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GJ Hiring Captains and fo's

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Theo the only person that is misguided is you.

The reality of the situation is that ALPA and the TSA pilots do not believe *************************s is just another regional.

The reality is ************************* pilots still work for HK and TSA. Your quality of life will never get better because of who you work for. When are you going to realize that TSA is near the bottum of the list of good places to work, and you and all the other ************************* pilots are being used as tools to make our life worse not better. Let us review the "reflection of the times" at TSA, shall we. According to TSA's DOT filling last year we cleared about 27 million and according to a leading STL newspaper *************************s will make money in the first year. Mcdonalds franchises don't even turn a profit for 2 to 3 years. Think about it.

For you to ass u me that *************************s is just another regional and that your quality of life will improve, is both sophmoric and niave.
In fact CHQ had been violating AA's scope clause the past year.

...and it would have been nice if AA pilots would have stood firm on this issue instead of taking "bribe" money for continued violation. This very issue is proof that everything at mainline is for sale when it comes down to it.
PCL_128 said:
And sadly, the "1200 TT regional jet F/O" knows what he's talking about a lot more than you do. The people that do the hiring at most companies aren't the typical clueless, crusty, silver-haired, line Captains. They are extremely well-informed and most of them certainly do check SCAB lists before hiring someone. There's a reason that the only SCABs at the majors are ones that slipped through the cracks from mergers that the pilot hiring boards couldn't stop. The only exception is JetBlue, which has taken a few SCABs and a couple of Freedumb scumbags. Other than JetBlue and a few supplemental cargo companies, these HoJet scumbags are pretty much stuck at HoJets because of their backstabbing actions. Enjoy flying those 70-seaters for 50-seat rates for the rest of your careers, scumbags.


There is not a single scab at G0Jet. I can't say the same for TSA or Pinnacle. Our pilots have been hired at several "legacy" carriers and cargo companies. Come to think of it, I don't think we have any Gulfstream Acadamy PFT guys like you working for us. I'll interview along with you anywhere and we'll see who gets hired.

I disagree that it is apples to oranges. Is it OK for a regional pilot to take flying from the mainline partner but not for one regional to take flying from another? Is that how you justify how this industry has shaken out? Like it or not, many other UNION brothers and sisters are out of work because of the regionals.....management just did it with ALPA's consent. Now that ALPA has decided it's time to hold the line, they want you to get upset, call people names, deny jumpseats ....etc.

TSA may have made 27 million last year, but it was sucking at the teat of the mainline partner, not on its own.

Lastly, I hope you and the other regional pilots don't get too po'ed when the mainline carriers start going for the 70-90 seat airplanes. Post BK, many of these carriers will go for the EMB-170 and 190 airplanes and their MEC's will demand the flying goes to them....when that happens, the future at many regionals will be measured with an egg timer. The 50 seater is a dead horse.

Will you call the NWA/USAirways/UAL etc. guys SCABS when they secure the rest of the 70-90 seaters for themselves and you are stuck with what you have? I hope not.

Finally, remember one fact of airline pilot life. ALPA only wants one thing from you...to do what THEY want you to do and pay dues. If you ask questions, rock the boat, don't agree, you are labeled a malcontent, scumbag, scab or worse. It doesn't matter that you lay your career at the feet of those who come after you for the better good. You will just end up out of work while others whose timing was better or who walked their own way pass you by.

I am reminded of a situation not long ago.....a company had an ALPA hiring ban in place. This particular airline was hiring. When questioned, ALPA said yes there is a hiring ban. When asked what were the ramifications of being hired there, ALPA said there would be none. When asked if the ban was honored, even in the face of being hired, what would ALPA do to help secure other employment, the answer was "nothing".

Read elsewhere where JetBlue is having a special seminar for displaced IDE pilots....That same place that PCL-128 says hires scabs.

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Again I agree with you on many levels, however I respectfully disagree with one point.

