Ummmmmm, NO. I think it would be considered "ripe" if the AWA guys lost out on seniority in a SLI between the APA and USAPA. Maybe you also believe that you can drive that truck that was taken from you in the divorce settlement with your Ex Wife. Riiiiight. You Easties are unbelievable. You continue to try to brush the NIC award under the door, pretending it NEVER happened. Everyone can see you! Maybe you can negotiate this time with the APA, and just tell them THIS TIME YOU WILL PLAY BY THE RULES, unlike LAST TIME..... Last time was just practice, this time with the APA WILL BE FOR REAL.....
Bye Bye---General Lee
Pvt. Lee the "rules" say the list is used when AWA and US Stupidways ratify a contract. I'm not sure what part of that you don't understand.