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Flex's Response?

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futurepizzaguy said:
This doesnt apply to (short) females however

You are RIGHT on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Great example....the females hired straight out of college with no time and sitting in some Boeing at UAL. Makes me sick.
When I was in my final year at Flex ('98), we hired a "short female" who took several shots in the sim before she made it on.

She never upgraded on the Lear but logged 1,000 hours of 61.51 PIC and met the minimums at Southwest.

She was at my Southwest interview a year and a half ago.

She got hired and will be off probation this Christmas.

Must be nice to be in that particular demographic ... ;)

For the record, are we talking about Rick Handschuch? He's the Chief Pilot now?

God help you guys... You deserve some major raises and QOL increases. :D
Two words gentlemen " Direct To". Those that are still with Flex know who I'm talking about. And just think they hired someone recently whos about the same size. Imagine getting those two together.:D

Dont know exactly which short female you are referring too.

I hired in in 98, left in 2002 for Netjets.

Yeah Rick has been the C.P. for a long time..

I've talked to some guys on the line recently. A couple F.O.'s said they applied with us.

One Cpt said that Rick was saying the company is talking raise for you guys. (Great, your welcome)

Another Cpt said they need to get the union thing going...

On both counts, good luck, talk is cheap....... (Flexjet interview 1998, you should upgrade in about 8 to 10 months")
Hope the raise is good enough to stem the bleeding that's going to occur with NJA's new pay.

On both counts, good luck, talk is cheap....... (Flexjet interview 1998, you should upgrade in about 8 to 10 months")
You didn't upgrade? I hired in June of '98 and was in the left seat by Christmas on the 31. Thought everyone back then upgraded fast...

Congrats on the new contract. When (if) they bring back home basing I might be tempted to throw my hat in the pile over there. This whole regional airline thing not knowing if your parent company is going to keep you or kick you really bites.
Hey Sky Pirate:

Stop your whining.

Take that energy you're wasting and help with a union organizing drive.

The folks at IBT 1108 will help if you ask.

And with the folks at IBT 1108, we at flex could get a good contract, in just under what, 4 years?? No thanks. In all fairness, I'm really glad NJ got what they got, it can only benefit everyone.
I hired in in 98, left in 2002 for Netjets.
Semore Butts,

If you hired in 98 then you upgraded in less then a year. It was the poor guys who hired after Feb 2000 that were lied to in the interview. Anyone hired before that had a quick upgrade. I think you need to check your dates.

That being said. I think FlexJet will come through the first week of December. If not they will bleed bad. If they do I will buy the first NJ guy I meet a frosty cold one, heck make that two!! Thanks if they come through!! If they dont then watch us bleed brothas.
I hate to speculate but, from what I've read on BB on the CAB notes, it looks like our boys did their homework. I hope the company will do the right thing. We're not asking for that much to begin with. Vixin, do you think they'll match what Citation Shares got??

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