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"The New ATA"

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This board notwithstanding, public (read ATA pilot group) opinion is very much in AWAs favor. This message board is such a miniscule sampling; it is, as you know, in no way any kind of legitimate cross section of the airline industry.

At any rate, on our union website, and on the line, in the crew room, etc etc etc the majority are pulling for AWA to come in and take the company.
What horrible, rotten news! Bad enough being furloughed but to be getting it a second time for many is just depressing.

I still have many doubts that any AWA/ATA thing will go through but if only to protect all our jobs I'm in favor of it. Good luck, my friends.

I'll second what Pickle said (not that it needs it). In general, the only deal that ATA pilots want to go through is the America West deal.
Yeah this reinforces my thoughts on NEVER going to the airlines. I'm sorry for you guys at ATA. I guess the market will once again be flooded. At least some of you might be able to get on at UPS or SWA??? Good luck guys.
propjob27 said:
In general, the only deal that ATA pilots want to go through is the America West deal.
Why? Because you all are betting (clinging to a hope, more likely) that a "deal' with AWA will allow you to keep your seniority and seamlessly be integrated into their list by DOH?

Dream on, "Brothers". AWA pilots will absolutely, POSITIVELY do what is best for them, and a message from their MEC chairman said as much. I can't say that I blame them. If I were an AWA pilot, I would want my MEC looking out for me instead of some failing company's pilot group.

While I most definitely sympathize with the ATA pilots and hope they come out of this with something positve, I really don't see a deal with ANY carrier that will protect everything that you have worked at ATA to achieve. That boat is sinking, and to expect another company to come in and save the day, especially at the expense of even one of their pilots, is unrealistic to say the least, and simply isn't going to happen. No matter how hard you wish and hope and believe that it is.
FarginDooshbahg said:
Because you all are betting (clinging to a hope, more likely) that a "deal' with AWA will allow you to keep your seniority and seamlessly be integrated into their list by DOH?
Well, considering that an AWA offer is the only one that will include pilots I can understand them being in favor of it. Priority One: save job. Priority Two: save seniority. They have their priorities straight.
FarginDooshbahg said:
Why? Because you all are betting (clinging to a hope, more likely) that a "deal' with AWA will allow you to keep your seniority and seamlessly be integrated into their list by DOH?

Dream on, "Brothers". AWA pilots will absolutely, POSITIVELY do what is best for them, and a message from their MEC chairman said as much. I can't say that I blame them. If I were an AWA pilot, I would want my MEC looking out for me instead of some failing company's pilot group.

While I most definitely sympathize with the ATA pilots and hope they come out of this with something positve, I really don't see a deal with ANY carrier that will protect everything that you have worked at ATA to achieve. That boat is sinking, and to expect another company to come in and save the day, especially at the expense of even one of their pilots, is unrealistic to say the least, and simply isn't going to happen. No matter how hard you wish and hope and believe that it is.
That's a pretty negative spin on it. Yes you are right the AWA MEC will look out for AWA pilots. As they should! But I believe the responses from the ATA guys were to point out that it is the best possible scenario. Yes it sucks for them but it is better than a preferential interview or the street. Just my opinion. I sincerely hope that the ATA folks get the best possible outcome no matter what that may be...
FarginDooshbahg said:
Why? Because you all are betting (clinging to a hope, more likely) that a "deal' with AWA will allow you to keep your seniority and seamlessly be integrated into their list by DOH?

Dream on, "Brothers". AWA pilots will absolutely, POSITIVELY do what is best for them, and a message from their MEC chairman said as much. I can't say that I blame them. If I were an AWA pilot, I would want my MEC looking out for me instead of some failing company's pilot group.

While I most definitely sympathize with the ATA pilots and hope they come out of this with something positve, I really don't see a deal with ANY carrier that will protect everything that you have worked at ATA to achieve. That boat is sinking, and to expect another company to come in and save the day, especially at the expense of even one of their pilots, is unrealistic to say the least, and simply isn't going to happen. No matter how hard you wish and hope and believe that it is.

Uh I don't think I have read any ATA pilot say anything about wanting a seamless DOH integration. You seem to be some crusty old fart that has a bad attitude about everything you talk about. The only thing that our pilot group wants is to be treated with respect. Hopefully you will not bring your current company down with your "realistic" look on things fargindooshbag.
Yes, FarginDooshbahg, the AWA pilot group will do what is best for them. However, they also have said that they are looking at an integration of some sorts, as opposed to "preferential interviews".

We are not clinging to anything. We are simply being realistic.

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