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"The New ATA"

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Pickle said:
Most of the Air Tran people on here have said that they can't wait for the takeover so they can upgrade to the left seat and that it is not a merger so the ATA group should be happy to get the preferential interviews being suggested.
I just talked to a 717 F/O friend of mine. We both said that this really stinks for the ATA guys. He was former TWA, and I was former US Airways, and we both are very grateful to have jobs. We are also both VERY sympathetic to the uncertainty of your situation. I've also made it a point to tell every AirTran employee I know that I have lots of respect for ATA pilots...you are really a bunch of good guys.

This INDUSTRY is crazy. Maybe I'll win the next powerball. The odds of winning that seem better than the odds of not getting furloughed!
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I worked for the orginal Midway Airlines from 1986 to 1991 and went through this same roller coaster ride in the early 90's that ATA is going through right now. It sucks the big one to say the least and in the end Management was only in it to save there own ass! I held out with the hope that someone would relaize Midway Airlines assets that we had and would buy the airline in one piece possibly saving me some type of senority etc. I delayed sending out resumes and applications. In the end our assets or lack there of were alot cheaper to obtain when we were liquidated. I am only going by experiance and unfortuneatly ATA seems to be heading down the same road at the same airport with multiple bidders as the orginal Midway Airlines did. I wish the ATA guys and gals the best for sure but if I can give you any advice from my past is to "NOT" wait until suddenly the rug is pulled out from under your feet. I know the industry is in the toilet right now but I wouldnt wait a minute longer than I had to, to start getting your resumes/applications out. I would start the rebuilding process right now and network with any prior airline friends you have. If there is a merger type arangement that would be great for all concerned. If all else fails and your current job is lost you will have a head start on your competition. If you get offered a job elsewhere in the interm, then thats when you have to make the decision. I was out of flying for 6 months and worked various dead end jobs until I got back into the cockpit. Not bad but it could have been better if I was more aggresive before the lights where turned off and I was standing there with no income, a house, 2 kids and a wife!
Pickle said:
Fargin Dooshbahg, the frag clause IS worth plenty, even though we are in CH.11. It becomes worthless if the judge deems it so. That has not happened yet, therefore it is still valid.
Just in case you didn't know what happened to the TWA pilots' successorship clauses, we were told to eliminate it otherwise the judge would abdicate our entire contract. Thus we made the decision we were coerced into doing and eliminated the clauses. Subsequently certain AA pilots liked to say that those TWA guys did it to ensure the sale went through. To the victors go the spoils...

I have very little influence being a probationary pilot at AWA but I have spoken out and shall continue speaking to my colleagues to put away their staple guns. I sense it'll be an uphill battle. Merger, acquisition, career expectations; thems are fighting words that have been used against me that I shan't use against anybody else. Again, good luck guys.
TWA Dude said:
I have spoken out and shall continue speaking to my colleagues to put away their staple guns.
That's very kind and understanding of you, probably because you've already had to live the nightmare yourself. The others, well, I hope they can be persuaded of the value of cohesiveness and unity. It wasn't too long ago that the AWA pilots were walking around in contract negotiations saying "ATA or NO WAY!" Perhaps having some of us on the property wouldn't be such a terrible thing.

I am actually not that concerned about the outcome of a deal with AWA, I think in the long run it will work out OK. The Airtran deal, on the other hand, is a bloodbath. And the resulting shell of a company that will be left is of questionable economic value.

mt2 said:
OK, I'll be man enough to admit I expect more than a staple job with an AWA deal. Hey, they're talking about a no cash deal here.
While I can "understand" your position it still does not make it right. Yes it's true, if there is an AWA/ATA deal, you'll most likely get more than a staple job. But to say that you expect it is a whole different matter. It may be a no cash offer but don't forget sir your company is failing. This is not a merger during good times. If you were homeless and someone took you in would you live in the house like it was yours all along? Or would show some respect and treat the host family and their home as though it was a great blessing to you. You are NOT owed anything. Nor are we. But an attitude like that will piss a lot of people off.
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[ It may be a no cash offer but don't forget sir your company is failing. This is not a merger during good times. If you were homeless and someone took you in would you live in the house like it was yours all along? Or would show some respect and treat the host family and their home as though it was a great blessing to you. You are NOT owed anything. Nor are we. But an attitude like that will piss a lot of people off.[/QUOTE]

Good analogy.
jettypeguy said:
I would rather be stapled to the bottom at a AWA than have to interview for a position at C8....
Nice....too good to fly a Saab? I could just see your attitude if you did stoop low enough....."I have 8000 hours......I have so much experience". C8 is better off without people like that.
Once upon a time

Once upon a time there was a part of the De-Reg act that stated if any existing airline in 1978 failed due to De-Reg and the airplanes were acquired by another company the pilot would be protected. The pilots would flow to the new owner with the airplane. EAL failed in 1991, the airplanes went to AAL and NWA (I believe) but the unions at both airlines took it to court to ensure the pilots did not flow with the airplanes. Correct me if I am wrong, it has been awhile.
capt. megadeth said:
Nice....too good to fly a Saab? I could just see your attitude if you did stoop low enough....."I have 8000 hours......I have so much experience". C8 is better off without people like that.
no dumbass, maybe if you read the thread and understood what we are talking about, which is either an Airtran Deal which includes preferential interviews at C8 as they acquire regional jets, or a possible buy-out by AWA with staple to their pilot list. Just stating I would perfer the AWA deal...go back to hanger 18 and bang your head some more.....
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Why don't YOU learn how to spell.....dumbass. I was in Hangar 18 last night banging my head. :)

jettypeguy said:
no dumass, maybe if you read the thread and understood what we are talking about, which is either an Airtran Deal which includes preferential interviews at C8 as they acquire regional jets, or a possible buy-out by AWA with staple to their pilot list. Just stating I would perfer the AWA deal...go back to hanger 18 and bang your head some more.....

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