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Gulfstream getting CoEx Routes?

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My job was worth it and I have no problem looking myself in the mirror, no regrets and the view from the left seat of this E-145 is wonderful. I would rather do this than anything else, that was my motivation. If you don't like or can't deal with this sorry, enjoy your desk job and your peace of mind.
Pilots who've worked hard to build a career will resent those who try to pull an end-run around them via their checkbook.

Saddly, there are too many well qualified individuals chasing too few well paying jobs.
Good luck, work hard, good for you. Some people choose to take their chances and invest their money in a chance to get a $10 dollar per hour job for 250 hours. Nothing is guaranteed at Gulfstream. You gotta perform well or you don't get on. Gulfstream doesn't "give" you anything. Period.
Getting a job in aviation is mainly being in the right place at the right time with the right qualifications.
How people choose to get those qualifications can vary widely from the military, GA flight instructing, flying bank checks or even GIA.
You Gulfstream flamers are ignorant and very much misinformed.
They have an excellent training program. Continental mainline ownes a huge piece of them.

How about 2000 hours instruction given over four years,or flying boxes in an Aztec, enough dues paid?
Sure, but when you are hiring for 1900 positions, or other commuter positions, who are you gonna hire first?
No disrespect intended, I'm not cutting down your experience or abilities, I'm looking at your credentials from an HR standpoint. Gees those HR people many times don't have PPL's. Quite often they rely on the old adage The only way to forecast future performance is to look at past performance.
You gotta get by the HR person.

Ignorance is bliss!!! You PFT guys need to realize that every seat you pay for as a training FO is one less paying job for pilots!!!!!!

Actually I disagree. There are far more instructing jobs open for people who want to build their time instructing.

That's inaccurate. I am no lover of CAA, but it is not P-F-T. The Commercial-Multi-Instrument-CFI you earn there can be shopped anywhere. For once, let's get the definition of P-F-T right. P-F-T is when you pay for training as a condition of employment at a particular company, that training is specific to that company and applies only to that company.

Yes, Comair is not PFT now but it was for over 3 years. It stopped three and a half years ago. As well as ASA.
With Delta taking huge losses, you might just see it start back up again.
PS ASA folks are saying furloughed Mainline guys are getting hired into RJ.
P-F-T v. peace of mind

Britpilot said:
My job was worth it and I have no problem looking myself in the mirror, no regrets and the view from the left seat of this E-145 is wonderful. I would rather do this than anything else, that was my motivation. If you don't like or can't deal with this sorry, enjoy your desk job and your peace of mind.

I do enjoy my peace of mind, very much, thank you. Best of luck to you.
capt crunch said:
Tell me something, why is it when I blast CHQ for being whores to the industry and taking COEX routes I get flamed, but when a Gulfstream guy does it everyone flames him? ITS THE SAME THING. And thats why we are pissed off. It doesn't matter if DAL or United took our (yes our) routes. Its still the same. That flying is OUR flying. We were owned by CAL, we were promised a flough through to CAL, and we are the ones Screwed by Gordon(lorenzo) Baboon! Now they want some lower bidding NON ALPA carrier with no spine to do our old routes while we park airplanes(and still pay the leases) AND have 383 pilots on furlough and hundreds more displaced as captains to F/o's. (Hello alter ego airline) 3m1900fo, id sugest you pay your dues and get hired by a real airline because as soon as you show up in IAH CLE OR EWR your life will not be pleasant. Do not pander to the lowest common denominator.

Welcome to the game called life. I'm surprised that you were never taught as a child that life isn't always fair, and sometimes you are forced into situations which aren't exactly desireable, but it's all part of the game my friend. CHECK THIS ONE OUT: The Rolling Stone's song 'You can't always get what you want'
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youngin' said:
Welcome to the game called life. I'm surprised that you were never taught as a child that life isn't always fair, and sometimes you are forced into situations which aren't exactly desireable, but it's all part of the game my friend. CHECK THIS ONE OUT: The Rolling Stone's song 'You can't always get what you want'
While we're on the subject of British rock groups:

Buy you a diamond ring, my friend, if it makes you feel all right . . . I'll give you all I've got to give, if it makes you feel all right. . . . I don't care too much for money, for money can't buy me love.

--The Beatles, circa 1965

. . . though money can buy you an FO seat.

No, life is not always fair. But, I don't see anyone holding a gun to one's head to P-F-T, either.

Once more, to thine ownself be true.
Britpilot said:
Steve, sorry for any and all offense,if there is any thing I can do to make this up? Like maybe a cuban now and again?
It's everybodys noble right to be a moron but some people abuse the privilage.:D

NOW WE'RE TALKING! Man you crack me up!:D
Re: Unfairness

bobbysamd said:
While we're on the subject of British rock groups:

Buy you a diamond ring, my friend, if it makes you feel all right . . . I'll give you all I've got to give, if it makes you feel all right. . . . I don't care too much for money, for money can't buy me love.

--The Beatles, circa 1965

. . . though money can buy you an FO seat.

No, life is not always fair. But, I don't see anyone holding a gun to one's head to P-F-T, either.

Once more, to thine ownself be true.

Nigel you wanna field this one????
4 to 5 years ago....

Hmm... Great Lakes and Air Wisconsin did not have PFT.

Mr. Pickle, your facts appear to be in error. I am sure there are many other companies that were not PFT either. Maybe we should make a list.
"Nigel" and the rest of the Gulfstream apologists- you guys are missing the point entirely.

What Gulfstream does is take a required crewmember seat that would be an entry level job for someone, and intead, they rent it out to someone who would rather pay dollars than build experience. Often times, this person is not even a US citizen, but someone who is here on a student visa, believe it or not!

And all this to save HOW much per hour? We're not talking about replacing a triple 7 skipper here, we're talking about saving $20-30 bucks an hour. Now, that's ridiculous.

If COEX wants to use non-union crews that are paying for the "privilege" of being there, while they have their own pilots are out on furlough, well, I think 60 Minutes would be interested to know that a Continental passenger buying a ticket on a US major airline will be completing their flight in an aircraft that has a foreign pilot on a student visa renting the seat by the hour. Now, that's a pretty picture.
"Nigel" and the rest of the Gulfstream apologists- you guys are missing the point entirely.

What Gulfstream does is take a required crewmember seat that would be an entry level job for someone, and intead, they rent it out to someone who is looking to pay money to get out of building PIC experience. Often times, this person is not even a US citizen, but someone who is here on a student visa, believe it or not! Now, that would look good on 60 Minutes . . . . . . a Continental passenger buying a ticket on a US major airline will be completing their flight in an aircraft that has a foreign pilot on a student visa renting the seat by the hour. Now, that's a pretty picture.

We're not talking about replacing a triple 7 skipper, either; we're talking about shaving $20-30 bucks an hour per crew- or about 2 bucks per ticket? Now, that's ridiculous.

I think your Union should let Gordon know that they have stood by him during very difficult times, but they will not tolerate this move- no way, no how, or those RJ's will be flying so slow that they'll have to equip them with rear-view mirrors to avoid bird strikes.. . from behind!
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