My proposal has always been to ensure everyone starts at the same level playing field: DOH as of class date. As for the methods, it doesn't matter what I've proposed, because it's all in Bloch's hands now. But do note, the dispute regarding DOH was initially started by the XJ committee. Not by me, not by you, not by 9L. They jumped into the bandwagon later, claiming they had to adust their piltos' DOH to come in line with ALPA's merger policy, and how they thought it was unfair that one group (implying 9E) did not. What the 9L committee conveniently left out, is that their adjustments were necessary for those pilots hired at Colgan in other non-pilot positions, and then later transferred to a pilot position. Their adjustment was necessary to ensure their pilot class date was considered the DOH for integration purposes. HARDLY the same thing as Pinnacle's case, but the 9L committee still spun this to make it sound like they had to "take one" for the team.Funny, you in particular have been proposing far worse things than that to both XJ and 9L. In fact, your one of the more vocal ones on here. Even if your accusations are true, and they are not, why is it ok for one sli committee to play unfair, but not the others?