Well run down the financial justifications for a strike or for that matter what Spirit's pilot group is asking for.
That's not what I was asking you about. I was asking you to justify your claims that ALPA is a failed organization by offering some suggestions for how ALPA should be doing things differently. You have failed to provide even a single suggestion.
All I have been told is Spirit has justification to strike is based on Spirit's profit statement from last year. Pretty simplistic. You say their will be no strike, but there is still plenty of talk about one. Rez seems to be "girding his loins" and that is how this thread started in the first place. This I view as a problem that needs a solution. Rambling? Seems pretty specific. Well what do you know about Spirit's finances and Oaktree Capital? That is second time I asked you that question.
ALPA's Economics & Financial Analysis (E&FA) Department is responsible for examining a company's finances, and they always have to sign confidentiality agreements in order to do so. MECs and Negotiating Committees have to do the same. As you're no doubt aware, companies aren't fond of opening their books to the eyes of everyone in the world. They provide what the law requires to the SEC, but that's it. ALPA is not free to give out more information than is already available publicly. You elect leaders that you trust, and then you trust their judgement when they tell you that the airline is fully capable of funding the contract that you are demanding. If you don't trust your leaders, then elect new ones.
So please forgive me if I don't have the deference you expect for your sage opinion.
I really couldn't care less what you think about my sage or not-so-sage opinions. I just want you to answer some simple questions about what you would do differently. You have consistently failed to do so. That indicates that you have nothing constructive to add, just run of the mill anti-union drivel.
Finally interesting to notice how you are all over my a$$ yet you got a guy here making some pretty heinous accusations about former and current guard and reserve pilots, and not a word from you. Thanks for supporting us.
I thought it was pretty off-topic, so I saw no need to get involved. I think Rez's comments are being misunderstood, though. I think he's just referring to the small group of pilots that do have an attitude problem about receiving a pension check and not caring about upholding the profession. I don't think he's talking about all guard and reserve pilots, or all military pilots in general. To the contrary, I think most former military pilots, after spending a few years at the airlines, are great union members that quickly come to realize that management has no concept for leadership and cares nothing about taking care of their people. In other words, a whole different world from the military.