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Let's assume the ATN/ALPA crew had the authority to negate the merger after 18 months. Let's assume they exercise that authority.

How do you think that would go over with the majority AAI pilot group?

Who said anything about negating the merger? That's not what an expedited arbitration would do.

What contract are you refering too? Is it the TA that just came out? I don't remember you having a 18 month closing date in your previous contract.

Don't need to. The CBA in place on the transaction date is binding, not the old contract.
Who said anything about negating the merger? That's not what an expedited arbitration would do.

Don't need to. The CBA in place on the transaction date is binding, not the old contract.

Is the transaction date when the deal was made or when the deal is closed?
Cruncher and Hose: well, seeing as I don't really get a vote, not that it matters, but,,, ;)

I've said from the beginning that I'm excited about the possibilities this brings for all the employees of both companies and their customers.

I love the idea that I will work for a carrier that actually flies into my home town and I can actually USE my pass privileges for a change. The fact that this is a focus city and might someday be a base is even better!

I like the idea of a management team that functions more closely to my own work ethic, not to mention the fact that they've successfully managed a company with NO furloughs in their fairly-lengthy existence, and focus on their employees as their primary customer.

While the pay and benefits are undeniably better, I will miss the quicker upgrade and have a natural fear for getting bumped out of my new base (MCO) and being pushed WAY down the list (a staple would mean I might only have 5-6 years left to fly after I upgrade, IF I upgrade).

It's all about perspective. I've been furloughed twice with one failed carrier (among other hiccups in my career), so in many ways I'm just happy to be here and my main focus is "what if the worst happens"? Being a 29-year-old 727 Captain didn't do me much good when the company was out of business 6 months later, nor did being an off-the-street CA at a Regional when the airline furloughed most of us just 30 days after we were online, and I've therefore taken a lot of life's lessons about job security (or lack thereof) in the aviation world to heart, not that I think Southwest is in dire straits whatsoever, but we're pilots... we're always contingency planning... especially those of us who've been "bitten" before.

However, my thoughts likely aren't the same as a junior F/O or a CA. I'm sure there's a few AAI Senior CA's who don't like that the deal is happening (and one F/O I can think of ;) ), just as much as I'm sure that without a doubt the new-hires in class are doing back-flips, knowing they'd be in the bottom of the list either way and just increased their career earnings by at least 60-70% with a better reserve life and increased stability with one of the best airlines in the world.

In truth, none of us have a say in it, we're just along for the ride and I'm happy to be here. And since I think the integration won't ever approach a staple, I'm happy it's happening and will sit in the right seat until I upgrade, however the SLI goes, and say "I'll have the chicken, Captain, and shall I take the ugly one?" :D
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I guess we need a side letter is ours then that states we STAPLE all aquired pilots. Works for me. Wake up and stop dreaming. The trannies and their I want everything attitudes will ruin SWA.
Lear70, I understand that without the acquisition you would upgrade in 2 or so years and enjoy roughly 5% increase over SWA FO straight pay. But you would be at the TOP of your earning potential. No further raises, save for longevity. With the acquisition you would have another 50% raise waiting for you after upgrade. Which do you want? Just want to make sure I understand.

So whats your point???? What does that have to do with SLI? A few of you SWA guys are clueless-will make for a rough start for all of us. Why are you so jealous that we get a raise? Because all you care about is yourself and whats in it for you. Our low pay the past decade helped to build a quality LCC which your company wanted badly enough to pay a couple billion for if you include our debt in the mix. So we have earned the pay raise and SWA will get their growth.

Vixin, Bob Dyldo, etc. aren't even worth interacting with. Their viewpoints are so extreme, it's like trying to reason with a 2 year-old who's crabby, crappy, and needs a nap.
On of the best advocates for Airtran getting a fair shake in the airlines integration is Gary Kelly. He has said several times that without this acquisition, SWA would not be hiring for the next 2 years. Id imagine the arbitrator(s) will have the video/transcrips of Mr. Kelly's positive comments on opportunity and growth this acquisition gives the employees or SWA. I think this acquisition injects energy into SWA and will make many airlines nervous, aka Delta.
It will all be better when my fellow SWAPA pilots realize that the AAI pilots wil be awarded at least the first 1700 spots on the new seniority list. I'm sure thats the staple that they keep talking about. I'll still buy the beer when I'm pulling gear for the AAI guy that was in class the date the acquistion was announced.
I guess we need a side letter is ours then that states we STAPLE all aquired pilots. Works for me. Wake up and stop dreaming. The trannies and their I want everything attitudes will ruin SWA.

Vixin, that's a chick name, right? If so, I can understand the monthly mood swings and irrational temper........
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