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Two people in Aviation with Kids. Does it work?

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Sad to you but true.

Ok, that's it. No matter how tempted I am to quote all of Rez's silly responses that make no sense, I am done arguing on line with a bunch of male chauvanists.

Over and out....

Because you can't.... your bitter and bile filled sociopolitical mindsets about men are false and twisted.....

Be a good girl and let your child develop his/her own ideas and not your bent understanding of it all....

Men aren't evil or the enemy...and neither are women.
interesting is Megadeths response to me, an online version of putting her fingers in her ears "I don't hear you"

also interesting is her reminder that "she also" makes 6 figures

why so much anger against men? how is the relationship with your father?
interesting is Megadeths response to me, an online version of putting her fingers in her ears "I don't hear you"

also interesting is her reminder that "she also" makes 6 figures

why so much anger against men? how is the relationship with your father?

It's because you are sooooooo right. :rolleyes:

I don't have anger towards men, I just will not put myself in a situation where I am dependent on someone else for everything.

My alcoholic father committed suicide 25 years ago. That's how my relationship is. Psychobabble that one.
My alcoholic father committed suicide 25 years ago. That's how my relationship is. Psychobabble that one.

Well sorry to hear about that. Your somewhat "radical" stance is largely due to you observing your mother work extra hard, etc, to take care of the family, without the help of a father.

The absence of this father possibly left you without a "father figure" to look up to (or not), and without a male role model (to share with a female role model), you were left on your own to shape your impression and interpretations of men. Some of this based on your mom, peers, media, outside influences.

Now, lets also point out that a father who abuses his kids, that household is indeed better off with no father in the house. But, barring those types of circumstances, having a father and a mother at home, is arguably the most healthy thing for a kids upbringing.

With that said, you were left "holding the bag" after three high-impact issues affected your life. 1) No father at home. This can be a problem (or not) in and of itself. 2) Your father was an alcoholic. This is another potential problem, subjected you to witness this and be exposed to this. 3) Father's suicide. This is a huge impacted to a kids life, with the kids always asking "why" and the natural inclination is direct them blame back to themselves.

In my opinion, all of the events turned you into a goal driven woman. Some of it was love for aviation, but some of it was "I will prove to him" what I can do, "I will show him."

I believe that you likely promised yourself at an early age that you would "never rely on a man" and flash forward to today, and we are on FlightInfo talking about this very subject.

While we all have skeletons and stories in our past, it is unfair to make our kids pay for the credit card bill of emotional debt that we ran up in our lives.
In my opinion, all of the events turned you into a goal driven woman. Some of it was love for aviation, but some of it was "I will prove to him" what I can do, "I will show him."

I believe that you likely promised yourself at an early age that you would "never rely on a man" and flash forward to today, and we are on FlightInfo talking about this very subject.

While we all have skeletons and stories in our past, it is unfair to make our kids pay for the credit card bill of emotional debt that we ran up in our lives.

Bravo! Bravo! You hit the nail on the head!

I never said I was going to make my kids pay. I know plenty of messed up kids that had mommy at home all the time. Heck, Rez is all full of himself and yet his kids might end up being the most f***ed up out of them all. After all, look at their father. :laugh:
Bravo! Bravo! You hit the nail on the head!

I never said I was going to make my kids pay. I know plenty of messed up kids that had mommy at home all the time. Heck, Rez is all full of himself and yet his kids might end up being the most f***ed up out of them all. After all, look at their father. :laugh:

First, while you did not say it, your actions may cause them to pay. Second, there is some internal character trait that causes you to lash out.

We were discussing your issues, and then suddenly, you bring Rez into this discussion. The focus of this dialogue is you, nobody else, and not another man. It is not Rez.

This demonstrates larger issues beyond "I gotta take care of myself" and indicates a definite negativity towards men.

We all understand and salute you, with the "Hey, I ain't relying on no man" mantra. Fine, roger that, received.

However lashing out and dragging other people thru the mud does nothing for your own credibility.

Lets take a second look at your reply

Bravo! Bravo! You hit the nail on the head!

I never said I was going to make my kids pay. I know plenty of messed up kids that had mommy at home all the time. Heck, Rez is all full of himself and yet his kids might end up being the most f***ed up out of them all. After all, look at their father. :laugh:

Are you trying to vindicate yourself, because aware that you do work fulltime, you feel it necessary to point out that stay-at-home moms have messed up kids also?
Are you trying to vindicate yourself, because aware that you do work fulltime, you feel it necessary to point out that stay-at-home moms have messed up kids also?

Uh, no. I don't need to explain myself or vindicate myself to anyone. What I do is my business.

All I'm saying is that just because mommy stays at home doesn't guarantee a thing except that mommy will be completely dependent on her spouse and will be running around looking for alimony and child support should divorce time ever come. Personally, I wouldn't want to be in that situation. Call it "issues" or whatever, that's fine, but I won't be in that type of situation, EVER.
Exactly, and when the EX wife does go looking for support, all the men call her a gold digger and tell her to go find a job. You just can't win. Either she works or she doesn't. If she doesn't, then you better expect to support her well because if you don't, the courts will insist upon it.

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