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If/When Spirit Strikes

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Second point: Silly also and totally untrue. Workman's comp is pretty liberal.

So what is your point? Next time don't help with the wheelchair, let someone trip over a bag, screw the next crew so they may become fatigued and crash, make sure everyone misses their connecting flights, make sure some ailine employees don't get home that day, and commuting pilots don't make their trips, all for notional protection of a contract provision? This is what you do in the REAL world?

Care to roll the dice on that OJI there sport?

For the rest of your rant...stop sensationalizing. Nobody is going to become fatigued and crash or miss their commute flight because a passenger's bag is sitting on the jetway. It will get sent down the slot, but it will be done by the proper personnel.

If a bag were positioned in such a way as to cause a safety hazard, then of course I would move it...a few feet to the extent necessary to no longer pose a hazard. But I certainly wouldn't be taking it outside, down the steps and who knows where else you went with it.

I'm glad you don't work here so we don't have to put you on the Pre-Scab list as we come closer to going on strike ourselves.
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First point is just silly. I can carry a bag down stairs,

Second point: Silly also and totally untrue. Workman's comp is pretty liberal.
Speak for yourself there, chief.

I just spent over 2 YEARS getting my OJI paid for by worker's comp and just now healing up from it.

The"real world" isn't nearly as cut and dry as you think it is.
These two posts above make a good point. Stop sensationalising and the world is not as cut and dry as some want it to be. The Fox news mentality is dragging our country down and dividing us all.
To a certain extent I understand were AirCobra is coming from. There have been times when labor goes to far. But as far as Spirit goes, how much they are willing to take from management is their decision and if they are unified and have gotten to the point of a strong majority voting for a strike, than they are fighting the good fight and we all need to be supportive.
Keep in mind that's a long way from an actual strike, but if management, like so many others in this country has gotten way to greedy and is lacking in fairness to the employees, than the pilots are doing what has to be done. A strike vote can be a very effective tool in a negotiation.

AirCobra, when you throw out the "dirty coomie, socialist" crap you start to sound like a member of the lunatic fringe in this country that go around calling the President of the United States a "Socialist".
This country was built on the middle class and it was what made us great. We are slipping more and more into the haves and have nots with a few people at the top making way more than they should at the expense of the majority. I hope the President can start steering us back in that direction.
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i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg.
The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at
Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a
wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! If you can raed tihs forwrad it.

Use your time sitting at your desk doing nothing to study, get a college degree and learn to spell. Oh, once you have the degree, maybe you'll land a job with a Major.
Care to roll the dice on that OJI there sport?

For the rest of your rant...stop sensationalizing. Nobody is going to become fatigued and crash or miss their commute flight because a passenger's bag is sitting on the jetway. It will get sent down the slot, but it will be done by the proper personnel.

If a bag were positioned in such a way as to cause a safety hazard, then of course I would move it...a few feet to the extent necessary to no longer pose a hazard. But I certainly wouldn't be taking it outside, down the steps and who knows where else you went with it.

I'm glad you don't work here so we don't have to put you on the Pre-Scab list as we come closer to going on strike ourselves.

Sensationalizing! You mean the IAM's claim isn't sensationalizing. If it were such a serious issue that took away jobs it would be a provision in every IAM contract, but it isn't.
Speak for yourself there, chief.

I just spent over 2 YEARS getting my OJI paid for by worker's comp and just now healing up from it.

The"real world" isn't nearly as cut and dry as you think it is.

I am sorry to hear that you were injured, but the point was were you injured doing something at work you were not supposed to do, and that is why your claim won't get paid. Do you think if I was injured as Don mentioned that it was the bag that injuried me and not the stairs? If I tripped, I tripped on the stairs right? We go up and down on the stairs of the jetway all the time, so why would I have trouble filing a claim?...Aah its silly to even talk about, you know exactly what I mean and all of you have done it or something similar.

I used the point to be illustrative of how far apart we are from other work groups at the same airline. Don't you think if we had a better working relationship that thie never would have been a grievance filed in the first place? I have heard pilots get into it with rampers and CS about this kind of stuff on numerous occasions. So you never heard a pilot say "hey hurry up or we are going to be late", or "hey get someone over here to help load this wheel chair" That is selecting and directing, also not permitted under the provisions of the IAM contract.

