We DID listen to you. When an ALPA executive vice president is the communications chairman, lots of people listen. After the status reps voted for it unanimously, ALPA told us to take this deal or you're likely to just wither away.
The people you're always calling "cowards" had a choice to make for their families, and it was a crappiest one thanks to you and your ALPA pals. You waited til you had let the best deal slip away.
I also remember while you were peddling your "don't worry, you'll get relative" nonsense, you were pretty vocal about how you didn't care cuz you'd just quit and go to DAL or UAL. When you're single and under 30, maybe that's a choice for you. A helluvalot of people didn't have that luxury.
The people you're always calling "cowards" had a choice to make for their families, and it was a crappiest one thanks to you and your ALPA pals. You waited til you had let the best deal slip away.
I also remember while you were peddling your "don't worry, you'll get relative" nonsense, you were pretty vocal about how you didn't care cuz you'd just quit and go to DAL or UAL. When you're single and under 30, maybe that's a choice for you. A helluvalot of people didn't have that luxury.