What questions did this answer? That Cush knows how to dodge question and give no real answers. It was simply a marketing interview hoping to draw some actual U.S. investors to bail them out.
Good or bad, Alaska doesn't do anything without researching it to death first. This includes moving into a new market, negotiations, etc...and includes pressing the DOT about Virgin possibly being in violation on foreign ownership laws. It's highly doubtful they got this ball rolling because someone in management picked up a newspaper one morning.
Based on the load factors (as indicated in the Forbes article), it would seem that if ALK management has researched it to death, then they must be out of ideas on how to effectively compete. It would seem that there are really only three main areas of competition: service, schedule and price, yet ALK management is intent on creating a fourth... eliminate the competition. Is this because they are out of ideas regarding the other three?...
Seriously though... The impetus of the original and subsequent complaint to the DOT was the WSJ article. That complaint has been publicly addressed by VA management (as in "nothing has changed"...). I would think that as an ALK employee, you ought to asking why ALK management cannot or will not try and address the other three areas where the two airlines compete.