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It will all be better when my fellow SWAPA pilots realize that the AAI pilots wil be awarded at least the first 1700 spots on the new seniority list. I'm sure thats the staple that they keep talking about. I'll still buy the beer when I'm pulling gear for the AAI guy that was in class the date the acquistion was announced.

It was funny the first time guy. Time to put that old joke out to pasture.
What joke? From my perspective This is a very likely outcome 1700 AAI pilots on top of me on the seniority list. I have to have a sense of humor about this or it would drive me crazy.:D
So whats your point???? What does that have to do with SLI? A few of you SWA guys are clueless-will make for a rough start for all of us. Why are you so jealous that we get a raise? Because all you care about is yourself and whats in it for you. Our low pay the past decade helped to build a quality LCC which your company wanted badly enough to pay a couple billion for if you include our debt in the mix. So we have earned the pay raise and SWA will get their growth.
Relax Max, rich is the one who brought up "lost pay". My point is that he will be better off pay wise at SWA even with longer upgrade, so he needn't lose any sleep. I just didn't want Rich to worry.
Is the transaction date when the deal was made or when the deal is closed?

When the deal closes.

I guess we need a side letter is ours then that states we STAPLE all aquired pilots. Works for me. Wake up and stop dreaming. The trannies and their I want everything attitudes will ruin SWA.

You can't enforce side letters that aren't consistent with federal law. Sorry.
In the integration, some of us (myself included) may get our upgrade delayed by YEARS, and we're just gonna have to suck that up if it works out that way. Under the new T.A., that's going to cost me between $6,000 and $10,000 per year moving forward over SWA F/O rates..

You need to take a closer look at our contract. Every AAI pilot gets a raise - EVEN IF THERE ARE DOWNGRADES. Making the trip conversion is tough, but to really understand you need to dig into our work rules.

You are gonna LUV it here brother!
When the deal closes.

You are wrong on so many levels.

Oh forget it!!

Whats the use. If all your rhetoric makes you feel better so be it, I hope you will be able to deal with it when your expectations fall well short of your "know it all" speculation!
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.... have a natural fear for getting bumped out of my new base (MCO) and being pushed WAY down the list

This is the big one for many. We have set on reserve in some of the most unbelievably unsafe areas for 2 1/2 years waiting to get SOMEWHAT closer to home. $8000 is what I have spent on hotel's since coming to SWA. To be able to drive to work is huge, as all of the Tranny commuters know. To have the fence come down around Atl, opens all the bases in our system. To get bumped out of a base, to me, is the equivalent of getting bumped out of a seat. You are right, it is all about perspective. To be bumped out of a base after the SLI is.....kind of like being bumped out of a seat, or losing an anticipated upgrade, wouldn't you say?
If can't come to terms guess what=ARBITRATION = wonder how they will rule? I think SWAPA would rather control the numbers then let it go to arbitration.

Bet they don't rule like AA and TWA

Bet they rule more like DL/NWA=alot smoother !

It is all about ATL, and INTL, and Reservation computer system !

They don't care about our sen. number !
I think you might be surprised how an arbitration agreement would look like.

There really is no similarities with AAI/SW and DL/NW. None.

If you took the time to run the numbers, with a complete AAI staple every Airtran pilot would significantly increase their career earnings all the way to age 65. Period, end of story. That shows how much of a windfall this deal is for you guys.

I'm not saying a staple will happen, I'm just using it as an example and that's exactly the same stuff the arbiter will take into account. Just the same it won't be realitive seniority either.

I've heard the Airtran ALPA team is made up of some level headed, realistic guys, and that sounds like a good thing for everyone. I'm still hoping for an agreement on SLI. But have no worries that the list of gains is completely stacked on the AAI side and don't have any issues taking it to arbitration.


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