So maybe spare me the criticism a little bit when we all know the truth and maybe say something to Don about threatening people.
These two posts above make a good point. Stop sensationalising and the world is not as cut and dry as some want it to be. The Fox news mentality is dragging our country down and dividing us all.
To a certain extent I understand were AirCobra is coming from. There have been times when labor goes to far. But as far as Spirit goes, how much they are willing to take from management is their decision and if they are unified and have gotten to the point of a strong majority voting for a strike, than they are fighting the good fight and we all need to be supportive.
Keep in mind that's a long way from an actual strike, but if management, like so many others in this country has gotten way to greedy and is lacking in fairness to the employees, than the pilots are doing what has to be done. A strike vote can be a very effective tool in a negotiation.

AirCobra, when you throw out the "dirty coomie, socialist" crap you start to sound like a member of the lunatic fringe in this country that go around calling the President of the United States a "Socialist".
This country was built on the middle class and it was what made us great. We are slipping more and more into the haves and have nots with a few people at the top making way more than they should at the expense of the majority. I hope the President can start steering us back in that direction.

Not to sound like a first grader but "he started it" with the sensationalism about OJI and taking peoples jobs. I think is very divisive to lie and say you haven't done things that you have only to make a point at someone else's expense.

As far as the President goes I don't think he is a Socialist at all, and have stated so in the posts. As far as Rez goes, I separate the political Rez from the Rez I am talking to here. If Rez wants to post articles from Socialist websites, I don't really care, but I want him to be honest about it. Why? because the articles he posts he often doesn't source, so I believe he is misrepresenting them as news rather than what they are which are, opinion and left wing conspiracy most of the time. This is a dishonest way to try and influence people. I only became angry when he tried to affect the relief efforts in Haiti based on a conspiracy presented by a Socialist website. How would you have reacted especially of you had been lived in Haiti and understood what it was like there?

I asked a very simple question. If Spirit does strike, what will be gained? I didn't get much of an answer other if they don't can't have a decent pay and schedule and a strike bankrupts the airline, then good riddance. I asked if this was a good position and perhaps we should try a different approach? Well go back and read the responses. Did I ever call anyone a moron, did I ever threaten anyone? Yet I am the "hater" and I sound like the "lunatic fringe"? For what? Asking what we hope to accomplish, or saying maybe we are going about things the wrong way, not based on some lunatic notion of mine, but on our history.

So ask me what ALPA problems are, well it starts here. Too many people are willing to shout down and marginalize anyone critical of ALPA for any reason because of the fear it will show management some sort of disunity. I contend this attitude makes us weaker, not stronger. Don't you know people that have been turned off by this attitude, because I sure do. Am I asking too much for other peoples opinions to be respected , even if there is disagreement, to do away with all the damn defensiveness, and oh yeah stop with the threats and insults, since I have yet to find how threats and insults promote unity. Is that too much to ask?
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Have some integrity and honor. Everyone else has done it is an excuse for the weak.

Well you didn't answer the question. So you have done that sort of thing too. Well what were the implications?

Honor and integrity also means I am not going to admonish people for doing the same things I have done. All you got on me is you didn't get caught.
Aircobra, in all of this back and forth nonsense, you have still failed to point out even a single suggestion for how things should be changed. All you do is say that ALPA's ways don't work (I completely disagree, of course), but you offer no alternatives whatsoever. As Rez would say, that just makes you a "hater." Do you have anything constructive to add, or just more attacks?

Well if you want to go back to the Spirit situation, what do you think will be gained by a strike in the short term and long term? What do you know about Oaktree? Is the attitude if Spirit fails then they didn't deserve to exist in the first place?
Naw, you just work with these guys as best you can.... but getting wrapped around the axle like AC doesn't help matters... it de-unifies.

Accusations against retired military pilots and military reservists who in previous posts you accused of "gaming the system" promotes unity? If 20-30 percent of airline pilots are still in the reserves, how does someone in ALPA's leadership accusing and alienating nearly one third of your ALPA brothers promote unity?

Its not an insult Rez for me to bring this up. It is something you said and part of being a leader is being accountable for what you say. You can't make up accusations like reservists are gaming the system and then tell people they have to prove the accusations are untrue. You have a serious problems with prejudice and disrespect for military pilots. You have made three comments in this thread alone which could be considered insulting. I would expect more from ALPA's leadership.
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