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Flex's Response?

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vixin said:
If you hired in 98 then you upgraded in less then a year. It was the poor guys who hired after Feb 2000 that were lied to in the interview. Anyone hired before that had a quick upgrade. I think you need to check your dates.
Not quite. Quick upgrades were handed out through the end of 2003. I was hired in early 2002 and upgraded in one month...they were sending out 20 bids for Ultra Captain every 2 weeks and couldn't fill the demand. Now if you were in a nicer airplaned and you were waiting for that quick Falcon upgrade, well that has never happened here.
cosmotheassman said:
And with the folks at IBT 1108, we at flex could get a good contract, in just under what, 4 years?? No thanks. In all fairness, I'm really glad NJ got what they got, it can only benefit everyone.

Most of us don't count the first three years of negotiations from the previous inept leadership. We started getting serious in Feb of this year, and it only took nine months to get this far. Before the last election in 2004, we had no union leadership at all. One thing I will say about the last group, they created more unity than anyone thought possible, although it was purely coincidental. They had no clue what they were doing.

I agree Pervis... the previous group was in way over their head... and no results were forthcoming. The strong union group was a 180 turn and it did shake up mgmt.

However, and Olsen has said it many times, the strength gomes from the pilot group, like fly the pledge. That gave Olsen the clout he needed to change mgmts offers.

So in nine months we got some serious change. Not all we wanted but leaps and bounds over what the company was offering.

And for you guys poo-pooing unions, show me one major carrier operating without one.......
TurboJetCpt said:
Not quite. Quick upgrades were handed out through the end of 2003. I was hired in early 2002 and upgraded in one month...they were sending out 20 bids for Ultra Captain every 2 weeks and couldn't fill the demand. Now if you were in a nicer airplaned and you were waiting for that quick Falcon upgrade, well that has never happened here.
I think Vixin is talking about upgrade at Flexjet, not NJA.And Vixin, you're absolutely right, upgrades were quick in '98 and '99, I had my date range correct, I was referring to the sarcastic management quote about quick upgrades from the interview. The sarcasm made it sound like the upgrade didn't happen quick and, at THAT time, it did.

I was refering to Semore Butts. And yes you are correct I was also talking about Flex as Semore was. They lied to everyone From 2000 on about upgrades. KP just needed to fill the classes and would tell you what you wanted to hear to get you on.

"I hope the company will do the right thing. We're not asking for that much to begin with. Vixin, do you think they'll match what Citation Shares got??"
Again my friend you are new here. Not that you should not be entitled to your opinion, but they have ALOT of work to do. The CAB boys did not do all their homework. They missed a few important points. Flex needs to keep us happy. I am thinking positive until I hear what they have to offer. If we dont like it then we will see what happens. The match is a small price for Flex and Bombardier to pay. I really do think they will be there with NJ and CS.
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cosmotheassman said:
And with the folks at IBT 1108, we at flex could get a good contract, in just under what, 4 years?? No thanks. In all fairness, I'm really glad NJ got what they got, it can only benefit everyone.

Cosmo, you seem to be a leader in your group, but at the same time you have a problems with unions. While that it is understandable given some of the bad press unions have gotten over time you might want to really reconsider your stance.

If you are to be a leader within an organization that is resistant to change perhaps the best way to slow change is to kill the leadership. A union will make this much more difficult. A union will protect YOU and level the playing field. Management should not hold all of the power. They cannot run a business without you, but it needs to be fair.

Good luck with your uphill battle. Rememeber, it is more than just dollars and cents. You need to improve work rules as well.
Semore fu*&(ked up again!

Vixen PM'ed me saying I was a year off.

She is correct, I'm sorry, I was hired Dec 99, and started Feb 2000.

I didn't mean to decieve anyone. What I said about the interview is true (8 to 10 months to upgrade).

I do not mean to ridicule anyone at Flex. I have a lot of buddies there.
In this case semore ridicule HR all you want. They lied to the poor new hires in that time frame. They needed to fill their classes and would say anything to get people in the door. They have learned from that leason however. Lets hope I will be able to buy some NJ guys beers.

Hypothetical Question to the NJA guys...

Lets say that Bombardier decides that giving the Flex guys a raise would be detrimental to their bottom line and decide the sell them off. NJA decides that they want to buy them. The sale goes through and all of the Flex guys are now NJA guys and a part of the union. What happens to the seniority level at Flex? How are the aircraft that are currently being operated staffed? Just curious to see what people think. I personally don't want to see that happen since competition is great for the business.

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