Well the whole industry has changed since you were hired a SWA. Your expectations were gonna change anyway even without this merger. This merger is a clear sign of that. SWA can not compete with us so they bought us. What happens when the next Airtran comes along, and the next one, and the next one.
What has changed is M/B and AGM post 2008 has given a sense of entitlement to pilots at the weaker, lower paying, less desirable airlines to seek gains at the expense of the pilots at the acquiring, stronger, higher paying airline...
Wrong. The acquisition is a clear sign your ability to remain a long-term, viable competitor in the low cost airline industry was in jeopardy. Airtran had been seeking a buyer. SWA had been looking to acquire another entity. Without Frontier your statement may have held some water.
See the US govt. As debt levels increase, the cot of servicing that debt threatens everything the borrower embodies.