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US Airways Pilot/FA Recall

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Sim Times

Hey Andy, Yep I signed for the certified letter on Thurs. It will be real close for the Sept. 6th class. Looks like the 0200 sim time for me if I get that class or the 1400 sim if I am in the following one. I know what I would prefer to do but the wife would execute me if I did not get back to work ASAP. Of course Murphy's Law is in full effect and there has been some developments with a certain Corp. that I spoke with before. If it pans out you are moving up a number my friend. I will catch you up on Skype. Now stop making me keep posting here. It's making me look bad : ) Now this time for real I am taking my ball and going home. Plz feel free to continue the East/West love fest that we all just can't get enough of.

Don't worry too much about the "E" period. Some of you will be going to MCO for sim training. We use Jet Blue's sims for the 2nd half of the qualification footprint. The CAT II/IIIa and RTO with Autobrakes has to be done in CLT.

Also, if you guys still have access to Wings, you can download all the manuals to review if you like. Just go to the Electronic library.

Welcome Back!
Ya I know still hijacking, but here's the Quote, it's in footnote 1 of paragraph 7. Here's both so you can read it in context.....

[7] Plaintiffs correctly note that certain West Pilots have
been furloughed, whereas they would still be working under
a single CBA implementing the Nicolau Award. It is, however,
at best, speculative that a single CBA incorporating the
Nicolau Award would be ratified if presented to the union’s
membership. ALPA had been unable to broker a compromise
between the two pilot groups, and the East Pilots had
expressed their intentions not to ratify a CBA containing the
Nicolau Award. Thus, even under the district court’s injunction
mandating USAPA to pursue the Nicolau Award, it is
uncertain that the West Pilots’ preferred seniority system ever
would be effectuated. That the court cannot fashion a remedy that will alleviate Plaintiffs’ harm suggests that the case is not

1The dissent asserts that “nothing would be gained by postponing a
decision, and the parties’ interest would be well served by a prompt resolution
of the West Pilots’ claim.” Diss. op. at 8017 (internal alterations,
quotation marks, and citation omitted). To be sure, the parties’ interest
would be served by prompt resolution of the seniority dispute, but that is
not the same as prompt resolution of the DFR claim. The present impasse,
in fact, could well be prolonged by prematurely resolving the West Pilots’
claim judicially at this point. Forced to bargain for the Nicolau Award, any
contract USAPA could negotiate would undoubtedly be rejected by its
membership. By deferring judicial intervention, we leave USAPA to bargain in good faith pursuant to its DFR, with the interests of all members — both East and West — in mind, under pain of an unquestionably ripe DFR suit, once a contract is ratified.

I am sorry Crz. I can't see the quote you made in your original post.

You said

"In fact they STATED that even IF the contract does NOT contain the NIC, it doesn't necessarily mean a breach of DFR exists....."

Yes they did say that there may be a situation that does not include the Nic but they never said "it doesn't necessarily mean a breach of DFR..."

So you see if I or any other west pilot (there are many. about 1800 to be exact) feel USAPA is not meeting their duty of fair representation because they refuse to implement a seniority list originally agreed upon, then yes they are a target for failure of DFR. And don't spin it as though you had nothing to do with any prior agreements because the name on the door said ALPA. You know as well as everyone here that any successor union is subject to the agreements of the prior union. I suspect you'll disagree nonetheless... If so, we'll just have to agree to disagree.

Have a good one. BTW I took the liberty of highlighting and bolding the point of my original post. Read that sentence especially the red and then tell me that you can throw a DOH list out there and not be dragged into court...
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Yup. And dfr as defined by scotia is a wide range of reasonableness. Which the nic is not. So true. All 1800 of you can drag Usapa into court for any myriad of reasons you choose to claim as a breach of dfr, But just because you can dies not mean you will succeed. I've explained my views on the ruling in other threads which you can go read and argue if
You wish. But at this point I'm leaving this thread to the guys getting recalled for their info
If 5 bypass that would make Garbage Man #18 and myself #21... Would be pretty cool for me! No 2nd letter for me yet...

Now I'm hearing that 9 have bypassed. I hope the source is correct... And I hope they decide to send more letters to make up for the ones that bypass... Let me know if you get the second letter. Worst case, see you in a month...
Anyone have any info on whether or not there is going to be more classes after sept? I keep hearing that due to the high bypass rate on both sides that the company is planning on offering recall to everyone.

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