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You should know me better than that! I'm just done fighting with you guys. That way when SWAPA gets me a killer deal I can say I didn't care either way and "beers are on me." :laugh:

Lear 70
Irritated people will dig their feet in on a debate and become hostile. Again, something we DON'T need. I understand people like Bob Dylan and Cometman who don't work at either carrier tossing a little gasoline on the fire, it's FlightInfo, that's normal ops here. But people who actually WORK for our carriers don't need to be poking each other in the eye with the proverbial stick, do we?

I do not post the same as Bob Dylan. I asked questions that makes you debate. The subject you are debating right now is something I asked before. I am curious and want to hear from both sides.
Lear 70
Irritated people will dig their feet in on a debate and become hostile. Again, something we DON'T need. I understand people like Bob Dylan and Cometman who don't work at either carrier tossing a little gasoline on the fire, it's FlightInfo, that's normal ops here. But people who actually WORK for our carriers don't need to be poking each other in the eye with the proverbial stick, do we?

I do not post the same as Bob Dylan. I asked questions that makes you debate. The subject you are debating right now is something I asked before. I am curious and want to hear from both sides.

I think you forgot which user name you were posting under there tex. It appears you are exactly what you claim not to be. Some guy just trying to stir the pot.
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I do not post the same as Bob Dylan. I asked questions that makes you debate. The subject you are debating right now is something I asked before. I am curious and want to hear from both sides.
No, you don't, but some of the way you ask your questions seem geared towards a specific side and have provoked some of our more "vocal" pilots to respond more aggressively than they might have otherwise, and any time I see that from someone without a dog in the hunt, my immediate first reaction is "Provocateur".

That may just be perception, as message boards are, by large, very BAD ways to try to communicate. Body language and tone is lost (80% of that non-verbal communication picture) and people say things in anonymity they might not otherwise say in person (not you specifically, just dangers of a message board).
No, you don't, but some of the way you ask your questions seem geared towards a specific side and have provoked some of our more "vocal" pilots to respond more aggressively than they might have otherwise, and any time I see that from someone without a dog in the hunt, my immediate first reaction is "Provocateur".

That may just be perception, as message boards are, by large, very BAD ways to try to communicate. Body language and tone is lost (80% of that non-verbal communication picture) and people say things in anonymity they might not otherwise say in person (not you specifically, just dangers of a message board).

Thanks for clarifying that. I could ask the same question different but then the SWA guys will think I am leaning toward Airtran. Either way somebody will feel hurt. The main thing is to ask questions. I am sure if I ask the question then it must be something that needs to be answered. Unless it is something you do not want to hear or to think about.
You can say that again. AirTran captains are basically willing to destroy a great company all for their greed!

Dude, we STILL hear your broken record skipping....skip....skip....skip....skip....

1. Staple is the only fair thing

2. Have a vote on a staple

3. AirTran Captains are greedy

I know this is a rhetorical question:
Would you rather this not go through (considering your latest TA) and stay as AAI?
As for the JCBA. It is hard for me to say if this would be a good deal or not for SWA pilots. Obviously it would be a good deal for AT pilots as the disparity between the contracts is well known. I think the majority of SWA pilots acknowledge this disparity and are keeping their cards with their M&A team. We have our own issues, 800s, Hawaii, growth, displacements, and a CEO who is growing by 25% by not upgrading a single pilot on the SWA seniority list. I apologize if SWA pilots are a little distracted right now. Nothing personal folks but life is not getting better for a lot of SWA pilots in the short term in regards to this acquisition. And this 18 months dude who preaches that his TA will trump everything else, you are a broken record, and need a time out.
Lear70, I understand that without the acquisition you would upgrade in 2 or so years and enjoy roughly 5% increase over SWA FO straight pay. But you would be at the TOP of your earning potential. No further raises, save for longevity. With the acquisition you would have another 50% raise waiting for you after upgrade. Which do you want? Just want to make sure I understand.

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