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Gulfstream getting CoEx Routes?

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AWACoff said:
I got hired in '99 with barely a commercial ticket. I had persistence and tenacity. If I hadn't gotten the job, my CFI ticket I was working on would have gotten me a job.

OK THATS ENOUGH! You guys need to relax. PFT was a BIG part of hiring in the late 90's. Most people who didnt go that route were morally against it. Thats fine however most of the larger carriers WERE requiring this.

When I was hired in early 97 Everyone from Coex to Commutair, to ACA to COMAIR was charging. Its just the way it was. (thank you Lorenzo). If you bash someone for paying for the training than you need to bash the majority of guys who were hired from 95-99. You wont win that battle.

As far as Gulfstream. I do not agree with taking advantage of pilots. I REALLY dont believe in Gulfstream because Of the fact that the owner was one of the FIRST SCABS to cross the line at eastern. I believe he became a chief pilot the same day. So I question any thing done by that airline or that person.

Now El Duderino your just an idiot and your lack of reading proves it. I am not British so am not nearly as refined as my friend, I dont consider that a personal attack, just an observation.

The Bottom line is that Durring that time period most companies were requiring payment. I believe Eagle was the exception, however, Eagle also had 7-10 year F/O's. Everyone laughed at me for going to coex when they were going to commutair. They made great money(but still paid for training), and had upgrades in 1 1/2 years. Things change and now I guess im better off.

I saw the fact that coex ordered 300 jets as a sign that they might hire one or two pilots! I did not CUT IN line because I did what everyone at my company was doing. I made a choice and now im in the top 25% of 2000 pilots. I do not feel guilty and neither should Nigel. (except for bringing that funny accent).

NO this was not the only way to get a job, But hindsight being 20/20 we made out a HELL of a lot better than we would have. No I need to go write a check, 750$ and my PFT is done!!!
AWACoff said:
Not to post the obvious...BUT...if the guy didn't want to PFT, he could have simply bought block time in a twin and acquired another 100hrs for much less than PFTing. You could have flown that in 2 weeks. Whoops. I got hired in '99 with barely a commercial ticket. I had persistence and tenacity. If I hadn't gotten the job, my CFI ticket I was working on would have gotten me a job. Seniority isn't everything. It's very important but it's not more important than selling your reputation for a job.

Do you even work for an airline??? Have you ever drinken beers with pilots???

Every pilot I know would sell their mother in law for 3 extra numbers. Immediate family goes for 10 numbers a pop. Seniority is EVERYTHING. Had I waited one month when I ws hired I would have gotten the EMB120 instead of the ATR. I would have been CLE based instead of BTV then MHT.(where I lived) For the last 2 years I've bid in the top 10 on my airplane. Another month and I would have gone to the RJ sooner and been sitting reserve for a year or 2 and be sitting in ewr at 110 now.

Seniority is everything.

"Those humble in seniority, like Miller, were assigned to fly the two-engined C-47's on flights to Goose Bay and the Crystals unless one of the larger planes became available to fly the ocean. Thus once again, the numbers took over the regulation of our private destinies and once more the numbers composed themselves in a way which at times made some of us feel like a ball spinning in a roulette wheel"
E.K. GANN; Fate Is The Hunter.

I recomend it highly
El Duderino:

Hey nice aim dude! You accuse Nigel of working for Gulfstream and stealing flying from Expressjet. Not only does is he a captain for Expressjet, but he is on the hotel committee that has helped to make our overnights light years better from the time I was hired. Your furloughed Exjet friends are getting continued health benefits, because good union members like Nigel giving up parts of their paycheck. Come back and try to flame him when you done anything to better a pilot group. Otherwise stay in the bush league junior!
As for the whole PFT debate, get over it guys. Everytime I see PFT or Gulfstream in a message it turns into a 200 thread arguement that goes no where. People who pft'd are not even close to scabs (ask the comair guys who pft'd if they think that), so don't throw that word out. Just to follow the script I'll ask ISN'T SOUTHWEST PFT TOO???
Everyone knows that old joke about how only two things will remain after a nuclear holocaust--cockroaches and Great Lakes Aviation. Well, now we can add one more--this #&%$! thread!

Agreed. Enough is enough. I don't like P-F-T. I will never like P-F-T. Brit has the right not to like lawyers. There are quite a few lawyers that I don't like - and I work for attorneys. If someone wants to P-F-T, let them P-F-T. I would just urge careful thought and research.

While we're at it, I don't feel that Southwest is P-F-T. :)
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ok So i couldnt resist.

Why does California have all the lawyers and New Jersey have all the toxic waste dumps..............(drum roll please)

Jersey got first choice (rim-shot):D
While we're at it, I don't feel that Southwest is P-F-T.

In reality SWA is PFT in a way.... IF "hired" YOU are required to obtain a 737 type rating and last I checked YOU had to PAY the place for the TRAINING :D :D - I don't think this is nearly as bad as Gulf however I have absolutely no intentions of ever flying for SWA unless they wave this requirement. It is my belief that when a pilot is at that level then it is a slap in the face to have to dish out that much money after the long road that you had to travel to get to that point. I 100% understand the SWA reasoning behind this BUT I just don't agree with it. So yes in a way SWA is PFT

Comparing SWA and Gulf though would be like comparing a Mercedes to a Yugo. The two operators are worlds apart and Gulf Joke is nothing more than an absolute disgrace to the industry.

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The two operators are worlds apart and Gulf Joke is nothing more than an absolute disgrace to the industry.

Give it up 350, you borderline slander everyone who worked at Gulfstream. You have no facts about what you say. Your tone leads me to believe their is much more behind your GIA flaming than meets the eye.
Everyone is entitled to their opinions, but 350, Gulfstream, I think has a pretty long waiting list for their FO course.
PS think before you start flaming GIA to someone you are flying with. There are lots of Gulfstream grads out there, especially lots who were furloughed.

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