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Two people in Aviation with Kids. Does it work?

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And this is a problem with our society. We're programmed that if we don't make our own money we are trapped and dependant. Like an indentured servant. Is that the secret power to female emanciaption? Get your own money?

What "your own money" also does is make people incredibly portable and non committal.... hence the divorce rate. Why have character, integrity and loyalty to your spouse when you can simply say "up yours...

Well, what do you call it? Independent? Of course if you don't make your own money you are trapped and dependent. I think it's great you are loyal to your spouse and committed. Unfortunately, look at the divorce rate, many are not. The divorce rate has nothing to do with the fact that women make their own money. Are you high? You cannot control what someone else is going to do. In a perfect world, my spouse would bring home the money and I could be June Cleaver.....well guess what? Many people find themselves majorly hosed by their spouse. Then their only way out is to run around the courts looking for alimony. Well, if you CHOOSE to put yourself in that type of situation, YOU ARE THE BIGGEST FOOL IN THE WORLD AND I DON'T FEEL SORRY FOR YOU. Any woman that does this is an idiot!

I cannot even believe that you would say that your own money makes you portable and non commital. I guess it's better to not have your own, your husband controls you and you are stuck (maybe get the $hit beat out of you every day) but that's ok, because you should be 100% committed to making the marriage work. Get your head out of the sand. Women used to have no choice....get married, have kids, stay at home and HOPE your husband is not an a$$hole. If he is......sssshhhhhhh.....we don't want to tell anyone because it might look bad. I wonder how many women from the 1950's had a happy life under their husband's every control. I'm sure that image makes you drool, doesn't it? You would just love that, wouldn't you?

Dude, it's easy for you to preach on here about crap that's none of your business. You are a MAN. It's none of your business to preach about what women should do. How about if men stay at home raising the kids and women go out there and bring home the bacon? Would that be ok with you? Would it be fine with you to be completely financially dependent on your wife? Huh? Huh?
Moms should be home with the kids, and dad should be working.

No, I didn't say mom should be in the kitchen and barefoot, women activists in the audience, take note.

AGAIN, mom should be home with the kids.

MEN should shut their pie holes.

AGAIN, MEN....yes, you all with the 3 inchers, should shut their pie holes. :nuts:

This thread was not started to hear your f***ing opinions. She asked if 2 people in aviation with kids can work. The answer is YES and that question was already answered.

So ONCE AGAIN, MEN......shut your pie holes.
MEN should shut their pie holes.

AGAIN, MEN....yes, you all with the 3 inchers, should shut their pie holes. :nuts:

This thread was not started to hear your f***ing opinions. She asked if 2 people in aviation with kids can work. The answer is YES and that question was already answered.

So ONCE AGAIN, MEN.....unless you can promise me that if you ever get divorced, you will not BITCH ONE IOTA about paying $hitloads of alimony........shut your pie holes.
MEN should shut their pie holes.

AGAIN, MEN....yes, you all with the 3 inchers, should shut their pie holes. :nuts:

This thread was not started to hear your f***ing opinions. She asked if 2 people in aviation with kids can work. The answer is YES and that question was already answered.

So ONCE AGAIN, MEN......shut your pie holes.

what does this have to do with pieholes and 3 inchers?

why do you bring additional drama to this thread? What internal struggles are you grappling with?

I did not know the thread was "not started to hear m y opinion". Why was it started then? Lets see what the original poster stated

Two people in Aviation with Kids. Does it work?
Husband is a pilot, I'm a FA. We just found out we're expecting. I'm sure there are thosands of people who have done this, but how do you make it work? We're thinking about moving to where the inlaws live (so we can have a babysitter), however, that will be a 2 leg offline commute for the both of us. It's either that, or I try to hire a nanny from the location where I'm at right now. Any advice? What have you done?

hmm, yeah kinda looks like she solicited opinions. However your desire to dominate and gain control over this thread, is noted.

This could be indicative of larger issues.

Don't get mad at me because your entire sense of self-worth and self-identity is directly tied to the title "Pilot". The rest of America could care less. As a matter of fact, more and more (check recent polls and surveys) able bodied, professional women, are just saying "screw it" and staying home, to raise their kids.

Two parents in aviation, CAN it work? DOES it work? I suppose it can or does work but you need to set a performance standard, based on the upbringing of the kids.

I can drive across country without my seatbelt but that doesn't mean I should. The engine in my 2007 car does work with generic brand straight mineral oil, from Wal-Mart, on sale, but that doesn't mean it is the best thing for it. But it does work.

Your posts on this thread demonstrate a fear (you will re-label this in a subsequent reply that you are being "safe" and "preparing for just in case" but that is not true) of being "left" and being "abandoned" by the sole income earner in the family, while you (in this discussion you are assumed to be a non-income earner and stay at home mom), don't work or earn income. So you present some discussion how it is justified to work in case of divorce, etc.

However, that misses the point. By marrying right, this issue is largely prevented. Of course, choice of spouse or partner never came into this discussion did it.

Good luck with your issues and yes, you should know with 2900+ posts that Flightinfo is all about opinion.

Signed: Pilot by job (it pays the rent, and its a fun way to spend your workday). Psychology major in college. Parent by career and profession, and by CHOICE.

Self-Worth, sense of identity, value system tied to how I live my life and take care of my family, not tied to whether my license says ATP (it does) or whether I earn six figures (I do).

Thank you very much
I'm reading this and all I see is



Oh and by the way tough guy, I make 6 figures too. Funny you say your self worth is how you live your life and your family not your income but yet you couldn't resist adding in there that you DO in fact make 6 figures.



what does this have to do with pieholes and 3 inchers?

why do you bring additional drama to this thread? What internal struggles are you grappling with?

