it is a pretty assenine mentality for you to judge the discontent of others while you got yours apparently.

As for our friend? I found a new tire and wheel for his car bought it and had it shipped overnight using our fedex discount to a monroe car care center 3 miles from the airport. I coordinated with the airport police and they allowed the mechanic to install the tire. Paid for his food the last two days and then told him his car was fixed on the last day.. I also told him to file with the blue pilot fund as his DR does not seem to be as good as yours..

The last thing I had was $647.37 laying around to fix my fo's car but some things you cant put a price on.
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ASA Thought you might like this story..

Especially considering your wife is banking 6 figures and you can ride her coattails while concluding that pilots should " Just Leave " while your deluded reality is devoid of rational thought.

Another new hire " Maybe right from your class " he probably makes 50k right now as well. His wife has been sick apparently she has some sort of cerebral degeneration that specialists are trying to solve. On top of that his child is autistic and oh yeah his wife miscarried 4 weeks ago. ( One way to save money on the JB healthcare plan )

Quiet guy but a great pilot and really does a great job.. Day two says he does not know how he is going to get home because he was trying to get to the airport and blew a tire. Went to drop spare and the chain was rusted to the crank and tire wouldnt budge. All his pto is gone becuase of his wife, and child. He couldnt miss his flight and go oop so he drives the final 5 miles on the flat tire and rim thrashing the wheel.

He tells me the story and all of a sudden it makes sense why this grown man, father, husband, professional pilot is essentially eating scraps to nourish himself. He cant afford it. I asked him and he explained that he normally stops at the walmart and spends $20 on food to last him a trip but didnt have a chance with the tire. His cards are maxed, he doesnt have a debit card, no cash in pocket ( okay he had a $20 but that only lasted day 1 ) broke...

I asked him what was happening ?

Health Care !! His wifes treatments or specialists visits were by a majority NOT COVERED.. Thousands in costs

Autism treatments? NOT COVERED how can that be JB sends out all kinds of press releases about how we sponser wings of autism and give pretend flights to autistic kids etc.. Yet crewmembers get no coverage ???

This poor guy is broke through no fault of his own. Does he deserve it? Does he deserve $18,000 in medical bills in the last 45 days with more to come on top of his outlandish premiums for such poor coverage?

Let me ask you a question ASA Should he JUST LEAVE ???

The moral of the story is there is nothing that makes me want to puke more that people like you that come here with a " different " deal or some security that others may not have and then throw out comments like " Why dont you just leave "

Lets face it not everyone has a spouse making 160k good for you but it is a pretty assenine mentality for you to judge the discontent of others while you got yours apparently.

As for our friend? I found a new tire and wheel for his car bought it and had it shipped overnight using our fedex discount to a monroe car care center 3 miles from the airport. I coordinated with the airport police and they allowed the mechanic to install the tire. Paid for his food the last two days and then told him his car was fixed on the last day.. I also told him to file with the blue pilot fund as his DR does not seem to be as good as yours..

The last thing I had was $647.37 laying around to fix my fo's car but some things you cant put a price on.

Awesome! Thank you for sharing and helping our fellow pilot.

You are such an incredible tool. You don't see us seeking out posts about your regional airline and making comments. Unreal. How small is your hotdog?

This whole picking a good company to make a career is a long game, but you are spiking the ball and claiming victory 10 minutes into the 1st quarter. Yet you are still a regional airline pilot!!! We could have a union in 6 months, and if we are as profitable as some of these guys say we are, we could also have a very good contract.

How F-ing small does you hotdog have to be to feel you need to tear down the jobs and careers of others? A job that I would take 10 times over again, and is far better than your subcantractor regional airline job.

UAL will not call you. And if they do, you will NEVER pass the interview. But maybe there is still hope for that "shining city on a hill" Allegiant airlines to FINALLY call you...

Why don't you worry about your own sh!tte job and stop acting like a guy who is 4 feet tall.

Hilarious post!!!! :laugh: :laugh:

I was referring to what one of your OWN pilots says about JB. Doesn't sound good at all... The fact is your airline is currently a 2nd rate airline for pilots - does not mean that is permanent unless the status quo remains. Nobody offered positions today at both a legacy and at JB at the same time would take JB. Fact. Healthcare is a joke (even compared to some regionals and especially for families) and you have no union protection. Fact. You have E190 Captains applying to UAL. Fact. I could go on and on.... Plenty of friends there - most hoping to exit when Delta starts hiring (in addition to current UAL and USAirways apps out). I guarantee you that unionizing at JB would be a huge step towards making JB more attractive to many people who have options (provide negotiating leverage for both pay/benefits improvements and scope protection) - including regional pilots who could also move to the legacies. It starts with gaining control of your bargaining power through unionization.

