True colors brother?
Tell ya what, I read this thread and my guts sagged just a little. In an anonomoyus situation people tend to voice their true opinions. If, and I say if, the majority of the SWA posters are in fact SWA guys, it's sad. To the guy who stated he was harmed because he would retire at 400 vs 100, in a company with more than 600, that's not just petty, it has childish smeared all over it.
Debate, involves logic, facts and a little bit of passion. What we have here is a lot of passion, little or no logic and very few facts, but what they hey it's FI. While I have never considered SWA not AT as choices, just not my style nor location. This type of rhetoric just inflames, and leads to angst, like what AW is experiencing. No one on a seniority list "wins", only the corporation does. SW may have bought AT, but the lists will be merged voluntarily, of they will be done by an arbitrator, that's the law.
Don't get me wrong, the AT guys are getting a good deal by just becoming
SWA guys, the SWA guys benefit from the increased flying that AT brought
with them, route wise and airframes, every body benefits, and everybody will pay a little also, seniority wise and position wise.
So continue the chest thumping and peeing in each others coffee cups, but remember for every poster there is probably 5 who just read and not post.
BTW, I have been in the business for a long time, and come here to chuckle and sling a little poo too, but this has just struck me as plain mean.
Good post. There is an adage that after a merger the only way you can tell if it was fair is if everyone is mad.