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To ALL UNITED pilots courtesy of ALL UAX carriers and their pilots

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Hey ALPO fix the problem! what 2% of pilot pay isn't enough? For Gods sack we launched men to the Moon and Back 39 years ago with a computer that is about is smart as your cell phone.
Stop the Bit#%ing you Liberal Obama Supprts and CHANGE the program. (the letter got your attention didn't?!? that was the whole point suckaaaa)

Bad precident to set there Newpilot.
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Funny. Seems there were plenty of funds available to make the recent changes to UAX priorities, i.e., K1 - Go-Jets, TSA; K2 SKW, et al.; L - Mesa, et al.
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SkyWest is also L.
Now when exactly did the UALMEC tell you to piss off then?

July 1st, 2007. This is the date SkyWest, Mesa, Chitaco were all given the L priority. Essentially kicking sand in their faces. For one year now the UAX JSC have been trying to negotiate to no avail.
Hey ALPO fix the problem! what 2% of pilot pay isn't enough? For Gods sack we launched men to the Moon and Back 39 years ago with a computer that is about is smart as your cell phone.
Stop the Bit#%ing you Liberal Obama Supprts and CHANGE the program. (the letter got your attention didn't?!? that was the whole point suckaaaa)

Your not helping go slither back under that rock you came from.
July 1st, 2007. This is the date SkyWest, Mesa, Chitaco were all given the L priority. Essentially kicking sand in their faces. For one year now the UAX JSC have been trying to negotiate to no avail.

It would appear "manpower and resources" were not so limited that they couldn't make yet another change.
July 1st, 2007. This is the date SkyWest, Mesa, Chitaco were all given the L priority. Essentially kicking sand in their faces. For one year now the UAX JSC have been trying to negotiate to no avail.

From what I understand it was UNITED's computer issue that is really the problem here. I can understand your frustrations with it and I do NOT condone the very few UAL pilots that took advantage of the "glitch" to get onboard a UAX airplane with employees of that same airline waiting for the same seat.

I just think there MUST have been another way to go about it - to write a inflammatory letter to all the UAL Pilots was not a smart move.

With 950 of us on the street by the end of next year (minus mitigation which is ongoing) - it hit a nerve with alot of them. I also believe that there are tools on both sides. I have heard of UAL pilots thinking (it has UAL paint so I MUST have priority complexes). On the other hand I have also heard of stories of UAX pilots bragging about their "Guppy-Killer" to mainline pilots (who were guppy drivers no less).

The absolute worst thing we can do is allow us to be pitted against each other - where only MGT wins.

Hopefully this will get resolved quickly and then promptly forgotten - we ALL have bigger fish to fry in the near future.
Walk up to the gate. Take some responsibility. Each UAX carrier capt needs to take some responsibility. Each UAL commuter should follow J/S courtesy. In a happy world it would work...did I mention its not a happy world.

Heres to hoping for a resolution by Aug. 1st.
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Walk up to the gate. Take some responsibility. Each UAX carrier capt needs to take some responsibility. Each UAL commuter should follow J/S courtesy. In a happy world it would work...did I mention its not a happy world.

Heres to hoping for a resolution by Aug. 1st.

Call your UAL MEC. Take some responsibility. Each UAL pilot needs to take some responsibility. The UAL MEC should follow J/S courtesy. In a happy world the UAL MEC would fix the glitch...Sadly you did mention that it is not a happy world.

Ditto on a resolution. Soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I agree with you 100%. The letters content and timing are terrible. It's supposed to be an information campaign and a request for help, that gets lost in the ultimatum that ends the letter. The issue beyond that is that this isn't a fight we picked. I was aware of the issue, but was never informed that this was an escalating confrontation. We were told that discussions were ongoing but the existence and content of this letter were a complete surprise. I do commute and have always been treated with respect by UAL crews. It's ok for us to discuss differences, but to punish or threaten other pilot groups is counter productive.
Ultimately, what was really an inconvenience may turn into something that causes years of ill will. This career is hard enough, I don't need that.
July 1st, 2007. This is the date SkyWest, Mesa, Chitaco were all given the L priority. Essentially kicking sand in their faces. For one year now the UAX JSC have been trying to negotiate to no avail.

You know this isn't the first time jumpseat priorities and the like got switched around and screwed up in UA's computers for periods of time. Remember the drama about exclusive vs. non-exclusive UAX carriers and the resulting shuffles? Funny thing is none of us acted like 2 year olds about it and it got fixed a lot smoother with a lot less ruffled feathers. This has zero chance of getting resolved amicably, no matter who 'wins' as we'll likely be reading about random jumpseat star wars over this for several years to come.

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