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Anyone ever seen this site? Pilots For Truth

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pilotyip said:
"But 'im sure they love the fact you will believe everything you are told". Again the pot calling the kettle black, what is the truth? BTW when I was doing RVSM certification flights i nthe DA-20 where I had to do 350 KT passes at 300' AGL to calibrate the test equipment. I did it on the Radar Altimeter, because my baro altimeter read 600', it was reading 300' high. If my airplane had a FDR, what altitude would it have read? Again what is the truth?

Does your DA-20 have the same ADC as a 757-200?

I know where you're going.. and you're wrong.

If static pressure was effected.. .the DoD video is complete BS. If static pressure wasnt effected... there is NO WAY.. IMPOSSIBLE it could have hit the light poles.

So.. which story would you like to commit to?
RJPilott said:
How quickly did those towers fall down after impact... What is the burn rate of Jet-A in a controlled environment. What are the OSHA codes for a Class A 110 story Skyscraper? (hint: the buildings didnt fall due to impact or jet fuel)

I know the answers... do you?

Hundreds of my brother firemen died in that tragedy...

To put this simply, you disgust me.
RJPilott said:
How quickly did those towers fall down after impact... What is the burn rate of Jet-A in a controlled environment. What are the OSHA codes for a Class A 110 story Skyscraper? (hint: the buildings didnt fall due to impact or jet fuel)

I know the answers... do you?

I hope you're not that dilusional when you're in the cockpit.
SKC, the truth is, this guy is a nut case and his AME should be looking into further evaluation of his reality based thinking ability. Next thing you know he will telling us is that the space aliens are really at Roswell.
RJPilott said:
He just also happens to have the same exact face as the hijacker on the FBI site.

Same with the "hijacker" from Denver that is still alive.

Someone might want to tell the FBI to update their website.. .after 5 years...

But im sure they love the fact you will believe everything you are told.

Show me a link to this picture on the FBI website...and NOT one that is archived from when they misidentified him.

Then show me one of the Morrocan Waleed Al Shaheri.

Moron...the FBI would leave a picture of the Morroco guy on their website and still call him a terrorist after apologizing and admitting it was a case of mistaken identity? Geeeez...
RJPilott said:
How quickly did those towers fall down after impact... What is the burn rate of Jet-A in a controlled environment. What are the OSHA codes for a Class A 110 story Skyscraper? (hint: the buildings didnt fall due to impact or jet fuel)

I know the answers... do you?

Once again you're a moron. Nobody said they fell because of impact or jet fuel. They fell because of fire...

Truss type construction is well known in the firefighting business as Firefighter killers. They collapse completely without much warning. The joints do most of the work, and when one fails, it affects every other joint, unlike brick and mortor, or concrete block structures.

If you dont get this basic point that redneck volunteer fireman in the smallest backwoods towns in america can understand, be quiet.
pilotyip said:
SKC, the truth is, this guy is a nut case and his AME should be looking into further evaluation of his reality based thinking ability. Next thing you know he will telling us is that the space aliens are really at Roswell.

I'll bet Star Trek conventions are full of these guys.

A little bit of knowledge + a lot of time on your hands + a few misfiring neural synapses = a conspiracy website and some cheerleaders.

Saddest is the disservice he does to the families and fallen workers of these tragedies. Rather than letting them mourn and recover, he whips them up into his conspiracy frenzy with pseudo-facts and innuendo.

It'll drag on forever as he claims the govt, the military, the system, etc is covering it up. This allows him to keep his name and efforts highlighted ad nauseum.........which is what he's really after anyway.

RJPILOT, before you lump yourself in with these 9/11 conspiracy morons take some time (actually a lot of time) to read this;






and this;


Use some logic and reason for heavens' sake, and if you still insist upon believing in fantasies SHOW US SOME PROOF
Remember boys and girls, THAT lunatic may be flying your family from Des Moines to Chicago. Not good.

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