I did not know the thread was "not started to hear m y opinion". Why was it started then? Lets see what the original poster stated

hmm, yeah kinda looks like she solicited opinions. However your desire to dominate and gain control over this thread, is noted.

This could be indicative of larger issues.

Don't get mad at me because your entire sense of self-worth and self-identity is directly tied to the title "Pilot". The rest of America could care less. As a matter of fact, more and more (check recent polls and surveys) able bodied, professional women, are just saying "screw it" and staying home, to raise their kids.

Two parents in aviation, CAN it work? DOES it work? I suppose it can or does work but you need to set a performance standard, based on the upbringing of the kids.

I can drive across country without my seatbelt but that doesn't mean I should. The engine in my 2007 car does work with generic brand straight mineral oil, from Wal-Mart, on sale, but that doesn't mean it is the best thing for it. But it does work.

Your posts on this thread demonstrate a fear (you will re-label this in a subsequent reply that you are being "safe" and "preparing for just in case" but that is not true) of being "left" and being "abandoned" by the sole income earner in the family, while you (in this discussion you are assumed to be a non-income earner and stay at home mom), don't work or earn income. So you present some discussion how it is justified to work in case of divorce, etc.

However, that misses the point. By marrying right, this issue is largely prevented. Of course, choice of spouse or partner never came into this discussion did it.

Good luck with your issues and yes, you should know with 2900+ posts that Flightinfo is all about opinion.

Signed: Pilot by job (it pays the rent, and its a fun way to spend your workday). Psychology major in college. Parent by career and profession, and by CHOICE.

Self-Worth, sense of identity, value system tied to how I live my life and take care of my family, not tied to whether my license says ATP (it does) or whether I earn six figures (I do).

Thank you very much
Oh boy, I see Rez is on this thread. Can't wait to see what else the MAN is going to say.

MEN just shut your pie holes. Just like abortion...it's none of your business.
Well, what do you call it? Independent? Of course if you don't make your own money you are trapped and dependent.

Maybe in your world. We bought a significant life insurance policy for my wife. Thinking about it, the value she brings to our family would have to be compensated if she passed. It would be extremely difficult for me to do this alone.. thus I ensure I treat my wife with respect, trust and loyalty. I want her to stay. She can easily find a local guy driving a Benz that is home every night. I need to ensure she doesn't go shopping.

I think it's great you are loyal to your spouse and committed. Unfortunately, look at the divorce rate, many are not.

Why get married if you are not loyal and committed. Seems to be a flaw our society brushes over...

The divorce rate has nothing to do with the fact that women make their own money. Are you high? You cannot control what someone else is going to do.

So a woman who wants out of a marriage and makes 100K doesn't think I'll just split and not have to worry about alimony?

No, you cannot control someone else.. that is the trick to human interaction, honey. You have to behave in a way that allows poeple to want to stay with you.

I am not saying women shouldn't make thier own money, I am just saying if they do, it is much easier to divorce...

Thus the world before female emanicaption.... Men and women needed each other. Men couldn't do it alone and neither could women. And many marriages were out of survival not love. But they stayed together because they had too.... and that was good for the kids..

In a perfect world, my spouse would bring home the money and I could be June Cleaver.....well guess what? Many people find themselves majorly hosed by their spouse.

It takes two... majorly hosed? OK... but there is some responsibility for getting hosed. Bad choice of a spouse? Did something to piss off spouse... In this country marriage is of free will. You act like girls are married off by thier fathers for a dowry... Get real. Take responsibility for your actions, life and marriage. Quit blaming men for your misery.

Then their only way out is to run around the courts looking for alimony. Well, if you CHOOSE to put yourself in that type of situation, YOU ARE THE BIGGEST FOOL IN THE WORLD AND I DON'T FEEL SORRY FOR YOU. Any woman that does this is an idiot!

I agree.. So choose a spouse that you can live with.

I cannot even believe that you would say that your own money makes you portable and non commital. I guess it's better to not have your own, your husband controls you and you are stuck (maybe get the $hit beat out of you every day) but that's ok, because you should be 100% committed to making the marriage work.

You seem to be contridicting yourself... I thought a woman should take repsonsibility for herself and choose a good partner...

Get your head out of the sand. Women used to have no choice....get married, have kids, stay at home and HOPE your husband is not an a$$hole.

Another contridiction.. you don't seem to know what you want... Its too bad you don't think women are smart enough to choose a long term mate. That they are too weak to determine character. That they marry and have to hope the man isn't a jerk. Women had choice back then and now.

If he is......sssshhhhhhh.....we don't want to tell anyone because it might look bad. I wonder how many women from the 1950's had a happy life under their husband's every control. I'm sure that image makes you drool, doesn't it? You would just love that, wouldn't you?

I think you got a raw deal and bad programming from the feminazi's.... Maybe you should talk to someone.. get some therapy.

Dude, it's easy for you to preach on here about crap that's none of your business. You are a MAN.

Wow, men are 49% of this world and I should have no say, about marriage and raising kids. I have two kids. How many do you have?

It's none of your business to preach about what women should do. How about if men stay at home raising the kids and women go out there and bring home the bacon? Would that be ok with you? Would it be fine with you to be completely financially dependent on your wife? Huh? Huh?

I already stated that. If a couple decides that a man stays at home and the woman work...great. that is thier choice. At least they are taking responsibility for thier kids.
A very sad commentary, indeed.

Sad to you but true.

Ok, that's it. No matter how tempted I am to quote all of Rez's silly responses that make no sense, I am done arguing on line with a bunch of male chauvanists.

Over and out....

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