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USAPA sues some America West Pilots

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Wrong....that's just one APA member. Many APA and countless ALPA members have congratulated us on ridding ourselves of ALPA.

ALPA sucks. That's why they are no longer here. You should really get over it, PCL, especially since you work for a carrier that has no link to any of this, one with a large population of very questionable characters when it comes to organized labor, eh? You must really be in need of a life to spend so much time on this topic.
What's with providing all of the AWA pilots' addresses? That would seem like a breach of privacy to me....

Unbelievable. USAPA is a joke. Good luck AWA homies.


Read the document: http://www.planebusiness.com/buzz/awausapa.pdf

This is professionalism?

Read it. After your done, tell me, how this is in anyway, normal behavior, by anyone, regardless of who there tagged by.


PCL? REZ? Did you read it? Is that the ALPA CoE coming through?

Read the document: http://www.planebusiness.com/buzz/awausapa.pdf

This is professionalism?

Read it. After your done, tell me, how this is in anyway, normal behavior, by anyone, regardless of who there tagged by.


PCL? REZ? Did you read it? Is that the ALPA CoE coming through?


I read it. Every line. I laughed so hard I almost pissed myself. How this behavior any different than the types of things the Easties did when they were trying desperately to sabotage ALPA? I remember very distinctly the East attitude after the Nic award was focused spreading the fear of "those unqualified West pilots coming out to steal your jobs". The East pilots were willing to run ALPA out at all costs.

Well, fella, you got your wish. Now the shoe is on the other foot. A sham "union" (that supposedly represents everyone but was created on the promise of sacrificing the West to help the East) is running the show. And NOW you're preaching unity and your merry band of pirates can't understand why everyone isn't lining up to play make-believe union with you. Surely, you're smarter than your post makes you sound.
Just when you thought those USAPA guys couldn't go any lower..........
Taking a dump in a box and mailing it is not low? What boggles me is that pilots will take these fratricidal actions against eachother, but they'll roll right over for management?
I read it. Every line. I laughed so hard I almost pissed myself. How this behavior any different than the types of things the Easties did when they were trying desperately to sabotage ALPA? I remember very distinctly the East attitude after the Nic award was focused spreading the fear of "those unqualified West pilots coming out to steal your jobs". The East pilots were willing to run ALPA out at all costs.

Well, fella, you got your wish. Now the shoe is on the other foot. A sham "union" (that supposedly represents everyone but was created on the promise of sacrificing the West to help the East) is running the show. And NOW you're preaching unity and your merry band of pirates can't understand why everyone isn't lining up to play make-believe union with you. Surely, you're smarter than your post makes you sound.

Can you document where Easties mailed feces to ALPA or AWA ALPA after GN made his declarative? Besides, you didn't answer the questions, just ranted about how you laughed at the behavior.


BTW, I'm not a member of USAPA, so I don't have a "merry little band of pirates." You'll have to bark up somebody else's tree. I'm just amazed at the professionalism documented in the filing. I also amazed to see you're proud of that kind of behavior and would stand with those who do those kinds of things. :erm:

What does your lanyard say? Integrity Matters?

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Wrong....that's just one APA member. Many APA and countless ALPA members have congratulated us on ridding ourselves of ALPA.

ALPA sucks. That's why they are no longer here. You should really get over it, PCL, especially since you work for a carrier that has no link to any of this, one with a large population of very questionable characters when it comes to organized labor, eh? You must really be in need of a life to spend so much time on this topic.

While I'm no fan of ALPA, what irks me is the very reason USAPA was formed - to overturn the Nic award. And not only that, it was formed AFTER the Easties promised to abide by "binding neutral arbitration", which is really the fairest process in settling an integration.

In other words, there's a wee bit of an odor.... as the Brits are fond of saying.

Resolved: That our vaunted union's foresight is limited, and

Resolved: Summary head-up-arse syndrome exacerbates said myopia, and

Resolved: Short of sticking fingers in our ears and screaming "LA LA LA," table thumping, yelling at mommy because the West isn't keeping their toys on their side of the back seat, and throwing an especially pitiful tantrum in a North Carolina court, and

Resolved: The only thing that overshadows our phenomenal short-sightedness is our self emasculating sense of entitlement,

BE IT RESOLVED: Even Ray Charles would have seen something like this coming.

Jesus Harold Christ on a pogo stick! Can these guys (East) put on their big girl panties and start behaving like men?

This is pitiful.
Read the document: http://www.planebusiness.com/buzz/awausapa.pdf

This is professionalism?

Read it. After your done, tell me, how this is in anyway, normal behavior, by anyone, regardless of who there tagged by.


PCL? REZ? Did you read it? Is that the ALPA CoE coming through?


Yes, I read it. If the document is to be believed, then I couldn't possibly be more proud of the AWA pilot group. The actions described are not only ethical, they are the very types of actions that this nation was built upon. Resisting a tyrannical organization that seeks to harm you and force its will upon you is something to be commended. Bravo to the AWAPPA members and all AWA pilots that are standing up for themselves!
Yes, I read it. If the document is to be believed, then I couldn't possibly be more proud of the AWA pilot group. The actions described are not only ethical, they are the very types of actions that this nation was built upon. Resisting a tyrannical organization that seeks to harm you and force its will upon you is something to be commended. Bravo to the AWAPPA members and all AWA pilots that are standing up for themselves!

Agreed. All is fair in War.

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