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I hate to break to you, but our 76-seat rates are higher than yours. Regional pay rates suck today, but they were even MORE horrible in the 90s.
ooohhh is that how many you guys hold, a whopping 3 dollars more for flying 10 more seats than us. Wow, we should strive for that on our next contract. Thanks.
I haven't forgotten. Everone still remembers. That's why you still get jumpseats denied to GoJet crewmembers.
Not everyone just you. Yes pinnacles jumpseat has problems with the GJ jumpseat recip but who gives a ********************, cass is cass. Just remember what goes around comes around.
You STILL don't get it. YOU work for an ALTER-EGO carrier. A carrier started SPECIFICALLY for the reason to UNDER-MINE an existing ALPA carrier.
No it was created because TSA couldn't fly UAcrj7s because of the AA scope. Again you're a dumbass, you have no idea why GJ was created, it's history, the circumstances. And the whole history of the screw up by TSA pilots, (not all their fault). ALPAs support for the TSA management and the idiot TSA mec. You're opinions are so wrong but the creation of GJs has been beaten to death and obviously by you're statement you're one of those ALPA loons that's never going to believe the truth.
YOUR GoJets was formed specifically as an alter-ego, from the SAME holding company of TSA, and yet, backstabbing TSA pilots to "teach" them a lesson.
WERE NOT an ALTER EGO!!!! Look it up. This isn't elementary school, grown oraginzations don't spend millions to teach their own employees a lesson. How can a management that wanted to stab their pilot group(tsa) create an alter ego and give GJ better pay and contract than what TSA pilots were originaly asking?? Does that make much sense??? If you keep jerking off to the alpa propaganda, sooner or later you're going to be against every single management out there. Don't worry you'll find out what I'm talking about after 40 years of airline service.
Then YOUR carrier continued to grow and hire, NON-UNION, while TSA (the ALPA) carrier SUFFERED from loss of flying and from LAYOFFs. All as a result of TSA's upper management undermining UNION pilots and forming an alter-ego NON-UNION carrier.
First of all TSA in no shape or form furloughed because of GJ. One of these days you ALPA loons will get it through your thick heads. Stop living in the past. Please join the real world. We are UNION, with a contract, middle of the line CRJ7 pay. Are you going to tell me you're not going to fly for Southwest because back in the day the used to be nonunion the lowest paid and the least favorable, considered the Skybus of the majors back then?
So YOUR actions have BACK-STABBED every ALPA carrier/pilot and what they stand for.
Not really dude, I'm willing to bet we even have a better contract than you do. Again, I'm sure you're not aware but not everyone out there in the REGIONALS cares much about unions, as long as you come in fly the line by a decent contract. There is no reason to get worked out about unions, especially at the regional level, alpa is useless. Alpa does a real good job of dividing the money when there is some. Do you think they give to ********************s about a union member when they know how much you make??? How about the fact that pay has never changed the last 20-30 years?????
You're scum. True, you're not flying struck work, so you're technically not a scab. But you are the next worst thing above a scab.
ohhh a scumbag regional pilot who is flying CRJ9s for 20 bucks an hour when they could be flown by Delta pilots making 3 times as much is preatching that I'm worse.. Please grow up.
In conclusion, MR. SIC. Obvoiusly you have no idea about the creation of GJ. Your hard on for ALPA has clouded your views about this Union airline with absolute support of ALPA and Teamsters. Don't worry dude, what goes around comes around. Just like the many former ALPA guys here, sooner or later you're going to understand what this is all about.
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