pilotyip said:"But 'im sure they love the fact you will believe everything you are told". Again the pot calling the kettle black, what is the truth? BTW when I was doing RVSM certification flights i nthe DA-20 where I had to do 350 KT passes at 300' AGL to calibrate the test equipment. I did it on the Radar Altimeter, because my baro altimeter read 600', it was reading 300' high. If my airplane had a FDR, what altitude would it have read? Again what is the truth?
Does your DA-20 have the same ADC as a 757-200?
I know where you're going.. and you're wrong.
If static pressure was effected.. .the DoD video is complete BS. If static pressure wasnt effected... there is NO WAY.. IMPOSSIBLE it could have hit the light poles.
So.. which story would you like to commit to?