As of this time the bid results are more than two days late. sUAL MEC is more than likely the culprit. This bid was suppose to open a 737 base in SFO and a 757 base in LAX. The new bases were cancelled after sUAL begged jeff not to allow it. Now it seems sUAL pilot leaders are possibly attacking the bid in another way. Not sure exactly how, but that is very much why it is late.
sCAL pilots are in the position we are in because over the last decade we made protecting jobs and job security a priority. sUAL pilots did the opposite, but now want to cash in on what we worked for.
*btw: This is almost exactly how this same group of pilots got the Frontier pilots kicked to the curb. They anointed themselves "brain surgeons" and sent almost 1000 FAL pilots to unemployment. Now they feel like they are hanging, when the gospel truth is: The deal you're getting is a hell of a lot better than what you would have given.
The bases didn't happen because they would have been a TPA violation.
When you say worked you mean VJMg yourself silly? This UPA is not the best contract sUAL pilots have ever had but sure is for sCAL crews!