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"The New ATA"

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Obviously, a merger with AWA would be better for the ATA pilots than the AAI deal. I, personally, am hoping that whatever is best for the ATA pilots is the final deal that gets done; I think most of us at AirTran can sympathize with the ATA pilots' situation.
I agree with Ty.

I hope the ATA gets a deal that protects the pilots jobs. We (AirTran) have planes coming next year anyway, if not MDW then they'll put them somewhere else (DFW?).
To add my 1/50 of a dollar:

Those I've spoken with don't expect the moon in an ATA/AWA deal, but they are at least interested in taking us with the deal. No one else has given any indication that they would do so. Hence, everyone I've spoken with her is pulling for the AWA option (self included). Actually, I'm pulling for FedEx to acquire us and staple us at the top of their list (hey, a guy can dream, right?).

I'll edit this and agree with what MT2 said below - there are ways (if those involved are interested in seeking them out) of looking out for the interests of all involved, so that (on the whole) everyone benefits in the long run.
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OK, I'll be man enough to admit I expect more than a staple job with an AWA deal. Hey, they're talking about a no cash deal here. One could reasonably foresee some seat protection and fencing but perhaps not a straight DOH seniority deal. And, of course, any list deal would have to recognize AWA having the upper hand (like granting upgrades into on order Airbii to AWA crews only) for a specified time frame. But eventually a mutually beneficial deal would be best for the Company and the pilots in the short- and long-terms as animosity can tear a company and its pilots apart.

All that said, most ATA crews would prefer an AWA deal b/c they feel the AWA pilots would treat us the most fairly.
mt2 said:
All that said, most ATA crews would prefer an AWA deal b/c they feel the AWA pilots would treat us the most fairly.
That statement is not only unfair to the AirTran crews, it also displays a lack of understanding on your behalf.

AWA is talking merger. That means they take your assets, they take your debt. Their company is calling it a merger, which means their management intends to assume the ATA employees.

If AirTran buys some gates and slots, although it may seem like the same thing to you, the difference here is that management is not calling this a merger, and they are not assuming employees automatically. Obviously, if the pilots aren't coming with it, there isn't a basis to talk integration, is there?

I understand that emotions are running high, but to say that one pilot group would "treat you better" at this stage of the game is pure speculation, and is inherently insulting to the AirTran pilots. If you want to be accurate, say you believe "the AWA offer may treat us more fairly".

Good luck to all of you, and I mean that, but please don't assume that one pilot group is more benevolent than the other, on pure speculation. The AWA deal will probably treat the ATA pilots more fairly, but no one knows for sure what AWA's offer will be yet.
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Well, Ty, most of the AWA people posting here have said that they would welcome us and that dome sort of integration would be beneficial and could somehow be done fairly, with it being a little more fair to the AWA pilot group, of course.

Most of the Air Tran people on here have said that they can't wait for the takeover so they can upgrade to the left seat and that it is not a merger so the ATA group should be happy to get the preferential interviews being suggested. Oh, yeah, and only if we happen to live in the Chicago city limits can we get a preferential interview. That takes care of about, oh maybe 5 people.

Merger, acquisition, sell off, whatever. Like it has been said here before, it remains to be seen if the transfer of ROUTES alone is enough to trigger our fragmentation clause.

I see you recently upgraded to the left seat of the 737. I hope your tenure in the left seat is longer than mine has been.
I haven't seen anyone on this board from AirTran speculating how the deal would benefit them- not one person. I don't need it . . . none of our people need it, and most of us have been kicked in the chops by one carrier or another and know better.

My only point is that the way the two companies are describing it, the Airtran pilot group has little input into what happens to the ATA guys. You may have a very valid gripe with ATA, but I don;t think you have a valid gripe with any AirTran pilots right now, we're not writing this deal.

As I said, and a few other Airtran guys have said here, hey, whatever works better for you guys . . . we really don't need this deal. If AWA does it, more power to you.

Good luck, and I mean that sincerely.
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Pickle said:
Well, Ty, most of the AWA people posting here have said that they would welcome us and that dome sort of integration would be beneficial and could somehow be done fairly

Most of the Air Tran people on here have said that they can't wait for the takeover so they can upgrade to the left seat

Merger, acquisition, sell off, whatever. Like it has been said here before, it remains to be seen if the transfer of ROUTES alone is enough to trigger our fragmentation clause.
"Most" of the Air Tran and AWA pilots that post here (all 5 of them) definitely speak for the entire masses of both pilot groups. I guess "ATA737Capt" speaks for YOUR entire group. Get the picture? Probably not, if you post some drivel like what you posted above.

Oh and BTW, as has been REPEATEDLY stated, your "fragmentation clause" means absolutely nothing in bankruptcy. It also, in all liklihood, means about as much as the dozen or so "fragmentation clauses" of the airlines that have gone before you and been swallowed by another carrier. NONE of those were worth the paper they were written on, when all was said and done. But I suppose yours will be different. I guess you can continue to believe that until proven otherwise. My money is on the "otherwise", based on every single case that has gone before. I can't think of ANY "acquired" airline's pilot group that was happy with the scraps that they were thrown in the interest of "fairness". Everyone will talk a great game until it comes time to cut the nuts. Then they will look out for themselves, and themselves only. Just the same as you would, if the tables were turned. Of course, you might state differently...until the twine was tightly wrapped around your sack and the knife was ready.
Fargin Dooshbahg, the frag clause IS worth plenty, even though we are in CH.11. It becomes worthless if the judge deems it so. That has not happened yet, therefore it is still valid.

Also, ATA737CAPT does not speak for our entire group. But please re-read my previous post, I never said that anyone speaks for any group. I said "most of the (AWA/Air Tran) people posting here". That in no way constitues a group representation.

FD, what is with the hostility?? And don't give me the "I am tired of hearing this crap" crap. From what I seem to recall from your postings you don't have a dog in this fight anyway. And the twine IS tightly wrapped around my sack.
Ty: There have been posts stating how a quicker upgrade may occur due to this , but it was not gloating. I was not trying to imply that it was gloating. And those comments are greatly in the minority. But you are pretty much correct.

I don't think I have been griping at the Air Tran pilot group, just the deal in general.

As far as FarginDooshbagh goes, I don't know what his deal is.

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