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Why is NetJets TA Unfair?

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flyingforfood "What is it when you make someone work for no wages said:
That's a hard question, and figuring it out will be like.....Rocket surgery.
Adding to the list of QOL problems.

rajflyboy said:
It Ain't all about the money folks. Lifestyle and work rules are a big part of the problems with this contract!!!!!!
I couldn't agree more! I read your list earlier in the thread and I'd like to add a few more quality of life problems to it.

Pilots must be available to the company by 2pm of their last day off.

Camping ? Hiking? Sorry, not possible. Travelling? Better be on the phone at 2pm or rearrange your schedule. These are my families interests, others have the same problem accomodating theirs. Whose definition of DAY OFF does that fit?? What happens when you talk to them at 2pm? You could be put into rest to come out by midnight....and that DAY OFF just got uglier! No No No

Pilots to do a portion of Recurrent training at home--FOR FREE!

At the wages offered? Hardly! Hard as it may be for all of US to believe, not everyone has a computer and/or internet access. Now those things are a job requirement? I can see benefits for both pilots and the company in this idea, but these are real concerns that must be addressed in the NEXT TA.

Even the lawyer admitted that there is a huge loophole in the scope clause.

Even had the pay been great,it does no good if you lose your job. NJA pilots have helped to build the business. Job security is a fairness issue. A stronger negotiating team will fight for protection of the pilotforce.

SkyGirl, none of the NJ pilots/wives that I've spoken to begrudge ANY other pilots a fair salary. We'd encourage all the rest of you to try to improve your situation, as well. But let's face it, there IS safety and strength in numbers. If a movement to raise wages throughout the industry needs to happen, who is in the best position to go first?

A rising tide lifts all boats.
Netjet Wife >> Your real into this contract deal!

I have finally realized it is a waist of time to worry about it anymore. Not much we can do except vote no for contract and vote no to current MEC. Then the cards will be displayed and we will see what everyone has. Not keeping grass grow under the feet is a good idea too. Exploring other options for work is a good idea at this time.
Skygirl, here is what I think of SEC filings:

From TheStreet.com http://www.thestreet.com/_yahoo/comment/detox/10189308.html?cm_ven=YAHOO&cm_cat=FREE&cm_ite=NA

Buffett Insurance Deals Warrant Spitzer Scrutiny

By Peter Eavis
Senior Columnist
10/21/2004 3:00 PM EDT

If Eliot Spitzer really wants to clean up the insurance industry, he should look into an insurance-like product that has been used again and again to cook companies' books.

Financial reinsurance is the name most frequently given to the product. It has been sold by some of the biggest names in the insurance business -- including companies run by Warren Buffett. It has played a key role in masking weaknesses at a number of companies that have later collapsed, leaving huge, previously undisclosed losses and depriving ordinary people of coverage.

What would Eliot Spitzer find if he should look at Fictional Ownership? I don't know... But I am not impressed with the numbers reported one way or another....

Jet Pilots being paid less than BusDrivers is an intolerable situation and I will vote NO every time I see a pay proposal like that again....
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netjetwife said:
I couldn't agree more! I read your list earlier in the thread and I'd like to add a few more quality of life problems to it.
Of course... you always have something more to say don't you.

netjetwife said:
Pilots must be available to the company by 2pm of their last day off. Pilots to do a portion of Recurrent training at home
Now by "Pilots"... do you mean people who ACTUALLY work for Netjets?

netjetwife said:
Camping ? Hiking? Sorry, not possible. Travelling? Better be on the phone at 2pm or rearrange your schedule. These are my families interests, others have the same problem accomodating theirs. Whose definition of DAY OFF does that fit?? What happens when you talk to them at 2pm? You could be put into rest to come out by midnight....and that DAY OFF just got uglier! No No No
You're wasting hundreds of useless hours on the internet 28 hours a day, so why are scheduling issues even of concern to you?

netjetwife said:
At the wages offered? Hardly! Hard as it may be for all of US to believe, not everyone has a computer and/or internet access. Now those things are a job requirement? I can see benefits for both pilots and the company in this idea, but these are real concerns that must be addressed in the NEXT TA.
Wow... that sure was a mouthful. Another example of the use of the term "US" used by someone who isn't employed by Netjets. Also, I find it interesting that your delusions have led to you making assumptions about what is good and what is bad for the Pilots who ACTUALLY work at Netjets. Now, you're already making decisions about the NEXT TA.

netjetwife said:
Even had the pay been great,it does no good if you lose your job. NJA pilots have helped to build the business. Job security is a fairness issue. A stronger negotiating team will fight for protection of the pilotforce..
Well, at least there is a true statement. "NJA pilots have helped build the business". I see nothing about internet noodge wives however.

netjetwife said:
SkyGirl, none of the NJ pilots/wives that I've spoken to begrudge ANY other pilots a fair salary. We'd encourage all the rest of you to try to improve your situation, as well. But let's face it, there IS safety and strength in numbers. If a movement to raise wages throughout the industry needs to happen, who is in the best position to go first?..
How many pilots have you spoken too? 2 or 3. LOL! BTW - Are their wives as delusional as you are that they get to vote and decide on the TA as well? LOL!
I also see you are back to liberally using the term "We'd".

netjetwife said:
A rising tide lifts all boats.
And a working wife can help pay the bills.

Les Paul
rajflyboy said:
It Ain't all about the money folks. Lifestyle and work rules are a big part of the problems with this contract!!!!!!
Hmmmm... Let's see... What's wrong with the TA......

Ok! Let's start with...

Scope and merger language



Compensation (or lack thereof)

Hours of service

Use of CVRs for disciplinary action

The shear number of LOUs used to rewrite the contract before it's even voted in thereby hiding more crappy language behind the body of the contract document... LOUs are supposed to be used to add, clarify or update contract sections after the main body is ratified...

This TA 1st attempt is an abomination.

Well your right, probably not a pilot. Bought a Cherokee 180 in 1971, traded that for an Arrow, traded that for an Aztec, and traded that for a Turbo Arrow and added a Cessna 402. I also flew the company King Air 90, King Air 100, and Citation I SP. In my work, I had the opportunity to fly stuff from 747's to An 124's to the Goodyear blimp. I owned a commercial aircraft leasing business which leased 727's and Dc9's, a flight attendant training school, worked on the certification project of several 121 air carriers including supplying a professional certification crew. I published AviationCareer magazine, worked with NATA and NBAA on issues, and remain in the business.
What could I possible know about this business?????
FlyLow >> You got it. All that stuff Sucks ......and this contract needs to go down in flames because of it.

Salary is only a part of the issues here.
Publishers >> Your opinions are welcomed here. We live in America and you have a right to your opinion for sure!!!

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