I disagree that it is apples to oranges. Is it OK for a regional pilot to take flying from the mainline partner but not for one regional to take flying from another? Is that how you justify how this industry has shaken out? Like it or not, many other UNION brothers and sisters are out of work because of the regionals.....management just did it with ALPA's consent. Now that ALPA has decided it's time to hold the line, they want you to get upset, call people names, deny jumpseats ....etc.

Yes it is no secret mainline management has called on their regional partners to fly routes once flown by mainline. I too am troubled by this, and I wish it wasn't the case. However the only situation that fully mirrors the ************************* problem is NW with NEWCO. This is an alter ego with a seperate labor group. Most regionals are not alter egos created to circumnavigate CBA and seniority lists. They were infact created to fill a void in the market.

I think you and I both agree that mainline must keep the larger "RJs". The fact is until labor cost at the regionals gets high enough to force mainline management to give the flying back to mainline pilots, low cost contract carriers will always exsist at the expense of all of us. At TSA we were and still are poised to better our contract to help force this very issue. We saw Comair get a good contract the was begining to force this issue only to be low balled by Mesa and others. Mesa and these other airlines were unable to raise the bar and force flying back to mainline because of alter egos like Freedom and Republic. Now Mesa operates 90 seaters for US and AW because of Freedom. I would much rather be flying the EMB for mainline, but unfortunately that was not the industry I inherited. Hopefully it is the industry we can pass down to our sons.
Fuel Flow....who on the TSA seniority list here is a SCAB?!!!.......I have checked....NADA Good Try though
Shrek -

Look harder. I know of at least one, though I won't mention names here. Ex-Eastern, I'm very sure he's still there. I bet your ALPA friends can identify the rest.

Any aircraft with jet propulsion should be flown by mainline, or at least by mainline pilots. You can see the resulting Pandora's Box when we strayed from that over 12 years ago.
fuelflow said:
Any aircraft with jet propulsion should be flown by mainline, or at least by mainline pilots. You can see the resulting Pandora's Box when we strayed from that over 12 years ago.

The first time you've said anything that makes sense on this board. I'm impressed. Yet you still added your fuel to the fire by going to the dark side. I'm confused.

We agree on more than you realize....however.......

Mesa has 90 seaters because Mesa wanted them. Not because of Freedom. JO ordered the aircraft for AWA. He wasn't scoped out of them at AWA. He was everywhere else.

The Mesa MEC would love for you to believe that Freedom is the cause of their ills. That isn't the case. Freedom existed solely for the purpose of allowing MAG the opportunity to place larger RJ's with AWA, without risking their other code share flying. Of course, after JO started Freedom, he used it very effectively. He scared the crap out of the pilots there. The MEC utilized all kinds of tactics to stop it when they should have encouraged it. They were offered the jobs, in seniority order, with seniority. They chose not to. They (JO) had no intention of bringing more flying to the Freedom certificate because he knew when push came to shove he would lose the single carrier petition. Make no mistake, Mesa had no intention of forcing any flying back to mainline. They were, and still are, bent on getting whatever they can. And you know what? That is their job.

Mesa, the whole time, was working on getting the 70 and 90 seater on their certificate, but only after the first BK wiped out most of the USAirways pilots scope protections. This was also a condition of the Mesa pilots participating in the Jets for Jobs protocols which allowed furloughed U pilots to "flow down" to Mesa. If you ask me, it was a win-win for the Mesa guys, although, they flinched first and signed a lousy contract. Truth be told, the Mesa MEC probably figured they sign the crappy contract, get tons of new flying, and blame the Freedom thing for the whole mess. Nonetheless, blaming the Mesa pilots is not the thing to do. If Woerth was serious about stopping this crap, maybe he shouldn't have let them sign the contract.

Politics and strategy...two things ALPA is full of.

Republic is a whole 'nother story.....the U pilots lost out on that deal as well. U management took the pilot pension, took the savings/cash left over and bought a ton of new RJ's, CRJ's and EMB-170's and then gave them away to other carriers. I hope the PSA and Republic pilots like flying my pension.


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