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If/When Spirit Strikes

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Spirit failure, good for PLC?

Well if you want to go back to the Spirit situation, what do you think will be gained by a strike in the short term and long term? What do you know about Oaktree? Is the attitude if Spirit fails then they didn't deserve to exist in the first place?
Heck, PLC will most likely benefit if they fail, all those N/S routes, AT can jump in, pick up buiness hire more pilots, maybe move him to the left seat. Unless of cousre AT decides to accept Spirit pilots into AT based upon DOH, as a real show of ALPA brotherhood.
Heck, PLC will most likely benefit if they fail, all those N/S routes, AT can jump in, pick up buiness hire more pilots, maybe move him to the left seat. Unless of cousre AT decides to accept Spirit pilots into AT based upon DOH, as a real show of ALPA brotherhood.

I can't wait for the hiring boom to start in a few years. It will close up ******************** hole operators like yours and reset the standard of decent pay and equipment, and rid the world of management ****************************** bags like you, all in the name of "good pay and safety."
Well if you want to go back to the Spirit situation, what do you think will be gained by a strike in the short term and long term?

Why are you attempting to turn the question around? Why won't you answer a simple question about what solutions you have to what you perceive to be ALPA's problems? All complaints and no offered solutions. How is that productive? What use are you?

But to answer your question, I don't think there will be a strike. There will be a 30-day cooling-off period and super-mediation, and a deal will likely be reached at the 11th hour, because there isn't a chance in hell that Oaktree is going to watch their investment lose days or weeks of revenue just because Spirit management doesn't want to pay a group of employees a reasonable wage. The leverage doesn't come in the strike itself, it comes in the credible threat of a strike.

Is the attitude if Spirit fails then they didn't deserve to exist in the first place?

Spirit isn't going to fail. It is a profitable company that is making money for its investors. If you believe they are going to allow Spirit to disappear just so they can screw over a group of employees, then you've been listening to pilotyip for too long.

I would expect more from ALPA's leadership.

Rez has never claimed to be a part of ALPA leadership.
Accusations against retired military pilots and military reservists who in previous posts you accused of "gaming the system" promotes unity? If 20-30 percent of airline pilots are still in the reserves, how does someone in ALPA's leadership accusing and alienating nearly one third of your ALPA brothers promote unity?

Or how does a minority group of pilots who snub hard working volunteers trying to keep this job a profession help unity? When you got MIL guys and pilots with sugar mamas who just fly as a hobby job and really don't care about making a living.... how does that help with unity? Can you answer this please?

Its not an insult Rez for me to bring this up. It is something you said and part of being a leader is being accountable for what you say. You can't make up accusations like reservists are gaming the system and then tell people they have to prove the accusations are untrue. You have a serious problems with prejudice and disrespect for military pilots. You have made three comments in this thread alone which could be considered insulting. I would expect more from ALPA's leadership.
There have been tighter controls but in the 90s I've heard more than one reserve/guard guy say.. "if I don't get the days off I want I'll just tell scheduling I got to pull a guard weekend...."

Why is it when any constructive criticism of the MIL is brought up you can't accept it, but then you claim that ALPA should accept criticism... more hypocrisy on your end...

In fact we've been waiting for days now for you to offer constructive ALPA criticism and solutions... but you failed. Take note: any constructive MIL criticism is met with accusations of being unpatriotic, socialist, ungrateful, and with invitations to leave the state. Whereas, you are being asked multiple times to constructively criticise. Please... address the following:

Three direct replies here:

You've stated that you think Spirit pilots should not use the strike route, not seek out support from non-Spirit pilot groups and form alliances and coalitions with other Spirit labor groups. Ok, fine... where is the coercion or influence in this game plan to get mgmnt to negotiate fairly and timely?

In addition you stated a radical cultural shift in ALPA? What exactly do you mean by this? and HOW will it get done?

You also stated that changing the CFR and the old and new ways. But you have yet to state that you participate in ALPA or UP PAC. Why? And if you won't do the PAC how do you expect ALPA to change CFRs?

Heck, PLC will most likely benefit if they fail, all those N/S routes, AT can jump in, pick up buiness hire more pilots, maybe move him to the left seat. Unless of cousre AT decides to accept Spirit pilots into AT based upon DOH, as a real show of ALPA brotherhood.

Sorry, while the irresponsible and no ownership crowd don't see the value...... fact is PCL went to AT helped influence the pilot group and they made the conscious choice to join ALPA. Are you saying that he is that influential over that many college educated pilots at AT? Or are you saying that the AT pilots are stupid for joing ALPA?

Point is... with AT and Spirit both being ALPA... Airtran won't fly Spirits struck work...... would you?
Sorry, while the irresponsible and no ownership crowd don't see the value...... fact is PCL went to AT helped influence the pilot group and they made the conscious choice to join ALPA. Are you saying that he is that influential over that many college educated pilots at AT? Or are you saying that the AT pilots are stupid for joing ALPA?

Point is... with AT and Spirit both being ALPA... Airtran won't fly Spirits struck work...... would you?

We already know he would. He even put it in writing in one of his 2 page love letters about how he regretted not crossing the picket line during the CAL strike.
People (and I use that term loosely) like pilotyip are what is dragging down this industry! He'd do himself a good service by retiring and sticking to the shuffle board court!
struck work?

Sorry, while the irresponsible and no ownership crowd don't see the value...... fact is PCL went to AT helped influence the pilot group and they made the conscious choice to join ALPA. Are you saying that he is that influential over that many college educated pilots at AT? Or are you saying that the AT pilots are stupid for joing ALPA?

Point is... with AT and Spirit both being ALPA... Airtran won't fly Spirits struck work...... would you?
I wasn't talking struck work; I was referring to the benefit to AT if Spirit does not survive a strike. And no one on this site will guarantee that Spirit will survive a strike, remember it is a private company.
I wasn't talking struck work; I was referring to the benefit to AT if Spirit does not survive a strike. And no one on this site will guarantee that Spirit will survive a strike, remember it is a private company.
Why only Airtran?

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