I ain't staying at my regional but you seem intent on staying at JB. Who knows, with so many people intent on leaving JB for the legacies, you might make E190 Captain in a few years!
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Hehehe... I wouldn't get too worked up over J-rod. The story I got from one of his buddy's at Xpresjet (did I get that right?) is that he tried working there a couple yrs. ago and they turned him down or he couldn't get the interview. This was before JB decimated health care and I don't blame people for seriously reconsidering working at JB. You just have to see his flames for what they really are. Actually, it just confirms what those j-rod coworker guys told me.

Oh you got me!!!! I can't believe those friends RATTED me out..... :laugh::confused:

Gearjockey, congrats for hitting the career lotto at JB! :cool:
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ASA Thought you might like this story..

Especially considering your wife is banking 6 figures and you can ride her coattails while concluding that pilots should " Just Leave " while your deluded reality is devoid of rational thought.

Another new hire " Maybe right from your class " he probably makes 50k right now as well. His wife has been sick apparently she has some sort of cerebral degeneration that specialists are trying to solve. On top of that his child is autistic and oh yeah his wife miscarried 4 weeks ago. ( One way to save money on the JB healthcare plan )

Quiet guy but a great pilot and really does a great job.. Day two says he does not know how he is going to get home because he was trying to get to the airport and blew a tire. Went to drop spare and the chain was rusted to the crank and tire wouldnt budge. All his pto is gone becuase of his wife, and child. He couldnt miss his flight and go oop so he drives the final 5 miles on the flat tire and rim thrashing the wheel.

He tells me the story and all of a sudden it makes sense why this grown man, father, husband, professional pilot is essentially eating scraps to nourish himself. He cant afford it. I asked him and he explained that he normally stops at the walmart and spends $20 on food to last him a trip but didnt have a chance with the tire. His cards are maxed, he doesnt have a debit card, no cash in pocket ( okay he had a $20 but that only lasted day 1 ) broke...

I asked him what was happening ?

Health Care !! His wifes treatments or specialists visits were by a majority NOT COVERED.. Thousands in costs

Autism treatments? NOT COVERED how can that be JB sends out all kinds of press releases about how we sponser wings of autism and give pretend flights to autistic kids etc.. Yet crewmembers get no coverage ???

This poor guy is broke through no fault of his own. Does he deserve it? Does he deserve $18,000 in medical bills in the last 45 days with more to come on top of his outlandish premiums for such poor coverage?

Let me ask you a question ASA Should he JUST LEAVE ???

The moral of the story is there is nothing that makes me want to puke more that people like you that come here with a " different " deal or some security that others may not have and then throw out comments like " Why dont you just leave "

Lets face it not everyone has a spouse making 160k good for you but it is a pretty assenine mentality for you to judge the discontent of others while you got yours apparently.

As for our friend? I found a new tire and wheel for his car bought it and had it shipped overnight using our fedex discount to a monroe car care center 3 miles from the airport. I coordinated with the airport police and they allowed the mechanic to install the tire. Paid for his food the last two days and then told him his car was fixed on the last day.. I also told him to file with the blue pilot fund as his DR does not seem to be as good as yours..

The last thing I had was $647.37 laying around to fix my fo's car but some things you cant put a price on.

Good on you for helping someone out.

Look, I think you guys mistake my intent. I think things should improve over time, and I'm not a no voter. I just get tired of the bitching and moaning. If I am ever that unhappy, I'll leave. I never understand the guys that make themselves and their lives miserable staying in a job that they think is so terrible. Unless they stay because all-in-all, it's a great job, and they know they can't ever replace their pay with anything else, especially with the flexibility of schedule.

This is all independent of my spouse's job. I left another very well paying career because I was miserable, and I was single at the time. I took a huge cut in lifestyle and pay to pursue a career that didn't make me miserable. I came to aviation because I loved it.

So that's my only point. If you're miserable, quit bitching, and find something that makes you happy. Seriously.
Good on you for helping someone out.

Look, I think you guys mistake my intent. I think things should improve over time, and I'm not a no voter. I just get tired of the bitching and moaning. If I am ever that unhappy, I'll leave. I never understand the guys that make themselves and their lives miserable staying in a job that they think is so terrible. Unless they stay because all-in-all, it's a great job, and they know they can't ever replace their pay with anything else, especially with the flexibility of schedule.

This is all independent of my spouse's job. I left another very well paying career because I was miserable, and I was single at the time. I took a huge cut in lifestyle and pay to pursue a career that didn't make me miserable. I came to aviation because I loved it.

So that's my only point. If you're miserable, quit bitching, and find something that makes you happy. Seriously.

You've stated several times that you are a no voter. Just because we want things to change and don't drink the Kool-Aid doesn't mean we are miserable. The situation described in the previous post is deplorable and every JetBlue pilot ought to be embarassed. Nice attempt to dodge the subject though.
I think things should improve over time, and I'm not a no voter. .

Sadlly things haven't improved over time, we are still trying to solve issues that were identified more than 5 years ago.

It's not that they can't be fixed, it's that there is no compelling reason for the companyto fix them, after all they all cost money!

No other major airline pilot is leaving his company to join Bigblue, plenty of pilots here trying to join other airlines. I wonder why that is?

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