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US Airways Contract Projections

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But your presentation, pessimism and jadedness makes us all cringe when you post
You cringe? I'm such a crappy writer that I can't sufficiently express my utter contempt for what the supporters of USAPA have done to the career I devoted my life to. All so that a sliver of them could gain what?, 18 month sooner upgrade?

Sorry if I'm harshing your mellow, but when USAPA's gone, so will be my negative posts.
you ignore people when they critique you by changing the subject.
No, my message is pretty consistent - Don't listen to the east. They have tarred themselves through their tacit support of USAPA and their gloating over what No Bump and No Flush is providing them through their concerted effort to deny the pilots a vote on a contract containing the Nic.

Further, my warnings about the risks of coming to US are valid given the uncertainty of the merger-that-may-not-be and the elimination of furlough protections offered by no fleet mins and no block hour mins. These risks are exponentially compounded by USAPA's proven weak to non-existent leadership and lack of any merger funds (squandered on unnecessary lawsuits).

Delta, Southwest, United will all need pilots. Nobody needs the mess USAPA created.
again, change the subject.


as much as you don't want to believe me.

now change the subject again
No, my message is pretty consistent - Don't listen to the east. They have tarred themselves through their tacit support of USAPA and their gloating over what No Bump and No Flush is providing them through their concerted effort to deny the pilots a vote on a contract containing the Nic.

Further, my warnings about the risks of coming to US are valid given the uncertainty of the merger-that-may-not-be and the elimination of furlough protections offered by no fleet mins and no block hour mins. These risks are exponentially compounded by USAPA's proven weak to non-existent leadership and lack of any merger funds (squandered on unnecessary lawsuits).

Delta, Southwest, United will all need pilots. Nobody needs the mess USAPA created.

Man oh Man Bird you just can't see anything on these threads other than what your rage against the East will let you. It has been pointed out by many that your tone and generalizations are only hurting your cause every time that you post. I will point it out AGAIN that you lumping everybody in this fight together is wrong. Let me put it in simple terms for you and lets see if you can follow the bouncing ball OK ? There are 3 list here at Airways. We all know about East & West but there is also this little list that contains 2007 up to present new hires as well as furloughed West pilots who have taken recall. Every one here can see your "so called" advice on contract info, merger info, SLI or getting hired is corrupted by your fanatic hatred of all things East. If you had the ability for rational thought you might realize that the only way your group could make any sort of headway against the Evil East Majority would to increase your voting block. Now I am saying this very loudly so that you understand. THOSE VOTES CAN ONLY COME FROM THE NEW HIRES WHO DO NOT CARE ABOUT YOUR NIC VRS DOH CRAP !!!! The people who are applying are not idiots. They comprise a group of grown men and women who are researching their options so as to make a choice that is best for them. They need good information for this and your's is definitely not it. The only thing that your post are achieving is alienating the third list and proving beyond a doubt that there are AZZ HATS on both sides of the Mississippi. So I will say it again. You should do your pilot group a huge favor and leave the posting to the more reasonable West members of FI. Or don't and continue to prove our point for us.
Errrr my response was a tad sarcastic and tongue in cheek so to say. I've told others that have asked my advice. Worst case you get stuck at airways for the next 30 years, (if it's around that long) Either way it's better than being stuck at X regional for 30+ yrs.......

No one should listen to Crzipilot or Bringupthebird.

Regional airlines currently present more hazard to furloughing than any Major Airline... especially US Airways.
If you are junior at a regional, then sure, what have you got to lose. Or if you are bouncing around the pattern in a 172, then the risk is pretty minimal. Leaving a senior position at any regional until the USAPA debacle has been concluded (through merger or implosion) would be foolish.

I'm told that USAir has over 100 qualified apps for every position they are filling next year. Only 3 pilots resigned last year. Maybe the jury is still out on the question of how bad it sucks to work here, but the voting so far is leaning toward "not too much". :D

Thinking your airline sucks and nobody should come to it is just an indicator or age. Its akin to folks who complain that young people have long hair, are rude, and play loud music. Don't worry about it though, its just a phase everyone goes through. :D
It is 1,000 times better then any regional. The training is top notch, the crews are all great (except for bringing up the bird brain, of course), plenty of brand new airplanes on the line and being delivered, retirements are just cranking up. Sooner or later the pay issue will be corrected. Then it will be a home run for those that get on now......
There are 3 list here at Airways. We all know about East & West but there is also this little list that contains 2007 up to present new hires as well as furloughed West pilots who have taken recall.
None of those pilots have proffered recalls of the USAPA regime and therefore have plainly made their choice of who they will support. None of the 3rd list have stood up and said that west furloughees, fellow US pilots should not be placed below the 3rd list group, they are not new hires. The 3rd list has not stood up for anyone but the Cleary regime and there is no reason to give them special "conscientious objector" status in this un-civil war. When they demonstrate a willingness to take on the USAPA machine, then they will publicly affirm that they are cut from different cloth than the typical east slime.

What galls me the most is the USAPAians who are only willing to move on a combined contract AFTER they have secured their upgrade which is cemented by the No Bump No Flush. It is entirely consistent with their total lack of integrity, which I suppose is some consolation.

But simply having a majority to push an agenda that damages a significant portion of the pilot group will not go without some sort or judicial consequence. Again, the east entices the new hires with the shiny jets, but fails to tell them what awaits them once the veil comes down and both groups end up flying together. Why do you want to hide this from prospectiv e employees? Why is the east so committed to living off lies and half truths? Why di the mailings from Leonidas outlining the real truth of the impact of the Nic result in such an uproar, not over the truth of the content, but over boogiemen "stealing" public info?

The east has never acquired a taste for the truth, have they?
I'm told that USAir has over 100 qualified apps for every position they are filling next year. Only 3 pilots resigned last year. Maybe the jury is still out on the question of how bad it sucks to work here, but the voting so far is leaning toward "not too much". :D


How many turned down recall, in one of the worst aviation job markets in decades?:laugh:
Sooner or later the pay issue will be corrected.
You don't get it do you? Your own union is the one making sure the pay issue DOESN'T get corrected. Yes you pay them more than any other airline union in order to stay on the lowest pay rates until those senior F/O's that ginned up this monstrosity get their upgrade. Then it will be "Date of What???"

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