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I have agreed with some not all of what you said. However TSA would never have let us FLOOD *************************s with pilots. We had to reinterview if we wanted the job. One of the biggest reasons there is two seperate lists is because TSA wanted to protect training costs.

On the issue of scope I believe scope is the only thing protecting us from being stuck at places like TSA. It protects mainline jobs and our future. The issue of scope and whipsaw applies only to APA and DAL scope, which won't allow American Connection or DAL carriers to fly large airplanes regardless of brand.
You're right about that post of mine a couple months ago. It was inappropriate. I'm concerned about posting a PM for public viewing.

I see, yes I did hesitate to share the PM in public, but I felt it might give other posters some insight into the mentality of the thread starter. I did not ask for him to PM me and I believe that other people on this board have a right to know what this person truly believes.

This is an emotional issue for everyone at TSA. We have been operating with a sub standard contract for years now and have continued to do our jobs as professionals(with few exceptions). We felt that we had an oportunity to bring not only more opportunity, but a better life to this pilot group through our hard work. Unfortunately ************************* is a major obsticle that according to ALPA is an ilegal alter-ego airline. As a result *************************s pilots are seen as management tools to us. They are being used like a tool by management to lower costs at TSA and ruin our bargining power. They do not realize that they are at TSA and TSA will use them and abuse them until they can't take it anymore. Only than will the realize the depth and the magnitude of what they have done. It is almost laughable to me that someone would subject their good name to such hatred and disrespect for less many than any other carrier out there. We feel that their disregard and disrespect for the TSA pilots and our CBA is a personal attack at each of us.
First, lets look at these alter-ego carriers. If the pilots facing these new certificates would just go to them.....like Mesa/Freedom. Pilots at Mesa were offered the jobs at Freedom....several times. ALPA in their wisdom decided to boycott the effort, even though it meant new equipment, upgrades, and higher pay....and did so at their own peril. They put a rift in their own group, and everyone knows that once that happens that management has won. They should have all gone to Freedom, in seniority order, and basically shut the place down. How? With the throttles in one hand and the logbook in the other. Boycotting the place and labeling the pilots who went there as scabs, scumbags, whatever, just galvanized the group and much to managements delight, caused continued fractures in the ALPA group. After the integration, ALPA claimed victory, even though they signed a sub par contract compared to the Comair contract which took a strike to gain. And now that Freedom is "part" of ALPA, as far as they are concerned all is forgiven as long as you pay your dues and tow their line.

Obviously you don't believe in the mantra that anchors this great nation of ours...."Together we stand, divided we fall"

The scope that is in mainline CBA is the only thing that will save a regional pilot from suffering the same fate as the mainline pilots. Scope has caused the need for multiple op certificates. You are right on there. But without scope, where does it end? That is a double edged sword.

There is good scope and bad scope. Good scope is Northwest pilots restricting all jet flying above 58 seats from being outsourced. Bad scope is Northwest pilots restricting certificates that operate for them from operating for someone else. Bad scope causes regional carriers to form new certificates. The costs associated with the redundant overhead expenses are always taken out of the employees pockets. These reductions are made possible through reduced barganing power.

A blanket statement like "scope is good" only shows ignorance to the concept of cause and effect.
PCL 128, you just have a bug up your ass because the guys at JetBlue ripped you apart on another thread. Name the SCABS and freedom scumbags that have been hired at JetBlue. I really don't believe that you SIR have any credibility. You're the big union guy that condones the use off the jumpseat for political reasons.
Brand scope would have protected everyone, in seniority order. However that horse has left the barn.

Whatever your take on the G0Jets thing, the way the industry is set up, there will be continual undercutting until there is a deterrent to do so. When you all figure out what that solution is, let me know. Until then, stop whining about how you all are working with a substandard contract. Surely after the carnage that occurred after 9/11, and what happened to the mainline guys, you didn't think that you would be able to beat the Comair rates, did you?

Secondly, the mainline management has, and continues to use the regional pilots to undermine the CBA's of every mainline pilot out there. Do they call you names and deny jumpseats to you? What is the difference?

Lastly, now that airline economics don't support the 50 seaters, what is next?

Detroitpilot22 said:
I am not making a threat to anyone, go ahead and work there if you want, just good luck moving on to anywhere else after that, and I hope you don't have to commute to work as well, becuase it might be tough getting there.

And if NWA breaks the mainline scope clause and circumvents their CBA in BK and you HAVE to fly a 70-90 seat jet does that make YOU any different.


A350, I didn't read your post before I posted, but you hit the nail on the head. In fact CHQ had been violating AA's scope clause the past year.
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Secondly, the mainline management has, and continues to use the regional pilots to undermine the CBA's of every mainline pilot out there. Do they call you names and deny jumpseats to you? What is the difference?

Dead wrong, we are talking about violating a CB and a seniority list not "undermine" as you stated. Mainline v. Regional is apples and oranges compare to Regional v. Regional. Remember ALPA let the cat out of the bag in 92 when some ALPA mainline groups detemined mainline was to good for RJs. This means a company has a need for a service that its pilots are not willing to do, as a result the flying is farmed out. Remember what ALPA lets one management group get away with it is eventually forced to let all. Here we have a group of pilots willing to do the flying, but not being allowed in violation of their CB. I'm sorry if you fail to see the difference, but it is plain as day what ALPA's stance is on the subject.
AviatorTx said:
I guess that makes MOST of us in the industry misguided because we realize and don't like the fact that you are screwing up the industry for EVERYONE. You are pouring gasoline that on the fire that is fueling to the race to the bottom. It is of little consolation to the rest of us that you Ho Jets pilots will actually hit the bottom first, since you are taking the rest of us down with you.

<--- From an XJT pilot that supports my ALPA brothers at TSA.[/

I don't think MOST pilots share your belief. I don't think MOST pilots even know what your talking about. I think you are part of the misguided zealots I refer to. Go Jet remains just another Regional Airline. Pay and working conditions are a reflection of the times and the bankruptcies that are occuring in the industry. When the economy and the industry start making money, then times will improve for the pilots. The race isnt to the bottom, the race is to stabilize and then improve. The industry will and eventually so will everyone who works in the industry.
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