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USAPA's Illegal Job Action Causing Pilot Terminations.

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That may be true but it's also true that a number of pilots are deliberately putting themselves in harm's way. For that reason I have no sympathy.

And the funniest part is that it's all for moot: Parker has stated there'll be no contract until the seniority "dispute" is settled so USAPA's little tantrums are completely irrelevant.

FYI putting yourself in harms way is a very common tactic of union pilots. Behaving like a bunch of sheep will get you no where. UAL pilots have a mandatory test due today. Not many have complied in an effort to show management we will not cooperate, I guess you have no sympathy for us either.
None whatsoever. Deliberate non-compliance with company procedures is grounds for termination and you do so at your own risk. There are plenty of ways to send a message without risking your job.
Isn't Lye Hogg the bloke that got the Pilgrim DHC-6 on to a frozen pond when it was experiencing a severe cockpit fire??
None whatsoever. Deliberate non-compliance with company procedures is grounds for termination and you do so at your own risk. There are plenty of ways to send a message without risking your job.

That response says it all about you. Wow management loves you.
Love is in the air ...

Speaking of management love ... There has been a little memo on wings since yesterday.


Currently a wide variety of lanyards, badge backers and clips are worn by employees to secure their
company-issued ID and airport badges. This causes confusion as it doesn’t present the professional look
that we are striving to achieve in accordance with our goals to consistently deliver Reliability,
Convenience and Appearance for our customers. It also is, quite frankly, creating divisiveness among our
workforce as lanyards, badge backers and other ID holders are often used to promote individual and
organizational agendas that are counterproductive to creating a positive working environment for all
So, any idea when the court will rule on the company case?
So, any idea when the court will rule on the company case?
This judge doesn't do anything quickly. She could call for a bench trial or simply issue a ruling at any time. Figure on six months to two years. Then the appeal...
I haven't heard of ten pilots being fired. It's a myth.
El Maniac Presidente' sure seems to be upset about something. Could it be his advice is now costing his cronies their careers?

No myth. Fact.

I hope they Fire every single one of those coward yellow lanyard wearers.

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