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Why is NetJets TA Unfair?

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Majik said:
Les Paul,
You may think we NJA folks are a bunch of losers, don't have a chance to improve our situation, are crazy for trying, and you criticize us for spending so much time on the computer talking about an issue that we are directly involved with. But what does that say about you? You are spending dang near as much time on the computer trying to counter everything NetJetsWife types. You ain't no fractional pilot and don't have a dog in this hunt, yet here you are, day after day, hour after hour, spending your time with a bunch of people whose ideas you so obviously disagree with. You don't even provide any substance to your side of this issue; just basic negativity. I gotta ask, what's your obsession with fractional pilots. Why is it so wrong for her but you see nothing strange about spending hours of your own free time countering every keystroke she types. What's up with that? Seems kinda trippy to me. What's going on in your life that makes this the best use of your free time?
First off, I don't recall ever saying "NJA folks are a bunch of losers". Unless you want to pay me $200 an hour for therapy, I suggest you seek professional help from someone as to why you interpret things people say as such, and why you feel that way about yourself.

Second, look at how many posts Netjetswife has made since s/he registered. I think facts speak louder than rhetoric.

Finally, Netjetswife has proudly proclaimed how s/he is making a difference, and yet to me there is nothing worse than a lazy, do nothing, no career wannabe, typing words on a internet chat forum 28 hours a day, telling us all how we should feel.

Here is a hypothetical for you all to consider:

The next TA that you get at Netjets is GREAT. You love it, but wait........ Netjetswife HATES it. Based on many of you all and your current cranial position in her posterior, you will HAVE to vote it down., because SHE doesn't approve.

But wait... heres another.......... You hate the TA, but Netjetswife LOVES it. Guess what... TA must pass... no questions asked. Netjetswife knows best whats right for you all...... right? Netjetswife DOES not work for Netjets. Her opinion should be between her and her family... a family that has been orphaned by her to the internet.

Again... Netjetswife should be loading the kids up in the yuppie mobile and getting OUT and making a difference, not PRETENDING to be manning the life rafts with the women and children.
How many women and children on flightinfo???

Les Paul

That's 1500 pic in my own aircraft, never bothered about the rest. I flew the blimp for 3 hours last year-- don't think that is in there. Was not trying to prove anything

FLYLOW22 said:
All that experience and only 1500 hours TT?? With all of the shuttle missions you've flown I'm surprised to see such a low number.... unless you were flying the desk as a management monkey all those years and pretending to be someone who flies for a living. There is nothing like a Chief Pilot who get's out of the office every once in a while to reconnect with his roots... just one of the guys!! Yeah right.

And SMELI to boot??
rajflyboy said:
FlyLow >> I maybe should help out! I'd rather spend my off time looking at other possible opportunities with life.
I'd rather be doing many other things in life than things I need to be doing. That's a choice. End of speach.
Les Paul said:
First off, I don't recall ever saying "NJA folks are a bunch of losers". Unless you want to pay me $200 an hour for therapy, I suggest you seek professional help from someone as to why you interpret things people say as such, and why you feel that way about yourself.

Second, look at how many posts Netjetswife has made since s/he registered. I think facts speak louder than rhetoric.

Finally, Netjetswife has proudly proclaimed how s/he is making a difference, and yet to me there is nothing worse than a lazy, do nothing, no career wannabe, typing words on a internet chat forum 28 hours a day, telling us all how we should feel.

Here is a hypothetical for you all to consider:

The next TA that you get at Netjets is GREAT. You love it, but wait........ Netjetswife HATES it. Based on many of you all and your current cranial position in her posterior, you will HAVE to vote it down., because SHE doesn't approve.

But wait... heres another.......... You hate the TA, but Netjetswife LOVES it. Guess what... TA must pass... no questions asked. Netjetswife knows best whats right for you all...... right? Netjetswife DOES not work for Netjets. Her opinion should be between her and her family... a family that has been orphaned by her to the internet.

Again... Netjetswife should be loading the kids up in the yuppie mobile and getting OUT and making a difference, not PRETENDING to be manning the life rafts with the women and children.
How many women and children on flightinfo???

Les Paul
LOL, if I ever need therapy from you, you'll be the first to know. Start holding your breath.

I see a ton of responses to NJW from you, so I guess your justification for all of your time spent responding to her is - "to me there is nothing worse than a lazy, do nothing, no career wannabe, typing words on a internet chat forum 28 hours a day, telling us all how we should feel." Well I hope all of that "therapy" you're prescribing for yourself is working out for you. I don't see it having any positive effects from my viewpoint, but good luck with that. Try bypassing the fractional forum or putting her on your "ignore" list if it's affecting you that much.

NJW's opinions are hers and she is free to type on this board as much as she pleases. In fact, she's directly connected to the contract and it's effect on her and her family. Like I said, you don't have a dog in this hunt so I'm still unable to understand your reasons for you wanting to become so involved in this discussion.

Do you really think NJA pilots are going to call NJW and ask how she wants us to vote on the next TA? Come on dude, get a grip. It's statements like that that show something else is going on behind the curtain of your life.

She's much more connected to this than you are. If you're bored and want to hang out in the fractional forum all day, then debate the merits of her opinions if you disagree with her but just because she "ain't barefoot and in the kitchen" doesn't preclude her from doing whatever she thinks might help her family's cause. Now go to your "happy place" and I hope you feel better real soon.
Maybe Netjets Wife needs a boyfriend on the side so she will have something to do when her Man is gone!!


Just Kidding!
rajflyboy said:
Maybe Netjets Wife needs a boyfriend on the side so she will have something to do when her Man is gone!!


Just Kidding!
Maybe you need a boyfriend on the side so you will have something to do on your days off!!


Just Kidding!

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