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FLOPS Strike ballots are being sent out !!!

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If FedEx goes on strike don't you think all of there customers would be shipping UPS? UPS would not be flying struck work. Flying struck work would be adding FedEx routes to your system, like say only FedEx served ABC airport before the strike. Now, if UPS started service to ABC after the strike then that would be struck work.

At fractionals it is different in that we don't have routes. Every airport is fair game to all of the fractionals. The only situation I could see is if FLOPS pilots struck and FLOPS management tried to use NJ or Shares to pick up the scheduled flights for the day. I don't see that happening so I think we're safe. There is no way a FLOPS owner going to the compitition during the strike could be interpruted as flying struck work.

I agree 1108 clarification would be nice.
I think the question is if he purchases the card after the strike, will the IBT try to label that as struck work?

It's not if "he" purchases.... It's if flops purchases charter to fly their program flights.

Otherwise if I had American tickets to ORD... And AA went on strike, I couldn't just purchase SWA to MDW. But if AA chartered planes from SWA... That would be an AA trip flown by non APA pilots.
Do you really think that FLOPs management would want to put its customers on a NJ or CS fractional plane? That may be a sure way to have an owner leave your program.

Fly safe.
Simple mathematics Ed would dictate that if the company isn't doing well that senior management would be sharing in the cutbacks that they have inflicted on labor. Instead there are junior executives going on family vacations in company jets. You claim that the union guys are self serving. It seems to me that "senior leadership" is self serving and really doesn't care about the survival of the company or they wouldn't be acting that way. If you are so altruistic and care about the health of the company how about you save some corporate funds and give back some of your pay from your special deal Ed.

First of all: ED? Who?
Second, I don't think any "junior executives" fly on company airplanes for family vacations. Just how do you define a junior executive anyway?
Finally, I'm still puzzled about this "Ed" thing and that I have some pay to give back.
Senior leadership may be self serving, but it's their company. Their personal investment. I seriously doubt they would abuse it to the point of breaking - or even abuse it at all. What would you do in their position?
Hey Skanza, I've been looking at your avatar....A single RED EYE.....now go grab a mirror, bend over, pull your cheeks a-part, and come back here and tell me if you don't see a single red eye in the reflection. I'm sure most would call that an a$$ hole.

Hey,... Nah, forget it. You're not worth it, fool.
Do you really think that FLOPs management would want to put its customers on a NJ or CS fractional plane? That may be a sure way to have an owner leave your program.

Fly safe.

No I don't. That's why I said, "I don't see that happening".

I was only trying to see a way that it COULD be considered struck work. That's how far fetched it would have to get and we both agree it ain't gonna happen.
Not sure how it is a FLOPS, but at some other Frac's, the owner contracts have a limit to the amount of chartered aircraft they can be put on.

How would that play if there is a strike?

There's still a ways to go before FlOps pilots strike. But as we approach that decision point, I believe there lies a conundrum for NJASAP and will reveal one of the false promises made when they chose to leave 1108. We were paid a lot of lip service by the NJASAP folks about how NJASAP stood fully behind the organizing effort at FlOps (enter NJW in 3..2..1...). Of course our effort continues and I believe NJASAP could choose to NOT fly a yet to be determined definition of struck work. But the level of support they're really willing to provide remains yet to be seen.

That said we watch the 121 air carriers - and ALPA in particular - eat their own on a weekly basis. Frankly, as the FlOps organizing effort moves forward I don't expect much in the way of NJASAP support - let alone support from any of the other fracs.
First of all: ED? Who?
Second, I don't think any "junior executives" fly on company airplanes for family vacations. Just how do you define a junior executive anyway?
Finally, I'm still puzzled about this "Ed" thing and that I have some pay to give back.
Senior leadership may be self serving, but it's their company. Their personal investment. I seriously doubt they would abuse it to the point of breaking - or even abuse it at all. What would you do in their position?

Ed is you you former management now line pilot that lived in CLE and now lives in Montana. Go ahead deny it but I know the truth. Also go ahead and deny that you are receiving check airman pay even though you aren't a check airman. Life is good when you are one of Bob's chosen ones isn't it? Nice pay for being one of Bob's boys. Just keep pushing Ed and I will continue to air your dirty laundry. If you are soooo concerned about the financial health of the company Ed why don't you give back the check airman override. I'm sure they could put that money to use somehow since they are too strapped to pay anyone other than you well. I know in your miond you earn that money because you are "special" Ed.
If I were in their position I would bring the employees on board and try to weather this rotten economy. I would try and improve the operation and its efficiency so my investment would grow. I certainly wouldn't be taking a family vacation in the company airplanes. It affects your credability when you say the company is too broke even restore the pay and benefits to what they were 10 years ago. A junior executive is someone who holds a title of VP but isn't that important like say the VP of safety.
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You all talk llike people in other fractionals or charter companies give a sh--t what happens to you. Do you really think that they are going to turn down any trips and sacrifice their jobs to "walk the line" with you guys? Those that are former FLOPS pilots probably left because they were sick of your BS.

I think your all crazy.

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