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United Pilot to Upset to Fly!!

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Again, the only thing the hat on/off thing signifies is UNITY. It has nothing to do with breaking a rule. It shows the company that the group can and will stand together....hopefully it will continue when things get rough. I, however, will be furloughed so for me, it's kind of a non-issue.
No. Don't roll over. However, being in a union has nothing to do wth wearing or not wearing your hat. That's easy compared to actually risking it all and going out on strike. Why someone at UAL ALPA thinks that will make a difference is beyond me.

I used to be at UAL and I'm embarrassed for you guys regarding this "hat switch" thing. Stickers on bags, hats on or off, whatever - it might make someone feel good but UAL (or any other airline) management can't possibly give a rat's ass.

What a pathetic, useless effort. They and the general public (including the people on the cancelled flight) are laughing their asses off at you guys. Ooooooh!! They're not wearing their hats - we better not mess with these guys, they're serious. :rolleyes:

The only thing that management understands or cares about is a "no" vote on a TA and a striking pilot group.

Thanks for your support. As a former UAL pilot you should have enough sense to read between the lines. YOU should understand there is more. +16 mean anything to you? Noticed any UAL airplanes single engine taxiing?? Good luck in your new career.
Again, the only thing the hat on/off thing signifies is UNITY. It has nothing to do with breaking a rule. It shows the company that the group can and will stand together....hopefully it will continue when things get rough. I, however, will be furloughed so for me, it's kind of a non-issue.

See you in a few years. I enjoyed the trip. Can't promise I won't be harassing though....
Again, the only thing the hat on/off thing signifies is UNITY.

The ultimate demonstration of unity is a vote.

It's easy not to wear a hat. It's hard to vote no on a lousy contract. Most pilot groups have voted for concessionary contracts and voted in their personal interests. You're kidding yourself if you don't think management knows this. That's why the hat idea is silly. You think someone from the MEC is going to show up at your house and tell you how to vote?
You think someone from the MEC is going to show up at your house and tell you how to vote?

I would hope that the pilots of UA don't need that much hand holding. Although I have only been here a short time, I can tell you they are a pretty angry but unified group. Like I said before, I hope it continues when things get tough and I'm sure they will.

I would like to return some day to a contract that resembles the pre BK one + some at least.

Who knows if there will even be anything to return to?

The ultimate demonstration of unity is a vote.

It's easy not to wear a hat. It's hard to vote no on a lousy contract. Most pilot groups have voted for concessionary contracts and voted in their personal interests. You're kidding yourself if you don't think management knows this. That's why the hat idea is silly. You think someone from the MEC is going to show up at your house and tell you how to vote?

You make some good points. I will tell you the votes are coming in via on time performance, or lack there of and fuel burn.
Good call. The best way to get management's attention is to hurt the bottom line. Because if they are forced into Ch. 11 again or even Ch. 7, management is screwed!!!

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