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Union coming at Flexjet!

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You could have an industry leading contract like FLOPS after 4 years of turmoil.
Aren't they paid the worst and have the worst benefits compared to citationshares and fx with 0 union(retirement, health, etc) and have more furloughs?
What will be affected is our ability to compete, estrangement
from management, and inevetible decline as the "union mentality"
takes over the pilot group and we lose the need to give our customers
our best 'cause the union "has our back".

We've elected not to compete. We're happy being 2nd or 3rd best. The pilot group is already estranged from management. The only reason we're still afloat is that the pilot group has been giving it's best to cover for the Waterview's numerous shortcomings, and as yet it's gone largely unnoticed by our owners. There will be a tipping point if left unchecked. Suggesting that service will decline with a CBA is a reach. Is it possible? Yes. Is it probable on our current path without a union? Yes. Will there be some self satisfied individuals who'll rest on their laurels with a contract and mail it in? Yes. Let me suggest that we are in the customer service industry and that by treating your employees like owners instead of chits to moved around will that you will improve their happiness and service. Really, it's up to our us to elect good individuals to represent us fairly for both the company and the pilot group.

But every Flex pilot that
visits this board knows that the company treats them fairly and that
it's a great place to work

Wrong. Good people to work with generally. Hard company to work for usually.
Flexjet has been around for 15 years, and I've been with them for 10+
years. Bombardier(owner of Flexjet) has had unionized workers for
many decades, so if Flexjet votes a union in, it won't be that big a
deal. What will be affected is our ability to compete, estrangement
from management, and inevetible decline as the "union mentality"
takes over the pilot group and we lose the need to give our customers
our best 'cause the union "has our back". If there is a need for a
union at Flex, by all means vote one in. But every Flex pilot that
visits this board knows that the company treats them fairly and that
it's a great place to work(it's not perfect by any means..show me a business that is). And if you want to see what out-of-control unions have done to our children and competitiveness, just turn on your TV or visit your local public school.

I see management has seen fit to put msgs on this board.... Company treats us fairly? Ask the 604 pilots who failed checkrides when they transitioned to the Lears.... Instructor with a chip on his shoulder because he wanted to fly a 604 - the pilots(who were hired into the 604) lost their jobs but the instructor still works here (albeit on the line). How about when someone writes msgs to chief pilots to point out things that are wrong or can improve the company's operation - they are called into the office for a meeting - never a pleasant one (do I sense "hostile working environment") How about a scheduling dept that goes out of its way to ensure you get home as late as possible on your last day... the old "we own you for 16 hours... funny how one can go out for a week and have early morning shows/not alot of flying all week until last day of rotation and then its 2 or 3 legs before airline home and 15-16 hour day. How about the creative "interpretation" of the FOM mgt likes to impose on us. Best yet - what about a chief pilot who openly says "if you don't like it - leave" when someone questions policies that the office comes up with out of the blue.... Yeah I guess you're right we don't need anyone looking out for our needs....
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Flexjet has been ........

warlord19 = B19?

Has anyone noticed that warlord 19 just popped up on this board a short time ago and almost all his posts are anti-union.
It looks like Flex management has hired themselves a union busting law firm and the PR campaign has started.
As a furloughed NJ pilot, I am disgusted the B19 thinks he can speak for me. HE DOES NOT!
BTW, he is on my ignore list, but some of you insist on quoting him.
As a furloughed NJ pilot, I am disgusted the B19 thinks he can speak for me. HE DOES NOT!
BTW, he is on my ignore list, but some of you insist on quoting him.

Any union that allows furloughs without opening the CBA first has sacrificed the lower seniority pilots for the higher seniority pilots in the name of keeping the high pay wages intact.

If you don't see that, you need to lay off the koolaide or see what they've spiked it with. Airline unions have been doing that for decades. I think AirTran saved jobs a few years back by opening the CBA and spreading the wealth. That's what a union is supposed to do, protect it's brotherhood. Your's didn't do that. You're union could have done the same thing.

The overhiring line? That's total BS. No company hires just for the sake of hiring. The manning model there was high because of the CBA, and when it went bad the 495 paid the price, pure and simple.

The union could have found ways to save a high pct. of those jobs but never once considered opening the contract in good faith.

While you're sitting at home with no paycheck, you can rest assured that the top third of the group is enjoying your sacrifice.
Everybody needs to remember something about B-19 and the majority of all airline management,

They have contracts with their employers,

But he is against the employee having a contract

I don't have a contract, but there is a difference between contracts that are OFFERED to attract qualified people and those that are designed by BLACKMAIL to place a company in such of a financial situation that furloughs may be necessary to balance the books.

Had the CBA at NJA been opened the contract to protect a large pct. of their brotherhood maybe I would have had a different opinion.

That didn't happen thus my opinion stays the same.

As union membership dwindles, what will be the next excuses to come up? The State of Wisconsin and all the former NWA unions vanishing in ATL is going to be a trend for things to come. The more press out there, the more the general public gets to see the reality of damage done by unions.

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